Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 170 One Pick Eight Volumes [seeking Subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu glanced appreciatively at the new formation of Tang San and others.

"Are you ready? I hope you can hold on longer." Ye Zhiqiu said with a smile, suddenly speeding up.

"The second spirit ability, Bai Hulie Guangbo."

"The first soul ability, Phoenix FireWire."

Dai Mubai's and Ma Hongjun's long-range attacks were carried out almost at the same time, flanking them from left to right.

If Ye Zhiqiu continues to move forward, he will undoubtedly be hit directly, but if he stops, his attacking momentum will stop and his momentum will weaken.

Although this is useless to Ye Zhiqiu, the pressure on their hearts can be reduced a lot.

Moving forward, Ye Zhiqiu didn't mean to stop at all. At the moment when the two attacks were about to come, he stamped his feet, and the water was stepped out of a deep depression.

Ye Zhiqiu's body suddenly jumped seven or eight meters high with strength, and while avoiding Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun's joint attack, his momentum was not reduced at all, he fell in the air at a rapid speed, and kicked Tang San who was standing in front of a group .

The "huhu" wind whizzed, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes narrowed slightly, he was forcing Tang San to fight hard because he was a little curious about the power of the Clear Sky Hammer.

Tang San's eyes condensed, and the hands holding the Clear Sky Hammer had already turned into a jade color unknowingly.

"Drink~" The Clear Sky Hammer, leaning above the water, suddenly lifted upside down in Tang San's loud shout, and slammed it towards Ye Zhiqiu in midair.

Thunder lingered on the Clear Sky Hammer, agitated with vigor and momentum.

The attacks of the two bombarded together in the blink of an eye, and a heavy muffled sound resounded in the air, sounding like a drum.

The transparent air wave spreads from the center to the surroundings, and the surrounding water surface ripples and spreads far away, until another wave is lifted, and these ripples are wiped out.

Ye Zhiqiu felt his right leg numb slightly, and with the force of the counter shock, a back flip steadily landed on the water.

Tang San was shocked by the force of the counter-shock and backed seven or eight steps, until he retreated to the side of Oscar, he was resisted by Oscar's hand.

Tang San believed that if he didn't use Profound Jade's hands, he was afraid that he might not even be able to hold the Clear Sky Hammer when he collided just now, and was kicked off by Ye Zhiqiu.

After taking a sigh of relief, Tang San looked at Ye Zhiqiu a little solemnly before holding the Clear Sky Hammer once, and secretly sighed that his physique was abnormal, that he could actually resist his Clear Sky Hammer physically.

He was safe, but he was shaken back seven or eight meters away.

"It deserves to be the first weapon in the mainland. Without the spirit ring attached, my legs can be slightly numb. If the spirit ring is attached, it will probably make me feel a little bit jealous. I'm afraid I won't be so relaxed." Ye Zhiqiu Seeing Tang San nodded, admiringly said.

"How many layers of force did you use?" Tang San asked, looking at Ye Zhiqiu with some curiosity.

"Probably eighth floor." Ye Zhiqiu smiled indifferently, "It's pretty exciting, continue."

With a vigorous woolen thread, Tang San's face turned black.You think it's exciting, my hands hurt so much...

But seeing Ye Zhiqiu rushing up again, Tang San had no choice but to greet him. If he didn't go up to resist Xia Ye Zhiqiu's attack, Dai Mubai and Meng would still be defeated in one blow.

They must be given a chance to attack. Tang San's eyes flickered. Facing Ye Zhiqiu, who was attacking quickly, the Clear Sky Hammer was suddenly lifted from behind and swept over his head before smashing it down.In this posture, the greatest power of the martial soul like the hammer can be exerted.

"Qibao is famous, one is strength and the other is speed."

When Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San head-to-head for the first time, Ning Rongrong didn't give Tang San a boost in spirit abilities. After all, the Clear Sky Hammer was so prestigious that she was afraid that Ye Zhiqiu would suffer a loss if he took it physically.

This time it's different. Didn't Ye Zhiqiu say that he only used 80% of his power?Ning Rongrong directly added an increase state to Tang San, Dai Mu, Bai Meng and all three of them.

Seeing the Clear Sky Hammer dropped from the top of his head, Ye Zhiqiu grinned, and made a mistake. He still rushed towards Meng, who was ready to respond at any time on his right hand. Dai Mubai opened the third spirit ability, the White Tiger King Kong Change, and Bi Meng was still To resist beating, persimmons naturally have to be soft.

The Clear Sky Hammer was very heavy, and Tang San thought Ye Zhiqiu would continue to face him head-on, so naturally he swung it with all his strength. At this time, it was too late to change his trick.

