Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 164 The pinnacle of life! Subscribe

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"It's okay..." Ye Zhiqiu patted her on the back speechlessly, gave a comforting sound, and inhaled casually, sucking Zhu Zhuqing's Yuyi dropped under the water into the palm of his hand.

Ning Rongrong looked at the posture of the two at this time, his eyes were a little uncomfortable, the cheeks on both sides were bulging and his lips were raised.

Although she said that she agreed with Zhu Zhuqing to be a small child, she couldn't avoid being jealous when seeing the two people's intimate actions.

After Ye Zhiqiu stuffed the obscene clothes into Zhu Zhuqing's hands, he looked at Ning Rongrong and joked, "Hey, what happened to our little princess, Qibao Vinegar King?"

"People are not..." Ning Rongrong folded his arms, his little head twisted proudly, and he swam away indifferently. After all, Zhu Zhuqing vomited a pool of this place and floated on the water next to him. Ning Rongrong, who loves to be clean, can't stand it.

Ye Zhiqiu looked down at Zhu Zhuqing, who was still in his arms, and couldn't help but chuckle and joked, "Why, don't you go back and wait for me to help you wear it?"

"Go to the side first, it's dirty here..." Zhu Zhuqing's head was buried on Ye Zhiqiu's shoulders, blushing like a big ripe apple, and his voice was as small as the mosquito "buzzing" sound. If it weren't for Ye Zhiqiu's ear power , Really inaudible.

"It's also..." Ye Zhiqiu looked at the floating pool next to him, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Just now Zhu Zhuqing vomited all over him.

Ye Zhiqiu slowly walked to the side while holding Zhu Zhuqing in his arms, while casually educating: "The first time you fall into the water, hold your breath first and don't flop. If the water is shallow, stom on the bottom of the water and use the thrust to accelerate it. When you ascend by yourself, you must first discern the right direction in the depth of the water, and rely on your soul power to push yourself up.

When he said the last sentence, Ye Zhiqiu was still dissatisfied and patted Zhu Zhuqing's hip.

He estimated that if he wasn't there, Zhu Zhuqing, a 29th-level spirit master, would probably drown in the water less than two meters deep.

I'm afraid that it will make people laugh to death. It is simply a shame in the spirit master world...

After hearing what Ye Zhiqiu said, Zhu Zhuqing just nodded silently, without much reaction.On the contrary, the shot Ye Zhiqiu patted on her ass caused her mood swings even greater.

The two of them held each other tightly, and Ye Zhiqiu could clearly feel her heart beating very fast.

"It seems that you not only have to practice treading water, but also how to swim..." Ye Zhiqiu said helplessly.

"I don't practice..." Zhu Zhuqing heard this. She couldn't pretend that she wanted to continue to pretend to be an ostrich. She raised her head sharply, looking at Ye Zhiqiu with some flustered eyes.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at her with a playful look, "This can't be done by you. How can a soul master have obvious weaknesses? I will take you to a place in the future. I can't swim, but I can't, in case your soul power runs out of water. You must not drown on the spot."

"Isn't there you..." Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head and whispered.

"Then what if I'm not here..." Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and said.

Zhu Zhuqing fell silent.

The three of them moved more than 100 meters to the side before stopping. With the help of Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing also put on the clothes again.

Zhu Zhuqing wasn't very shy this time, except that his face was a little bit irritated, his complexion had been restored.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing have been practising the control of treading water under the guidance of Ye Zhiqiu. Ning Rongrong has made rapid progress. In just an hour, he can stand on the water for a few seconds. If it weren't for the surging waves and the rising tides. As the tide ebbs, it is estimated that she can stand longer.

This is not to say that Ning Rongrong is more talented than Zhu Zhuqing, and the auxiliary soul master has an innate advantage in the control of soul power.

Because the spirit power of the auxiliary spirit master is not as violent as the war spirit master, it is easier to be controlled, which is why Ning Rongrong learns quickly.

