You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!On the surface of the water, Ning Rongrong, who was practicing treading water, was startled by Ma Hongjun’s long, duck-like howling. The spirit power attached to his feet fluctuated, and his figure was suddenly unstable, and he fell directly into the water with a “plop” , The clothes he had just changed were all soaked in an instant, clinging to the delicate body, the slender body outlined a special beautiful scenery.

Originally, Zhu Zhuqing was standing in waist-deep water watching Ning Rongrong's movements. Ning Rongrong showed her to her before, but at this moment, she fell into the water in embarrassment. Suddenly Zhu Zhuqing, the iceberg beauty, couldn’t help it. Pursing his lips and chuckles.

Ning Rongrong poked his head out of the water and saw Zhu Zhuqing mocking her. He immediately screamed dissatisfiedly at Ma Hongjun who had just yelled in the distance, "Fatty man, this lady almost survived the second wave." Tao, are you looking for a fight?".

Ma Hongjun shrank his neck. He didn't dare to provoke him, so he couldn't help but smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Ye Zhiqiu took Tang San Dai Mubai and a group of people slowly to the beach before stopping, turning around to look at the group of people and saying, "Did you see Rongrong's actions just now? You will live on this island in the future. When will everyone be able to fight on the water, and when will they return to the academy to participate in the next stage of training."

Ye Zhiqiu said as he walked into the sea, until he walked to Zhu Zhuqing's side, he didn't sink, and he stood steady on the surface of the sea more than half a person deep.

The waves undulated from time to time, but Ye Zhiqiu's figure remained motionless.

This scene surprised Tang San and the others.

Seeing that the effect of arousing everyone's curiosity had been achieved, Ye Zhiqiu taught a few people the skills of treading water before slowly walking back to the shore.

With a pinch of his finger, about ten meters away from his own house, two wooden houses, one large and one small, rose from the ground at the same time.

The big one is a multi-person room, which is for Tang San Dai Mubai and the four men, while the small double room is for Xiao Wu and Meng.

As for food, seafood is mostly on the beach.

Ye Zhiqiu is very considerate of all arrangements.

It took a long time for Tang San, Dai Mubai and others to recover from Ye Zhiqiu's ability to create a house out of thin air. What kind of self-created spirit ability is this special?

Why does it always feel like Boss Qiu's self-created spirit abilities are endless?Is it endless?

"Boss Qiu, what happened during the time you went to the Martial Soul Palace? This change is too great..." Ma Hongjun smacked his lips and said with exaggerated astonishment.

Tang San and the others also pricked their ears, and Ma Hongjun asked what they wanted to ask. How long hasn't seen him? Why Ye Zhiqiu is like a different person. He didn't play wood before

Ye Zhiqiu squinted at them, the corner of his mouth curled, and while walking slowly towards the recliner made by Mu Dun next to him, he casually replied: "It's okay, I just went there to eat some natural treasures, killing two of them. Title Douluo, accidentally mixed with the title of Honorary Grand Elder of the Spirit Hall,'s really troublesome..."

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head helplessly, resting his head with his hands and laying down leisurely on the recliner.


We can still understand after eating some heaven, material and earth treasures. After all, it is Wuhun Temple... Some good things are not beyond the scope of understanding.

What the hell was it that killed two Title Douluo?Is it so fierce?

The most important thing is that you killed two titled Douluo, but the Wuhun Palace still made you the honorable elder?

Tang San and the others seriously doubted whether the minds of the upper levels of the Wuhun Hall were caught by the door.

A group of people looked at Ye Zhiqiu in a daze, and stood silently.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu raised his eyelids, "Why, don't you practice treading water? Should you come here to travel?" Little Bookstore

"Go right now... Go right now..."

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's face, the group of people ran toward the sea in a hurry, and each started to practice.

They don't have the same treatment that Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing received from Ye Zhiqiu's personal guidance yesterday. They only know the principle of treading water, and the rest of the practice depends on their own exploration.

This is destined that they will not progress too fast, even Tang San just stood staring in the half-person high sea, carefully watching Ning Rongrong's movements, and groping for the mystery.

Ye Zhiqiu initially estimated that it would take at least half a month for everyone to learn to tread water. After all, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were dragging their feet.

And it would take about ten days or so for a group of them to be able to fight proficiently on the water, adding up to almost a month.

Ye Zhiqiu began to think about what he should do during this time.

Cultivation is impossible. He would take the initiative to practice before, completely because he wanted to quickly absorb the small green light clusters of the middle-level immortal human body.

Now that it has been absorbed, unless another green light cluster of the fairy human body comes, it is still reliable to rely on the essence of the nine-tailed beasts in the body to automatically cultivate the hook with Ye Zhiqiu's salted fish level.

Suddenly, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he took out the Hanhai Qiankun cover from the Tiandou imperial family.

If he remembered it correctly, there seemed to be something like a sea god's divine consciousness or clone.

This old guy has lived so long, should he know a lot of secrets?For example, what are the inheritance places of other divine residences?

It doesn't help to tell myself some old nests of soul beasts over 300,000 years old.Ye Zhiqiu also has to prepare for his fifth spirit ring, right?

Ye Zhiqiu lay on the recliner, swaying back and forth leisurely, squinting his eyes slightly, staring at the cover of the vast sea in his heart.

"Old man, are you at home?" Ye Zhiqiu whispered to the Hanhai Qiankun cover in his hand.

Hanhai Universe Cover: ...

"Your mother called you home to eat..."

Hanhai Universe Cover: ...

"Hey, I don't believe I can't call you today..." Ye Zhiqiu saw that he called twice, but the old man didn't come out. He couldn't help but slightly hooked his mouth. He sat up on the couch and stared at his hands maliciously. The vast sea of ​​the heart threatened: "If you don't come out again, I will bury you in the pit and suppress it for thousands of years."

A kind-faced old man in the cover of the vast sea, originally saw this kid speaking so rudely, did not want to pay attention to him, until Ye Zhiqiu said this sentence of suppressing Maokeng for thousands of years, the kind old man's face turned black. ..

If it weren't for the old man, I don't have much divine power in this divine mind, you must be killed.

My dignified sea god doesn't want face?

"I can't come out yet, are you? Okay, let's see you in Maokeng." Ye Zhiqiu stared at the Huanhai Universe in his hands, and said coldly, and he was about to get up.

The Divine Sense of the Sea God in the Vast Sea Universe Cover finally couldn't sit still, turned into a sea-blue streamer, and flew out of the Vast Universe Universe Cover, standing next to Ye Zhiqiu.

"Little friend wait a minute, please listen to the old man."

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