Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 171 Crazy Teamseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!A group of people played crazy for a day.

On the second day, everyone was brought back to Shrek Academy by Ye Zhiqiu.

As for the second stage of training, Ye Zhiqiu and Yu Xiaogang reached a consensus that the Great Fighting Soul Arena will become a place they will frequently visit in the future.

After all, Tang San and others have already had a very good cooperation. Compared with the seven monsters in the original book, the current seven monsters, under the guidance of Ye Zhiqiu, have made even greater progress. What they lack is only the ability of various spirits. It's just understanding.At this point, they need to fight against other spirit masters frequently and grow in the hands of each other.

As for Ye Zhiqiu and Meng, neither of them made it into the Seven Monsters rankings, so they could be considered as substitutes in the team. Ye Zhiqiu also served as the team leader by the way.

The reason why Ye Zhiqiu didn't enter the ranking was because his combat power was too strong. He would have no suspense when he went on the battlefield, and he would not be able to exercise.Meng is still because, in the team battle, the number of people is the standard number of seven, and only when there are enough people in the competition will add people. Her position is a bit embarrassing, and Meng still proposes to be a substitute.

Starting from this day, the students of Shrek Academy also officially had their own titles. This was strongly requested by Yu Xiaogang. He was afraid that these talented students would enter the sight of Wuhun Hall, so he helped everyone think of a title. In the competition in the Great Fighting Arena, everyone will only report the title, not the name.

Evil Eye White Tiger-Dai Mubai.

Sausage Monopoly-Oscar.

Thousand Hands Shura-Tang San.

Evil Fire Phoenix-Ma Hongjun.

Soft Bones Rabbit-Xiao Wu.

Qibao Liuli-Ning Rongrong.

Ghost Cat-Zhu Zhuqing.

Phantom Snake Ji-Meng still.

Fighting God-One Leaf Knows Autumn-Ye Knows Autumn.

Ye Zhiqiu's title was obtained by himself, borrowing the name from a novel in his previous life.

Put it here, he feels very appropriate.

The God of Fighting in the Great Fighting Arena, a leaf knows autumn.

In addition to the title, each person also has a bright silver half-face mask. The workmanship is very delicate and thin, and it does not affect the line of sight.


Twilight fell.

All nine members of Shrek Academy came out of the Great Arena of Souls in Soto City wearing masks. They were also led by Ye Zhiqiu, but the teachers of the Academy did not follow.

Their dresses stopped outside of the Great Arena of Souls in Soto City, and naturally it was easy to attract the attention of others. The turning head rate reached almost 100%, and there were people around them from time to time.

Ye Zhiqiu waved his hand, brought a group of people inside, and said casually, "The first game of the team battle will not officially start until 8 o'clock late. We are late, and it is estimated that our team will play later. During this time , If you want to play solo or double soul fighting, please sign up. If you don’t want to play, you don’t want to force it, just feel free.

"We're going." Xiao Wu didn't care what Tang San thought, the first one pulled Tang San to sign up.

Afterwards, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also smiled and waved at Ye Zhiqiu, and also went to sign up.

Although both of them are girls, if their opponents dare to look down upon, they will definitely be beaten badly.

Both of them have been able to easily open the first door of the eight doors, and the second door can also be opened.However, Ye Zhiqiu has a rule that it is not allowed to open if it is not in danger. After all, from the second door, Bamen Dunjia will begin to overdraw the body's potential to squeeze. Unless their spirit power reaches level 40 or above, their physique is still weak and they open frequently. There may be some sequelae that affect the follow-up practice.

As for the next few disciplines, Ye Zhiqiu didn't teach them directly, and now is not the time.

Four of the eight people left, Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun with a "hey" smile, and looked a little proud. He still ran to sign up while pulling Meng, and directly dropped his former teammate.

Only Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun looked at each other in the same place.

They are level 37 and level 28. Although they are not at the bottom of their respective ranks, if they team up, they are all spirit masters above level 30, and Ma Hongjun is missing a link, which will undoubtedly increase the pressure.

"Why... we don't fight two souls?" Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Mubai and whispered.

Dai Mubai hesitated for a while, his eyes condensed, "I'm afraid of a bird, sign up, and you can support me remotely. It's not like you have never played before." 510 Literature www.510wx.com

"Fuck... Dai Er, you are so brave, you are a real man..."

"That is...you must be brave..."

Seeing that everyone had signed up, Ye Zhiqiu smiled with satisfaction. It is good to be self-motivated.

As for himself, he didn't bother to fight, it was a waste of time.If it wasn't for taking care of Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, he wouldn't bother to come to this battlefield.

When Tang San and the others signed up, they also communicated with the staff specifically, saying that the eight of them are together and should not be arranged as opponents.

After all, when they were on the other side of the island, they probably played against each other more than a hundred times. If they played several games a day, they were tired of playing.

For the small request made by Tang San and others, the Great Fighting Soul Arena could still arrange it, and it was done smoothly.

After the Soul Fighting contest, Ye Zhiqiu only paid attention to it for a few times, but didn't look at it again.

Two-player fighting spirits, opponents can hardly support a few rounds, single-player fighting spirits are even more unilateral.

Most of these civilian spirit masters have only had their first spirit ring for ten years. Even if their spirit power is higher, they can't make up the qualitative gap.

Even in Ye Zhiqiu's view, the combination of the weakest Oscar and Meng is not too difficult to win.

It was purely accidental to meet the spirit masters like Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu last time.

Waiting until everyone's single and two soul fighting ended, except for Ning Rongrong and Oscar who only scored one point, the others all added two points.

Ning Rongrong hugged Ye Zhiqiu's arm and said dissatisfied, "Why don't you let me fight for the list, I think I can fight..."

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes, can you hit a hammer, really think that opening an eight-door first door can rub everyone on the ground?

Surprise it is almost the same.

Eight of these spirit abilities depend on who uses them. If Tang San uses them, he said he could fight, but Ye Zhiqiu believed it 100%.

Because even if Tang San didn't have spirit abilities, he had learned so much in Tang Sect and had rich combat experience, so he could beat others.

As for Ning Rongrong, forget it.

Even if she opens the first door and adds two layers of Qibao increase to herself, it is estimated that she will be about the same as her opponent, and she still doesn't know how to fight.Being taken advantage of?

If this is especially true, unless the opponent is a rookie like her, he will be played 100%.

"Okay, you are an auxiliary soul master, just be in charge of being beautiful and beautiful, so you don't get involved in fighting." Ye Zhiqiu said silently.

"Beautiful like a flower..." Ning Rongrong's cheeks were red, his sapphire pupils were out of focus, and he was a little wandering, with a faint smile on his mouth.

Hmph, even if you can speak, this lady forgive you!

On the other side of Ye Zhiqiu, Zhu Zhuqing was a little silent.She also wanted to hold Ye Zhiqiu's arm and act like a baby.

But... she won't...

And she couldn't pull her face down, so she could only look at Ning Rongrong with envy.

Behind the three, Tang San and Xiao Wu were a pair.

Oscar and Meng are still a pair.

Only Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun had their faces black, and they were a little unlovable.

I remember the last time I came here, I only needed to eat Ye Zhiqiu's dog food for one person, and now I have to eat dog food for three people, which really hurts.

When a group of people came to the team battle area, a hot bunny girl sent a form.

As Ye Zhiqiu expected, they signed up late, so they played late.

The penultimate game.

Shrek team VS crazy team.

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