Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 163 I didn't mean to [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Just on the surface of the water, Ye Zhiqiu, who turned a few somersaults, looked at the dumbfounded two people on the shore, and said with a chuckle: "Like me just now, free movement on the water is just the most basic. You must at least be able to Fighting on the surface while maintaining a stable body shape is considered a real pass. Come on..."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other eagerly, wading slowly over the cold water to Ye Zhiqiu's side.

At this time, the sea water had already passed over the chests of the two of them, Zhu Zhuqing had already seemed a little bit resistant to the surroundings. The cat was afraid of water by nature, and deep in the eyes of this cute little cat, there was already a trace of anxiety.

Upon seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu smiled slightly, knelt down and touched the two exposed heads and smiled, "Let’s practice at this position, who will come first?"

"I, I, I!" Ning Rongrong looked at Ye Zhiqiu, who was squatting steadily on the water, and was envious. She couldn't hold back Ye Zhiqiu's question.

"Okay." Ye Zhiqiu chuckled lightly, grabbing her two hands and lifting her from the water.

Ye Zhiqiu put one arm around her armpit so that her feet could touch the water, and at the same time, she taught them: "Treading water is different from climbing a tree. It requires more precise control of soul power, and water can flow. The soul power attached to the feet must also be maintained at the same frequency as the speed of the water, so that it can stand stably on the water."

Ning Rongrong nodded faintly, and her little feet stomped on the surface of the water from time to time to do a little test.

Because Ye Zhiqiu hugged her, the surface of the water didn't support Ning Rongrong's weight, and the long-term practice of climbing trees gave Ning Rongrong a good foundation, so she soon found her feelings.

When Ning Rongrong noticed that he stepped on it, it was no longer the feeling of emptiness, but the feeling of being down to the ground like stepping on the ground, the light blue pupils suddenly brightened.

"Zhiqiu, I seem to have learned, let me go down." Ning Rongrong turned his head to look at Ye Zhiqiu, feeling excited.

Ye Zhiqiu's mouth twitched, "Are you sure?"

"Hmm..." Ning Rongrong looked at the water, nodded eagerly, and urged, "Let go..."

Ye Zhiqiu chuckled lightly and put his arm around her right hand loosely.

"Pumping~" Ning Rongrong, who seemed to be able to stand still on the water just now, suddenly plunged into the water, and the splash of water splashed Zhu Zhuqing, who was watching the actions of the two seriously.

After a while, Ning Rongrong rolled under the water, stood up straight again, stuck his head out of the water, tilted his head and said depressed: "No, I clearly felt that I stepped on it just now. Solid, why can't you hold me when you let go of the water..."

Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, and did not answer directly, but looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Zhuqing, tell me what's going on."

Zhu Zhuqing groaned for a while, and then replied uncertainly, "I guess, not only must the spirit power under my feet maintain the same frequency as the water flow when treading water, but also considering my own weight, increase my spirit power. Output level."

"Huh..." Ye Zhiqiu gave her a surprised look, smiled and knocked on her head, and said: "That's right, you seem to be quite clever. Water is different from trees, because the water surface Instability, so if you want to step on the water successfully, you have to consider many factors. For example, the turbulent river, the calm small lake, or the surging sea, the spirit power to be attached to the feet is different, and it is clear that Under the condition of one's own weight, only by adjusting the output of one's soul power can you successfully stand on the surface of the water."

On the side, Ning Rongrong nodded thoughtfully, his eyes were out of focus, as if he was thinking about something.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't mean to disturb her either. He smiled and grabbed Zhu Zhuqing's two hands extended to him, like pulling a radish, and violently lifted her from the water.

With this mention, the question is raised.

Ning Rongrong is because of her petite figure and the special fit of her clothes, so she can firmly protect the vitals of her body.

Zhu Zhuqing’s underwear looks even tighter than Ning Rongrong’s, but because the figure is too exaggerated, she might jump out at any time if she doesn’t cover it with her hands, not to mention that now, her hands are pulled by Ye Zhiqiu. At the same time, it was suddenly brought out from the water.The latest novel www.zuixiaoshuo.net

The black obscene clothing that Zhu Zhuqing was protecting his upper body immediately slipped from his chest, even across his hips and legs. As Zhu Zhuqing was lifted off the water by Ye Zhiqiu, the obscene clothing fell into the water with a "click" , Sinking slowly.

Ye Zhiqiu stared at this sudden scene in front of him, staring blankly.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't react at first, but when he noticed Ye Zhiqiu's gaze, he lowered his head and saw that the flush that was already pervaded on his face immediately spread to his neck.


A scream pierced the sky, and a group of seabirds on the frightened island fluttered their wings in a panic, fleeing towards the distance.

Ning Rongrong, who was thinking about it, was also startled by Zhu Zhuqing's exclamation. He staggered under his feet, plopped, and sat down in the water again.

Ye Zhiqiu's expression is a bit weird, like a hint of apology, but also like he is secretly happy, "Ahem, what... I said I didn't mean you believe it..."

"Let go of me..." Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head, struggling with both hands, sounding like a mosquito.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I forgot..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and loosened his hands. Zhu Zhuqing, who was barely standing on the surface of the water by relying on Ye Zhiqiu holding her two hands, immediately followed Ning Rong as Ye Zhiqiu let go. Rong general, fell into the water with a "plop".

Unlike Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing is not afraid of water at all.

She was initially a little afraid of water, and suddenly she fell into the water. Even with the depth of the water, as long as she stood up straight, she could stick her head out of the water, Zhu Zhuqing's brain was not able to react.

Her hands and feet were fluttering in a panic under the water, and she couldn't distinguish the north, south, east, and west. She swallowed a few large mouthfuls of sea water, and rolled her eyes as she was filled with the water.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu stroked his forehead speechlessly, dissipating the spirit power under his feet, and suddenly fell into the sea.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing who was fluttering, Ye Zhiqiu stretched out her hand with a funny face and grabbed her little hand. With a light tug, she took her head off the water and pulled her into his arms.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was like a drowning man. He suddenly grabbed some life-saving straw. He wrapped his hands around Ye Zhiqiu’s neck, and his legs were clamped on Ye Zhiqiu’s waist, like an octopus, hanging on tightly. She just doesn't let go.

If you look closely, you will find that her eyes are also red, and this girl seems to be scared to cry.


Zhu Zhuqing, whose head was just out of the water, didn't look very good. After a tumbling in his stomach, he suddenly spit out a large mouthful of sea water and some lobster froth that had just been eaten, and it happened to be spit on Ye Zhiqiu's chest.

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

Although the feeling of holding is particularly wonderful, is it too much of your operation to spit on me...


Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head, buried his head on Ye Zhiqiu's shoulder, not daring to look at Ye Zhiqiu's face.

In this position, she at least wouldn't go out, at least she thought so.

But she may not know, the body is close together, it seems more terrifying than being naked...

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