Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 172: Twists and Turnsseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!On the form, only the teams that will play tonight are written, and the rest of the information is blank.

Ye Zhiqiu threw the form into the trash can next to it, looked at the bunny girl and said, "Take us to the rest area."

Team battles are different from single-player two-player battles, and the treatment specifications are higher.

As long as the participating teams have a separate room, although it is not large, it is more than enough as a temporary venue.

Moreover, the competition arena for team battles is not like the single and double soul arena, there are many arenas.

Here, there is only a super-large central ring, covering a very wide area, with a length and width of a hundred meters, enough for both sides to display.

When they came to the exclusive rest area of ​​the Shrek team, everyone sat quietly, closed their eyes and meditated.

In the previous single and double soul fighting, their soul power was somewhat exhausted, and before they were on the court, it was natural to restore the state to the best.

Ye Zhiqiu also lay on the sofa, closing his eyes and resting.

The room was quiet for a while, only the breathing of everyone from time to time could be heard.

The comfortable atmosphere did not last long. At the entrance of the Shrek team's rest area, an extremely strong man who was more than two meters tall, folded his hands on his chest, and leaned his back against the door frame.

Judging from the face, this person is probably in his thirties. The upper body is wearing a vest-like clothes, showing exaggerated dark muscles, giving a strong visual impact. Needless to say, this is definitely a man. A strong offensive war spirit master who is good at strength.

When this big man appeared at the door, almost everyone opened their eyes and looked at this person with a plain face.

"Something?" Tang San raised his eyebrows and asked.

The middle-aged man grinned, and without the consent of Shrek and others, he walked straight into the rest area of ​​the Shrek team, his eyes still gazing everywhere, and he stayed on Zhu Zhuqing and Meng still the most times.

The big man is the captain of the crazy team, Kuangxi, like today, it is what he often does to understand the strength of the fighting spirit opponent by probing and observing things.

Shrek Academy and others, although they all wear half-face masks, judging from the lower half of their faces, the experienced mad rhinoceros knows that these are a bunch of chicks under the age of 18. This couldn't help but make some contempt in his heart.

"It's okay, it's just that you have a few girls here who are in good shape, come to meet and meet." Kuang Xi laughed wildly, his eyes were on Zhu Zhuqing and Meng's chest and glanced over, intention of molesting It's very obvious.

He was not mindless, with this posture, his original intention was to explore the bottom of this Shrek team before the spirit fight, to see what level of their spirit power is, so that his team can make a targeted plan afterwards.

It's just that this time he seemed to be unlucky, when Kuangxi suddenly discovered that after these people had finished speaking, they looked at him with abnormal eyes, and seemed...with pity and sympathy?

Shouldn't you be very angry?Will you hit me then?Why is it pity and sympathy?

The wild rhino, who was laughing wildly to hide his secret observation eyes, couldn't help but the laughter became smaller and smaller, and in the end it was directly silent, and his expression was a bit embarrassing.

His instinct tells him that the expressions in these people's sympathy with him are serious, and there must be ghosts here, so they shouldn't stay long.

The frenzied rhino, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly noticed that the young soul master who was sitting between the two girls and was keeping his eyes closed and rested, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Laughing very happy, why bother to leave."

Ye Zhiqiu chuckled lightly, got up slowly, his body disappeared as he moved.Chinese Novel Library www.cnxsku.net

Kuangxi's eyes were startled. When he turned around completely, he found that the young soul master had actually blocked the way out, just like his arrogant posture, he was leaning against the door frame with his arms folded.

Ye Zhiqiu pulled out his ears, and said blankly, "You seemed to be very happy just now? Would you like to say a few more words?"

Crazy Rhinoceros slowly calmed down. This time he removed his disguise and said with a calm face: "The speed is very fast, but you are a bit arrogant, boy. You don’t want to go out to inquire about my Crazy Rhinoceros name. This trick is scary. I can’t stop Lao Tzu. If it weren't for the Arena of Souls, fighting outside the ring would be banned. Lao Tzu would not mind teaching you the sinister society now."

The words were ruthless, but Kuangxi was still very worried.What he was afraid of was not the young spirit master who was blocking the door. After all, in his opinion, this was probably a faster agile attack type spirit master, but he was afraid of being beaten by so many people here.

As we all know, young people do things with passion, rather than their brains.The two of them are not afraid of being mad, but if all the people present attack, they will probably be abandoned here today.

Therefore, Kuangxi pointed out vaguely that except for the arena, fighting is not allowed in the Great Fighting Arena, just to remind everyone present.

This not only saves his face, but also retreats calmly.

If he were to be replaced by another spirit master who had just debuted, he might have been really bluffed by the madness.

But is Ye Zhiqiu the one who will suffer?A ruthless person who even dared to kill two people even with the title Douluo of the Spirit Hall, would care about the rules of the Great Fighting Spirit Arena?

If Kuangxi said something nice, Ye Zhiqiu would really let him go if he wasn't sure.Unfortunately, he did not.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes fell cold, and a murderous intent filled his body.

One bite and one Laozi, plus molesting Zhu Zhuqing.No matter what it was, it touched Ye Zhiqiu's bottom line.

Tang San and the others also stood up silently, their soul power surged.

A few drops of cold sweat flowed from Kuangxi's forehead, and he secretly scolded these little turtles for doing things regardless of the consequences. This posture is to kill himself if he doesn't play games...

At this moment.

"team leader..."

"team leader..."

Several shouts rang out one after another. Seven or eight soul masters rushed out of a rest area one room away from the rest area of ​​the Shrek team and came outside the door of the Shrek rest area.

The rest of the mad team, aware of the spirit power fluctuations here, rushed over in an instant.

The arrival of his teammates immediately gave Kuang Xi ample confidence in his heart, and his heart rested a little.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at a group of people with disdain, his expression consistent.

At this moment, the captains of the two teams seemed to be surrounded by the players on both sides, but both of them looked calm.

On the contrary, some of the team's members are arrogant, and separated by the two team captains, there is a tendency to fight.

"Boy, are you the captain of their team? I hope I can see you in the Arena of Souls later, huh~" Kuangxi grinned and passed by Ye Zhiqiu, leading the team members away.

Ye Zhiqiu raised his eyelids, and didn't mean to stop him.He suddenly felt that it would be too cheap for such a person to slap himself to death. It would be interesting to torture him in the ring.

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