Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 165 Pink Rogue Rabbitseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Yu Xiaogang was silent for a while, then looked at Ye Zhiqiu and said, "Xiaoqiu, where are you taking them."

"By the sea, perform the second stage of soul control exercise." Ye Zhiqiu replied with a calm face, and looked at Yu Xiaogang: "Master, the juniors and the others after this period of physical training, I think it has almost reached a bottleneck. If you continue training, the improvement effect is minimal. At this time, you should change to the training mode."

"Oh?" Yu Xiaogang held his hands, twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly, and asked, "Then how do you think training will help them the most?"

Ye Zhiqiu said without hesitation: "Fighting is always the fastest way to improve a person's strength. At this stage, they should throw them into the Great Fighting Arena for tempering. But the foundation is also important, so before throwing them into the Great Fighting Arena, I think they have to learn from me the precise control of soul power. This will allow them to use every point of soul power on the blade in the subsequent battles."

After Yu Xiaogang pondered for a while, he nodded, "You can see it thoroughly, I can't fault it. The training plan after that will trouble you."

"I'm doing errands, don't worry." Ye Zhiqiu smiled brightly, turned his head to look at Tang San and the others: "Go to the dormitory to pack your clothes or something, we are going to the far door."

Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others, who had originally looked worried, suddenly cheered, dropped the bamboo basket and ran towards the academy.

Ye Zhiqiu also had a faint smile on his face, and slowly walked towards the wooden house where Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu belonged. He had to sort out some changes of clothes for Zhu Zhuqing.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the back of Ye Zhiqiu walking away, and shook his head with emotion. He estimated that the last thing he regretted in his life was that when he was at Notting College, he did not insist on accepting the disciple Ye Zhiqiu.

Originally, Yu Xiaogang thought that Tang San, who had twin spirits, was the best, and Ye Zhiqiu was just a little bit special and rare in spirits, and there was nothing too special.

Now he found out that he was really wrong. The kid’s progress was so frightening that he had grown into a genius young soul master well-known throughout the Douluo Continent, who had no other merits except for his special spirit. .

The news of the canonization of the new Honorary Grand Elder of the Wuhun Hall has been posted on the bulletin boards of the Wuhun Branch Halls in major cities, and there has been a lot of rumors everywhere.

Moreover, in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, Ye Zhiqiu, whether thinking or acting, doesn't look like a child under 13 years old, but rather like an old and sophisticated old antique.

Such an excellent seedling, I didn't even notice it?What a blind eye, Yu Xiaogang regretted not falling.

It was really unbearable to look back, Yu Xiaogang shook his head regretfully, holding his hands, and slowly walked towards Flanders' second-story broken building in silence.

When Ye Zhiqiu came to Zhu Zhuqing’s door, Xiao Wu had already packed her clothes. Seeing Ye Zhiqiu who came in, she smiled mischievously and said, “Brother Qiu, you’re not here to pack Zhuqing’s clothes, are you? She also asked you to help tidy up personal things? Are you really just a master-student relationship? I can't stop it...

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes, and said with no anger: "How come you have so many problems as a little bastard... You didn't have this attitude when you asked me for something yesterday."

"Don't call someone a little bunny..." Xiao Wu mumbled dissatisfiedly.

While packing Zhu Zhuqing's clothes, Ye Zhiqiu turned his head to look at Xiao Wu with interest, and said with a smile: "A big rabbit that is one hundred thousand years old can't be called a little bunny. Then call you a little bunny."

"Huh...?" Xiao Wu's face suddenly stiffened, and the rabbit ears on her head disappeared.

Seeing Xiao Wu's expression, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but laughed.

Xiao Wu's bright eyes blinked before realizing that Ye Zhiqiu was teasing her.He couldn't help but counterattacked angrily: "Brother Qiu, you actually learned how to ride two boats with the scumbag of Dai's second child. I'm going to tell Rong Rong and let you capsize in minutes."

Ye Zhiqiu put Zhu Zhuqing's last small inner piece into the Mo jade bracelet, and then turned around and slammed Xiao Wu's head fiercely. The knocking Xiao Wu covered her head with her hands and grinned.Read the book www.yshuoba.com

Ye Zhiqiu then smiled contentedly: "Go ahead, they both slept with me last night, and see if your little report works well."

After Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, he smiled and headed out proudly.

Xiao Wu was left alone in a daze.

They both slept with me last night...?How to sleep?What posture do you use before going to bed?

Xiao Wu thought about the scene where the three were together, her face flushed suddenly, and she gave Ye Zhiqiu's back lightly.

Unexpectedly, Brother Qiu, you are such a person!My Xiao Wu is really ashamed of you...

If Ye Zhiqiu knew what she was thinking, he would definitely go back and hit her head a few more times. We all sleep purely, just simply hugging and sleeping.

When Ye Zhiqiu brought Xiao Wu to the playground, Dai Mubai, Tang San and others had already arrived, and Meng Still, the little transparent who was free from the Seven Devils, was also there.

I have to say that since she joined Shrek Academy, her personality has changed a lot.Everyone here is a lot better than her in terms of talent, which caused Meng Ye to work hard.

Now she and Oscar had already established a relationship and became the second couple of Shrek Academy after Ye Zhiqiu.

"I won't talk nonsense when I'm here, let's put my hands together." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and looked at the people.

A group of people immediately obediently put on the shoulders of the people next to each other, and lined up to grow into a dragon shape. They were sent by Ye Zhiqiu many times, and at this time they already had some experience.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, leading the six people, and one of the Thunder Gods disappeared.

In the distance on the window sill of Flanders' second-story building, Flanders and Yu Xiaogang stood side by side.

"Xiaogang, are you really assured of letting Qiu Xiaozi teach them? Aren't you afraid of making this group of students crooked?" Flender said with a bit of depression.

Originally teaching students was his job as the dean. After Yu Xiaogang came, the task was given to Yu Xiaogang, and now Yu Xiaogang was transferred to Ye Zhiqiu.

This makes him, the dean, always feel indescribable. Did I teach the students so badly?

Yu Xiaogang was silent for a while, and said slowly hoarsely, "That kid Xiaoqiu, although sometimes he doesn't pay attention. But in terms of combat power and character, he is a wicked character, I have nothing to worry about. Maybe in the world. There really are so-called foresight people... eh..."


On the island, the silhouettes of the seven emerged after a flash of red light.

After seeing the surrounding scene clearly, Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others were all agitated. Ma Hongjun even screamed at the sea to vent his suffocation during this time.

It's just that his howling is a bit ugly.

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