Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 169 One-Pick Eight-Second Volume [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Bad girl, do you want to murder your husband?" Ye Zhiqiu looked at Zhu Zhuqing and rolled his eyes angrily.

Zhu Zhuqing's cheeks reddened, but without hesitation, he raised his sword and slashed towards Ye Zhiqiu, seeing her posture, and didn't leave a hand at all.

"Qibao is famous, one is strength, and the other is speed." Almost the moment Zhu Zhuqing raised his sword to attack, Ning Rongrong's increase came, and her Qibao increase was just right every time.

Ye Zhiqiu took the time to glance at her and smiled in relief. This girl has grown a lot.

"I'll teach you both later..." Ye Zhiqiu whispered, stretched out a finger, turned slightly in the direction of Xiao Wu, crawling under the sea surface under his feet, swaying the blue silver grass that didn't attack, suddenly Pounced towards Xiao Wu next to him, how could Xiao Wu be guarded against Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass, she was instantly entangled firmly, until she was completely restrained by the Blue Silver Grass, she did not react, and her face was still hanging. With a trace of confusion.

At the same time, Ye Zhiqiu's body was slightly on one side, avoiding Zhu Zhuqing's sword force, and when he explored with his right hand, he immediately pinched the back of the sword with two fingers, letting Zhu Zhuqing exert his strength, Kusanaru's sword remained motionless.

"Come on." Ye Zhiqiu smiled, raised his head and yawned, and Zhu Zhuqing looked dark for a while.

The rest of them stopped their hands for a while, looking at the three of them weirdly, and occasionally turned their heads to look at Tang San, you are a traitor, how come Lan Yincao didn’t attack Ye Zhiqiu, but instead entangled Xiao Wu. ?

Tang San himself was a little bit stunned. He found that no matter how his spirit power urged, the blue silver grass wrapped around Xiao Wu's body remained motionless. Those blue silver grasses seemed to be no longer the spirit abilities he released.

"Don't bother." Ye Zhiqiu turned his head to look at Tang San and smiled, "The plants in this world can't attack me unless... your ability to control plants is stronger than me."

Tang San:......

Then I don't have any soft use?

When Zhu Zhuqing saw Ye Zhiqiu fighting against him and distracted to talk to others, he was suddenly upset. Even if he can't beat you, you can't look down on people like this.

"The second soul ability, Nether Hundred Claws."

In a fit of anger, Zhu Zhuqing held the Kusanaru sword's right hand loosely, his hands turned into dense black claws, and the goal was directed at Ye Zhiqiu's heart.

"Teleport." Xiao Wu, who was entangled in the blue silver grass, came back to her senses. In an instant, the third spirit ability used and appeared in Ye Zhiqiu's side, with a flick of her small head, the scorpion braid behind her head was wrapped around Ye Zhiqiu's neck. .

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu formed a force of attack, and they cooperated with each other very well.

"Reluctantly not bad." Ye Zhiqiu looked at the movements of the two and gave a light compliment.Not in a hurry, Ye Zhiqiu put the Cao Nai sword into the Mo jade bracelet first, so as not to wait for Zhu Zhuqing to use this sword to attack him again.

After that, Ye Zhiqiu ignored Xiao Wu, his hands seemed to be out at random, but in the shadow of Zhu Zhuqing's second soul ability, Nether Hundred Claws, he accurately held both of her hands firmly.

The claw shadow dissipated in an instant, and Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a while.Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, tugged slightly with both hands, pulling her close to her arms, patted her hand on the little butt behind her, and made a crisp sound.

"You have been eliminated." Ye Zhiqiu said with a chuckle in her ear before letting go of Zhu Zhuqing, who was flushed.

Taking advantage of Ye Zhiqiu's effort to molest Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu's scorpion braid finally wrapped around Ye Zhiqiu's neck accurately.

At this moment, Ning Rongrong's first spirit ability increase also fell on Xiao Wu's body.Ye Zhiqiu could clearly notice that the strength from his neck was much greater, but that was all.