Moreover, Zhu Zhuqing had to learn how to swim under the guidance of Ye Zhiqiu while practicing treading water, which undoubtedly slowed down Zhu Zhuqing's learning to tread water.Zero long literature website www.09wxw.com

But she has also improved today, at least she has learned how to practice holding her breath underwater...

When the sky was completely dark, the three of them slowly returned to the small wooden house made by Ye Zhiqiu with wooden escape.

Ning Rongrong just filled the big bathtub with fresh water with a banana fan and wanted to wash his body. Ye Zhiqiu gave a smirk and raised the legs of the two behind him. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were both here. Unprepared, a headed spring onion planted into the tub, and Ye Zhiqiu also "hehe" smiled and jumped in slightly.

This bath tub was specially built by Ye Zhiqiu before. It was much larger than a normal bath tub, enough for three people to take a bath together.

Ning Rongrong poked his head out of the water and rolled his eyes at Ye Zhiqiu next to him.

After Zhu Zhuqing learned to hold his breath, he didn't choke on the water. He folded his hands on his chest, only half of his head was exposed on the surface of the water, and his big eyes stared around unconsciously.

Both of them have long messy hair clinging to the skin, and they seem to have a special beauty.

"Clean the body or something, I'll be fine." Ye Zhiqiu's mouth curled slightly, his hands stretched out, and both of them were pulled into his arms...


When the sky was bright the next day, Ye Zhiqiu woke up, looked at the shadows on the left and right, and sighed in his heart.

Teacher, I find that Shrek Academy is better, hug left and right, the pinnacle of life, I may not be able to go back...

Zhu Zhuqing's eyelashes quivered slightly, and the girl was obviously awake, pretending to sleep.Ning Rongrong slept soundly.

Ye Zhiqiu faintly smiled and slowly pulled his arms out from under the heads of the two of them, got up and put on his own imperial robes. As for the Saint Child costume of the Spirit Hall, he had already put away the costume.

"Remember to put on your clothes when you go out. I'll pick up Xiaosan and the others." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and ordered, and then returned to Shrek Academy with Flying Thunder God.

It wasn't until Ye Zhiqiu left that Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes leisurely, looking at Ning Rongrong who was still sleeping next to him, and couldn't help being speechless.

Outside the gate of Shrek Academy, Tang San and the others were standing in a row at this time, and Yu Xiaogang was standing in front of a few people.

"Where are Rongrong and Zhuqing?" Yu Xiaogang frowned, his voice hoarse.

"Rong Rong doesn't know, Zhu Qing didn't come back last night... The two of them started yesterday afternoon and they disappeared. It seems that they were both taken by Brother Qiu and didn't know why..." Xiao Wu vomited. Tongue, cautiously replied.

"Xiao Qiu took it away?" Yu Xiaogang thought for a moment. He felt that there might be something or Ye Zhiqiu had set a small stove for them. He couldn't help but shook his head and looked at Tang San who stood in a row and said: " That being the case, don’t wait for them, your training will continue, 15 rounds in the morning."

"Yes..." Dai Mubai pulled their heads extravagantly and replied helplessly, but Tang San still had a calm expression.

In fact, Tang San already had some headaches about the long-distance running day by day, but Yu Xiaogang was his teacher, so the dull Tang San was hard to refuse.

Just as a group of people were preparing to carry their stuffed bamboo basket, a red light flashed by Yu Xiaogang, and Ye Zhiqiu's figure appeared.

"Yeah, where is everyone? It just so happens, take you to a good place to relax." Ye Zhiqiu looked at a group of people and smiled.

Tang San, Dai Mubai and others were excited when they saw Ye Zhiqiu who suddenly arrived. When they heard the second half of Ye Zhiqiu's words, they looked at Yu Xiaogang with some expectation.

In comparison, they prefer Ye Zhiqiu's teaching method. The effect is top-notch and relatively easy. The physical training of Yu Xiaogang, like boiling a frog in warm water, has an effect, but the effect is not fast.

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