Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 167 I don’t like [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!This is an old man with a somewhat illusory figure, a kind face, and a dark blue hair like the ocean.

The long beard of the old man’s chin was dragged to his chest, bound by a dark blue bead. There were not many wrinkles on the face. It was very ruddy and shiny. The simple blue commoner did not look like the dress of this era, but it was worn in The old man felt very natural, as if he should be dressed like this.

At this time, the old man's face was a little dark, and he looked at Ye Zhiqiu and said with anger: "What's the matter with the little friend calling the old man, the old man hasn't asked about the world for many years."

Seeing that the spirit of Poseidon had finally come out, Ye Zhiqiu chuckled lightly, waved his hand, and created a recliner next to him.

"No hurry, lie down and talk slowly."

In the distance, Tang San and the others, who were practicing treading the water, looked a little curiously at the illusory figure that suddenly appeared next to Ye Zhiqiu, and some of them thought about it.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes glared, and the few people who wanted to come over slipped back to the beach and continued to practice treading water.

While looking at Tang San and others in the distance with interest, the old man lay down on a recliner like Ye Zhiqiu, and asked casually, "You researched the very strange method of soul power control training?"

Ye Zhiqiu closed his eyes slightly, and replied casually: "This kind of little technique can interest the dignified Seagod. It is an honor for the younger generation."

The old man stared at Ye Zhiqiu for a moment, then gave a wry smile, "I am not the Seagod, just a ray of divine thought left before he became a god."

"A ray of spiritual thought is enough, and you don't need to fight." Ye Zhiqiu turned his head slightly to look at the old man and smiled, "I want to inquire about something, can seniors tell the truth?"

"If I don't say anything, do you guys want to bury the old man in the pit again?" The old man asked with a dark face.

Ye Zhiqiu grinned and gave a thumbs up, "Senior has a very high level of consciousness..."

"Just let go..." The old man looked at Ye Zhiqiu speechlessly, his teeth itchy.

Ye Zhiqiu pondered for a while, and said in a deep thought, "In fact, it's nothing big. I just want to ask the seniors if they know where the gods are left. Or there are soul beasts that are more than 300,000 years old."

The old man frowned, and looked up and down Ye Zhiqiu a few times before he stroked his beard and slowly said, "I do know a lot about the inheritance of the gods. As for the spirit beasts more than 300,000 years old, I know a little bit. But you only More than 40 levels, why do you ask this?"

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "It is natural to kill the soul ring to find the soul beast. As for the inheritance of the gods..." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing in the distance, and said softly: "Naturally it is for They prepared it."

The old man looked at Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing carefully, then looked at Tang San, Dai Mubai and others, and shook his head, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"The talent can only be considered barely good, not in the top class. If the gods of the God Realm want to choose the inheritors, they will never pick them. As for the spirit beasts more than 300,000 years old, it is not that I look down on you. You are in the title fight. Luo, you may not have ever played."

After the old man finished speaking, he leaned on the wooden chair and closed his eyes and rested. He found that he had stunned Ye Zhiqiu and felt much more comfortable.

Ye Zhiqiu was not angry about the old man's words, but instead nodded in agreement, "I think it's better to bury you in the dungpit." Seeking Book Zhai Chinese www.qiushuzhai.com

After Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, he was about to stand up.

The old man suddenly became anxious, unable to sit still, put on a sorrowful gesture, and blocked him: "Little friend, wait, this old man is all for your good. For more than 300,000 years, that is no longer an ordinary soul. There are beasts. Those are fierce beasts that have survived the tribulation of one hundred thousand years. There is no good match. You are going to die."

Ye Zhiqiu was still standing, looking at the old man with a faint smile, "Say the key point, or I can go."

"In the far north, there is an ice snow girl and an ice king scorpion. At the core of the Star Dou Forest, there are about seven or eight soul beasts that meet your requirements. There are more soul beasts in the ocean, and the seabed is tens of thousands of meters deep. , As far as the soul beast I know is more than 300,000 years old, there are no fewer than five, and the strongest is a 990,000-year-old Deep Sea Demon Whale King..."

In an instant, the old man was like bamboo shoots pouring beans, crackling a lot.

Ye Zhiqiu lay back on the chair and listened quietly, interjecting to ask a few words from time to time.For example, things in the core of the Star Dou Great Forest.

It was not until the old man had almost said the spirit beast that Ye Zhiqiu continued to ask, "What about the inheritance of the gods?"

This time, the old man didn’t follow Ye Zhiqiu's ink stains. He lay down on his chair again and said slowly: "The place of inheritance of the gods, your modern martial arts papal hall, which has the heritage of angel gods, is about two hundred miles west of the martial arts hall. On a small mountain in, there is the inheritance of the Rakshasa god, and in the extreme north there is the inheritance of the ice and snow gods..."

The old man kept telling it slowly, and Ye Zhiqiu listened quietly. Until the end, when the old man said something, Ye Zhiqiu was finally shocked.

"There are probably so many heritage sites in Douluo Continent, and there are also many in Sun Moon Continent. It is far away from you, so I won't talk about it."

"You said this planet has more than one continent?" Ye Zhiqiu looked at the old man in a daze, and asked in shock.

For him who had only seen the first Douluo, he never thought that there was actually another continent on this planet besides Douluo Continent.

The old man glanced at Ye Zhiqiu strangely. He said so much about the inheritance of the gods. He was surprised when he was replaced by others, and he looked admired, but this kid was a calm group.

The old man thought this was a naughty baby who had never seen the world.

In the end, I just raised another continent a little bit. You actually showed this expression?Don’t you think that the inheritance of the gods is not as shocking to you as the appearance of another continent?

What kind of weird thinking are you!The old man couldn't help but complain in his heart.

After a short while, Ye Zhiqiu came back to his senses, thinking about it carefully, not all of his own Blue Stars in the previous life had many continental plates, and it seemed nothing strange that another continent appeared on this planet.

Looking at the old man, Ye Zhiqiu sat upright, clasped his fists in his hands and said, "These news helped me a lot, thank you senior for answering my questions."

The old man looked at Ye Zhiqiu weirdly. You can change your face so fast...

"Don't call me when I'm fine in the future. I will consume energy when I come out. Maybe one day when the energy is exhausted, I will be gone." The old man smiled kindly, and was about to return to the time when he was staying in the vast sea universe, like Suddenly remembering something, he looked at Ye Zhiqiu and said, "Actually, I think your little guy has a good talent. You can go to Sea God Island to try if you can inherit my deity's position."

Ye Zhiqiu was taken aback, shook his head and chuckled, "The first-class sacred residence...somewhat look down on..."

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