You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!Ye Zhiqiu's spiritual thoughts spread to the surroundings, and finally, he found his clone and Tang Sanning Rongrong and others in the small forest outside Shrek Academy.

The Madara avatar who was rubbing Dai Mubai on the ground with a bored expression on his face immediately noticed the peeping of the divine sense from Ye Zhiqiu's deity, and looked at Tang San and others with a kind smile, "The boring course is over, you guys It's really weak, meaningless at all, it will be indefinite later."

As Madara finished speaking, he immediately left Tang San and others behind, and used the Flying Thunder God to come to Ye Zhiqiu's side, "My deity, I can leave first. Those little rookies are particularly boring. They are always tossing. I'm almost tired when I'm working hard."

"Thanks." Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, took out the Uchiha group fan from the black jade bracelet, and threw it to him, "Fortunately, you have to work hard. Go ahead and do it."

Madara's eyes lit up, and he caught the Uchiha group's fan and waved it a few times, and said, "Good thing, I'm not in vain this time. Thanks, I'm leaving now."

Watching Madara's clone teleport and disappear, Ye Zhiqiu gnawed the roast chicken while using Fei Lei Shen.

"What did the devil just say?" A fat man who looked like Ma Hongjun asked the person next to him with trembling lips.

"After he said it will be indefinite..." Hearing the voice, this was Tang San, but if he looked at his face, he might not recognize it.

Dai Mubai, who was lying on the ground, had no expression on his face, his mouth grinned, "It seems to be saved..."

Just as several people were fortunate that the devil had finally gone, a burst of red light appeared where Madara's clone had disappeared.

Tang Sanba, who was sitting or lying down in various positions, was suddenly excited...

This familiar way of playing, isn't Nima going to be indefinitely?Why are you back...

The red light dissipated, and it was Ye Zhiqiu's face that was struggling to laugh in front of a group of people.

"Hey, who is who this is, I almost can't recognize it..."

Seeing how miserable a group of people was, Ye Zhiqiu laughed unkindly.

On the court, apart from a few girls who could be clearly identified, the men Dai Mubai and Tang San had blue noses and swollen faces. If it weren't for their clothes and figures, Ye Zhiqiu wouldn't be able to identify them.

Your mother couldn't recognize this sentence, it was fully reflected in a few people.

As for Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wumeng, there are still four women. Although they have not been beaten in the face, their heads seem to be big out of thin air. The four of them are full of bags.

When a group of people saw that it was Ye Zhiqiu that appeared, they were all excited...

They love and hate Ye Zhiqiu now.

What you love is that you are finally willing to come back from Wuhun Hall, we don't need to be beaten so badly every day.

What I hate is the man who strikes heavily, it seems that Ye Zhiqiu called over.

On the first day, several people thought that Madara clone was called by Ye Zhiqiu to murder them. They were beaten so miserably. Tang San used all his hidden weapons angrily. However, he found his hidden weapons. It didn't have any soft effect, but was taken care of and beaten to death.

If Tang San hadn't had the strength to resist in the end, it is estimated that Madara Clone would continue to beat him down.

"Boss Autumn..."

"Brother Qiu."


A group of people have different names.

However, in general, Ye Zhiqiu discovered that in Shrek Academy, he was finally not the lowest in seniority.

It's not like when I was in Wuhun Hall, everyone I saw was an elder.Wonderful Novel Network

"Wow~" Ning Rongrong was stunned for a while when he saw Ye Zhiqiu, and couldn't control his emotions. He rushed up and threw himself into his arms. Tears flowed out like no money, leaving Ye Zhiqiu's son who didn't have time A small piece of the robe got wet.

When did Ning Rongrong be beaten so miserably, every day either he or she was on the way to Venus, the baby was wronged and the baby wanted to cry.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiaowumeng still had three girls similar to Ning Rongrong, who were beaten only on the head. They often wondered if they would suddenly be beaten stupid one day.

"Okay, okay, don't cry..." Ye Zhiqiu patted Ning Rongrong's head, softly comforting.

However, the look at the corner of his mouth that he wanted to laugh but was holding back very hard, but it made the crowd onlookers speechless for a while.

Ning Rongrong who was patted on the head by Ye Zhiqiu suddenly took a breath, "It hurts..."

"Eh...forgot, sorry." Ye Zhiqiu smiled awkwardly, and the hand on Ning Rongrong's head filled with the aquamarine aura, lightly pressing on her scalp.

The breath of life of the fairy body is unparalleled in healing.

As soon as she pressed it on Ning Rongrong's head, she fascinated her eyes comfortably, and the chunks faded away visible to the naked eye.

The effect is simply stronger than their evening medicated bath.

Dai Mubai and the others looked at it for a while, the tortoise... It seemed that they hadn't seen it for a while, but Boss Qiu had another method they hadn't seen before.

What is this green energy? Just escaping a little, I feel that the injuries on my body have become much cooler. If this is like Ning Rongrong, I have been touched for a few times, and the injuries will heal immediately?

"Boss Qiu, would you like to touch me too?" Ma Hongjun leaned forward with a shy face, looking at Ye Zhiqiu with hope.

Ye Zhiqiu squinted at him, "Climb for Laozi~"

"That's right, I can crawl for the old lady~" Ning Rongrong was enjoying the comfort, suddenly realizing that the comfort on top of his head disappeared, and he couldn't help but glared at Ma Hongjun angrily.

Ma Hongjun continued to be frustrated, and couldn't help feeling anxiously on his nose.

After leaving Ma Hongjun, Ye Zhiqiu smiled and waved to Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing blushed and walked over in silence, standing in front of Ye Zhiqiu.

After helping Zhu Zhuqing get rid of the big bag on his head in the same way.

Ye Zhiqiu searched in the black jade bracelet and took out the pheasant sword and banana fan.

He handed the banana fan to Ning Rongrong, and the grass pheasant sword to Zhu Zhuqing.

The two looked at the things in their hands with some doubts.

"What is this?" Ning Rongrong looked at the red feather fan in his hand dumbly.

Although Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak, he was also curious about the function of the knife Ye Zhiqiu handed her.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, and said somewhat proudly, "Soul Guidance Device, you know, these two are special Soul Guidance Devices. Rongrong, your hand is called Banana Fan. It has good attack power and can summon the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and earth. Attribute attack, just call that word if you want to use that attribute attack. The more you use your soul power, the stronger the power of this soul guide."

"The pheasant sword in Zhuqing's hand, or the cloud of the sky can also be used. It is a sharp weapon that can grow and shorten. It has a special material and is very hard. You two can try its power."

After Ye Zhiqiu explained, he pointed to the big tree next to him.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other suspiciously, and walked towards the big tree that Ye Zhiqiu pointed at.

Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others, looked at the backs of the two of them, with a face full of disbelief, is there such a soul guide?Why they haven't heard of it.

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