Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 168 One-on-one eight volumes [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!A month has passed since the Seagod returned to Hanhai Qiankun in a curse.

After this period of time passed, everyone in Shrek Academy had progressed in their spirit power, but they were still a little short of a breakthrough.

On the contrary, Ye Zhiqiu, who used soy sauce for cultivation all day, had his spirit power increased by one level, reaching level 47.

This couldn't help but make Tang San and his group feel a sense of frustration. They practiced treading water and actual combat during the day, and meditated and practiced at night. It can be said that the rows are full every day, and they only sleep a few hours a night to restore their physical strength.

Ye Zhiqiu, who slept on a recliner during the day and slept in a wooden house at night, unexpectedly increased his spirit power faster than theirs.

Why is the gap between people so big?

On the beach, Tang San and eight others stood in a row.

Ye Zhiqiu stood in front of a few people, watching everyone smile and said, "For nearly a month, it’s almost as I expected. Today is the last day on this island. I will return to Shrek Academy tomorrow to start the second phase of training. Before that, let me Look at your training results, I don't use soul skills, I fight at sea, enter the water and exit."

After Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, he smiled and walked slowly towards the sea.

Tang San and the others turned black, and they knew a little bit about the perversion of Ye Zhiqiu's combat power.

Although he imposes restrictions on not using spirit abilities, the physical strength alone is not something they can move at this time...

A few days ago, when Tang San and Dai Mubai were fighting against each other at sea, Dai Mubai hit the white tiger with a wave of light and shot it towards the sleeping Ye Zhiqiu, but he just raised his hand and caught it.

This kind of physique, it is estimated that their spirit abilities are all greeted, and there is no soft use.

"Too bullying..." Ma Hongjun complained.

"It's just..." Xiao Wu nodded in agreement.

Although several people said so, they didn't stop under their feet. They followed Ye Zhiqiu and walked hundreds of meters all the way.

The depth of the water here is probably at least a dozen meters, but everyone is standing steadily on the surface of the water. The undulations of the waves have not affected the stability of their figures.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was originally afraid of water, now has a calm face. She is no longer a dry cat.

Ye Zhiqiu turned around, looked at everyone with a look of lovelessness, and smiled lightly: "I don't want you to defeat me. I just check the results of your practice. When I'm ready, I can start attacking."

A group of people hurriedly looked straight, cheered up and adjusted their positions.

At the forefront was Dai Mubai, who was in charge of the main attack, Xiao Wu Zhu Zhuqing held on both sides, Tang San was in the center of the field, and Ma Hongjun was in charge of protection next to him, as well as remote support.

At the end, Ning Rongrong Oscar was on both sides, while Meng was still in the middle, ready to support the two at any time.

If it is against others, the formation of the eight will definitely not be like this. Meng still has this strength, and they will inevitably be transferred to the front.

But at this time their opponent was Ye Zhiqiu, who knew them very well, and everyone had to deal with this carefully.

Auxiliary spirit master is definitely Ye Zhiqiu's first elimination target, so the eight directly placed a strong attack type spirit master in the last row for protection.

As soon as the formation was set up, the spirit rings of all colors rose, and the blue silver grass vine in Tang San's right hand spread quickly, wrapping around everyone's waist.

"Ready? Let's start then." Ye Zhiqiu chuckled and walked towards a group of people without rush. His expression didn't seem like fighting, but like going out for a walk.

Dai Mubai and the others didn't dare to be careless at all. Instead, they looked solemn and bowed slightly, ready to go.Xuefu Novel www.xuefu168.com

When Ye Zhiqiu was within ten meters, the three of Dai Mubai, Xiaowu Zhu Zhuqing in the front row suddenly moved.

At the same time, Tang San's first soul ability entangled, and Ma Hongjun's first soul ability, Phoenix FireWire, and second soul ability, Fire Phoenix, were activated at the same time.

Because it was at a depth of more than ten meters at this time, Tang San’s blue silver grass grew from the bottom of the sea and needed to penetrate the sea all the way. Invisibly, his combat power was weakened a lot, but Ma Hongjun was blessed by the second spirit ability. The Phoenix line of fire passed Dai Mubai's side first, and rushed in Ye Zhiqiu's direction.

"This kind of straight-line attack is useless to me." Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly on one side of his footsteps, and immediately connected himself with Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun in a straight line.

In this situation, Dai Mubai was in front of him, and Ma Hongjun's Phoenix line of fire didn't have the ability to turn, but could not attack Ye Zhiqiu.

However, the eight people of Dai Mubai, after a period of cooperation and fighting, naturally had a tacit understanding and found that Ma Hongjun was in this embarrassing situation. Dai Mubai suddenly squatted, using the impact of running, quickly gliding above the water and attacking. Ye Zhiqiu's lower body and legs.

When Dai Mubai squatted, Ma Hongjun naturally seized the opportunity, his head slammed, and the line of fire passed over Dai Mubai's head and continued to blast towards Ye Zhiqiu.

Almost at the same moment, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing on the left and right were in place at the same time, and they were not in a hurry to attack. After all, once they attacked, they would also be attacked by the Phoenix FireWire. Therefore, the two of them just blocked Ye Zhiqiu from continuing to move on both sides. Retreat.


When Huo Shu was about to approach him, Ye Zhiqiu didn't choose to break through from both sides. Instead, he squatted down like Dai Mubai and kicked the right leg that Dai Mubai kicked him.

At this moment, he not only avoided Ma Hongjun's attack, but also forced Dai Mubai to face him head-on. Dai Mubai's physique was so much worse than him. If he really head-on, he would definitely suffer.

Just when the two are about to face each other.

"Qibao is famous, one is power."

Behind the team, a bright red light suddenly flew into Dai Mubai's body, and Dai Mubai couldn't help but shake his body, and the strength on his legs suddenly increased.

"Bang~" Legs were facing each other, and there was a slight muffled noise on the sea.

Ye Zhiqiu's figure barely moved, but the sea beneath his feet was rippling.

Dai Mubai felt his right leg numb, and a strong force spread from the soles of his feet to his whole body. As a result, the whole body was a little unwilling. He was kicked out on the spot, and he was hit on the water several times.

Even with the blessing of Ning Rongrong's soul skills, he was still not Ye Zhiqiu's opponent.

If there were no accidents, Ye Zhiqiu's thrust would be exhausted, and when Dai Mubai fell into the water, he wouldn't necessarily pass his breath slowly, and he couldn't stand the water at all in that state.

Tang San's eyes flashed, and the blue silver grass wrapped around Dai Mubai's waist suddenly retracted and brought Dai Mubai to his side.

"Little Ao..." Tang San snorted softly.

"Understood." Oscar grinned, and the recovery sausage was stuffed into Dai Mubai's mouth. By the way, he took Dai Mubai from Tang San and let Tang San attack wholeheartedly.

On the other side, almost at the moment when Dai Mubai was kicked, Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire was closed, otherwise the flying Dai Mubai might directly hit his flame.

Just as Ma Hongjun’s phoenix line of fire was put away, Tang San’s blue silver grass followed. The eight people performed their duties, attacking each and every one of them. If it weren’t for the sea, which affected Tang San’s performance, he The blue silver grass is afraid it will come sooner.

Looking at the large blue silver grass vines under the water, Ye Zhiqiu shook his head amusedly, and didn't bother to take care of it.

More attention was instead placed on the bodies of Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing nearby.

The dead girl Zhu Zhuqing actually took out the grass naruto sword, which scared Ye Zhiqiu. After all, although his physique was strong, he was not strong enough to directly resist the sword.

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