Tang San's face was dark, didn't he say he was energetic?It was so sudden that people were caught off guard.Happy novel www.kaixinxs.com

On the other side, Meng still saw Ye Zhiqiu's goal suddenly point to him, and couldn't help being a little flustered. She was in a state where no one could support her now.

"The third spirit ability, snake dance."

The snake stick in his hand turned into a spear shadow in the sky. This move is similar to Zhu Zhuqing’s Hundred Claws. It seems to be able to attack, defend, and seal the position. In fact, when the strength gap is huge, this kind of fancy attack, It's hard to work.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, just glanced at it slightly, poked out his right hand, and accurately found the true body of the snake stick in the sky full of gun shadows. Once he grasped it, the surrounding gun shadows disappeared.

Holding the gun body with his right hand, his left hand was on Meng's forehead, and his middle finger suddenly popped out.

"Bang~" After a slight muffled sound, Meng still took four or five steps backwards and sat down on the water. He only felt his brain "buzzing", and he didn't get out of the bewildered state for a long time.

"You are also eliminated." Ye Zhiqiu said with a light smile, before turning around to look at the remaining five people, and said with a strange smile: "Who is the next one..."

He glanced at the five people from time to time, and finally Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were placed on Oscar. Oscar's face suddenly became stiff, and he quickly swallowed the mushroom intestines in his hands, and the transparent wings behind him flew into the sky.

Almost as soon as he took off, Ye Zhiqiu swiftly passed by because he used too much force, Tang San, who had not been relieved with a hammer, appeared behind him beside Ma Hongjun, the remote output, and kicked him before he could react. On Ma Hongjun's belly, he rushed towards Ning Rongrong by thrust.

"Damn, you are fooled... Rongrong eat mushroom sausage." Oscar in the sky looked at the audience and suddenly shouted anxiously.

Dai Mubai wanted to intercept, but found that he couldn't catch up with Ye Zhiqiu at all. The speed difference between the two was too great.

Ning Rongrong just brought the mushroom sausage to his mouth and wanted to take a bite, only to find that Ye Zhiqiu's big hand was one step ahead of her and encircled her slender waist.

"Uh..." Ning Rongrong was stunned. It obviously didn't work to eat mushroom sausages at this time.

"You were also scoured..."

Before Ye Zhiqiu could finish speaking, Ning Rongrong rolled his eyes and stuffed the mushroom intestines into Ye Zhiqiu's mouth with his backhand. The spirit ring on his body lit up, giving himself a boost of spirit skills, and a stronger one. The breath suddenly began to escape from her body.

The first door of the eight doors was secretly opened by Ning Rongrong.This is the second time that she has used the Eight Doors Dunjia, this kind of rapid increase in power is a bit fascinating.

Ning Rongrong, who thought he was a godless person, suddenly twisted his body, trying to get away from Ye Zhiqiu's embrace, but found that... as if unable to make a move...

Lifting his head, it happened to meet Ye Zhiqiu's playful gaze.

Ning Rongrong was anxious on the spot, and her right hand was pushed towards Ye Zhiqiu's chest. She didn't want to be eliminated so quickly.

But how could she hurt Ye Zhiqiu with her little action, but she raised her left hand slightly to block Ning Rongrong's attack, and instead she also grabbed her hand.

Ye Zhiqiu spit out the mushroom intestines in his mouth and chuckled softly: "What else is there? If you don't have it, you will be eliminated."

"Eight doors, second..."


Ye Zhiqiu scowled, and withdrew his hand from Ning Rongrong's ass, "How did I teach you? Forgot?"

Ning Rongrong pouted aggrievedly and gave up resisting.Ye Zhiqiu let her go, looked at the remaining three people, smiled lightly: "There are three left, how long can you last?"

Why are there three? Because Ma Hongjun took Ye Zhiqiu's kick and was spitting acid water there, there was not much combat power.

Tang San breathed heavily. He just slammed into the air with all his strength, which was more uncomfortable than Ye Zhiqiu's blast, and he just eased off at this time.

Because of his misjudgment, the original six-person team instantly lost three people, and Tang San secretly blamed himself. Fortunately, this was not an enemy, otherwise they would suffer heavy losses.

Oscar flew behind Tang San and Dai Mubai, fell down, patted Tang San on the shoulder and said, "Little San, don't blame you, it's really boss Qiu is too cunning, I thought his goal was me... ."

"I was careless too..." Dai Mubai shook his head.

Seeing them taking responsibility for each other, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but smiled and nodded, "Okay, don't fight. I just want to tell you that the battle must be considered comprehensive. Sometimes, you have to make more preparations, and this battle is over. Your cooperation is very good, and those who are trained in soul power control are also qualified. They can still stand on the surface of the water even under heavy blows. It is beyond my expectation. For the rest of the day, I can move and play freely, and I will return to the academy tomorrow. "

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