On the contrary, Xiao Wu wanted to use her first spirit ability to bow, but at the moment she exerted her force, she almost twisted her neck, and her movements suddenly became a little nondescript.

"Follow the trap." Ye Zhiqiu gently grasped Xiao Wu's scorpion braid with a calm complexion, and took advantage of her back to her kung fu, protruding one foot accurately and kicking Xiao Wu's ass.Novel Baby Novel Network www.xiaoshuowa.com

With this kick, Ye Zhiqiu didn't use much power, so Xiao Wu just flew out three or four meters, squatted on the surface of the water with a dog-eating posture, and grinned while covering her little ass.

"You have also been eliminated." Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly.

Xiao Wu was not upset about being eliminated. Her soft skills were originally useless for Ye Zhiqiu. It was only expected that she would take the initiative to attack before, just to create opportunities for Zhu Zhuqing, but the gap was still too big.

Putting out her tongue mischievously, Xiao Wu ran to Zhu Zhuqing to watch the game with her.

Ye Zhiqiu took out the grass naruto sword and threw it back to Zhu Zhuqing, before looking at Tang San and the others: "Cooperate to grow, not bad. Go ahead, in addition, Xiao San, the blue silver grass that you wrapped around their waist, if I want, also Can be easily controlled, so you should use the second martial arts."

"Second Wuhun?"

The people present all looked at Tang San with a little astonishment. Does this kid still hide the Second Martial Spirit?

"it is good."

Tang San hardly hesitated, the blue silver grass wrapped around a few people instantly retracted, and the palm of his left hand stretched out, and a small silver-white hammer surrounded by electric sparks suddenly appeared in his hand.

The spirit power poured in, and the small hammer rose in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a silver-white sledgehammer one person high, with electric flowers wandering around the hammer body, and occasionally a "crackling" popping sound would be heard. .

Tang San held this sledgehammer upside down and walked to the front of the team. At this time, he was no longer a control type spirit master, but a force attack type spirit master.

Although the Clear Sky Hammer has no spirit ring attached, it is still powerful.

Dai Mubai's eyes shrank slightly, they know this martial soul!

There are really few people who don't know the first weapon in Douluo Continent.

"It's actually the Clear Sky Hammer, Xiao San, are you from the Clear Sky School?" Dai Mubai, who was relieved after eating the Oscar recovery sausage, stepped forward and stood beside Tang San, a little surprised.

"Probably... yes..." Tang San replied somewhat uncertainly.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the Clear Sky Hammer held by Tang San with great interest. He wanted to try this Clear Sky Hammer spirit to what extent its power could reach.

"I think you have the ability to talk, so it's better to think about how to cooperate. Now you don't have soul figures to control the field." Ye Zhiqiu chuckled slightly, as before, holding his hands in a hurry, toward Walking slowly with Tang San and the others.

He gave Tang San and the others enough time to discuss tactics.

Tang San and others naturally wanted to seize this precious opportunity.Turning his mind slightly, Tang San found that from beginning to end, Ye Zhiqiu didn't mean to kill them directly. He was more trying to help himself and others to cooperate, or he wanted to see what he and others could cooperate with. degree.

Otherwise, at Ye Zhiqiu's speed, he would definitely get rid of the two auxiliary spirit masters first, even if he didn't use spirit abilities, he and others could not stop him.

After thinking about everything, Tang San whispered, "Still, you and Mubai will assist me on both sides. Fatty finds a remote opportunity to support me. Xiao Ao prepares mushroom sausages for himself and Rong Rong and takes care of himself."

Being able to perceive Ye Zhiqiu's intentions and adjust his strategy in such a short period of time, Tang San's mind in combat is still very flexible.

A group of people did not speak, but their movements were neat and uniform, and the new formation was pulled out.

However, the main attack changed from Dai Mubai to Tang San. In front of the mainland's first weapon, the top beast spirit, Bai Hu, also needed to lean back.

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