You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!"Boss Qiu, just let them go like this?" Oscar was a little dumbfounded, his expression aggrieved.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at him flatly, "Do you think I would be the kind of good-tempered person? When fighting spirits in the ring, play slowly."

"That's not right..." Oscar frowned, "Boss Qiu, you are in your 40s. It seems that you should not be able to play. It seems to be against the rules..."

Others also reacted immediately, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to be really too high level, not in line with the rules of fighting spirits.

"Rules are set by people, so naturally they can be broken." After Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, he calmly beckoned to a bunny waiter not far from the door.

"Hello, respectable soul master, what can I do for you." The bunny waiter stepped forward, with a professional smile on her face, and slightly bowed to Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu wiped his right hand from the ink jade bracelet, took out a token and handed it to her, "Take this to your senior and let him come here to see me."

The bunny waiter took the token, turned it over in doubt, responded softly, and turned away.

Ye Zhiqiu's movements were not specifically hidden. Tang San and the others naturally saw them. They looked at Ye Zhiqiu curiously.

What can make the steward of the Great Fighting Soul Arena take the initiative to see him?There is such a big row of noodles?

Seeing the doubts in the eyes of everyone, Ye Zhiqiu didn't mean to solve them, and went straight back to the sofa to sit down, closing his eyes and resting.

Before long, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and a tall middle-aged fat man with a big back and a gorgeous black tuxedo came to the door under the leadership of the bunny waiter.

After the two of them discussed a sentence or two at the door, the middle-aged fat man walked in, holding the token with some respectful hands, and handed it back to Ye Zhiqiu.

"Excuse me, is this token your own? Or is it your friend?" The middle-aged fat man looked at Ye Zhiqiu carefully and asked.

Ye Zhiqiu took the token back indifferently and took back the Mo Jade Bracelet. At the same time, the martial arts opened, and the four spirit rings of purple, black and red fell from the top of his head, surrounding him.

Although he didn't speak, the middle-aged fat man had his eyes open. He immediately stood up straight, clasped his right hand on his left chest, and bowed at a ninety degree: "Soto, director of the Great Arena, 69 defense. The war spirit emperor Hu Yanchen has seen His Royal Highness the Son."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded calmly and said, "You don't need to be polite, your surname is Huyan, should you belong to the next four elephants?

The middle-aged fat man "hehe" smiled, "His Royal Highness has the eyes of a torch, and I am indeed from the Elephant Sect. May I ask His Highness to call me over, what's your order?"

"The captain of the mad team offended me..."

"I immediately arranged for someone to chop him." Before Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, Hu Yanchen hurriedly showed his loyalty.

Elephant Jiazong is the sect most closely related to Wuhun Hall in the Lower Four Sects. Although it has not directly taken refuge, it is not much different.

When I met Ye Zhiqiu, the Saint Child of Wuhun Temple, he naturally wanted to treat him well.

"No need..." Ye Zhiqiu twitched his mouth and said silently: "I plan to solve it by myself, but the level exceeds the upper limit. Just change the record data of the Great Fighting Arena for me. Wait for Shrek and Mad I will personally play the battle of the team."

"No problem. If His Royal Highness has no other instructions, then I will do it now?" Hu Yanchen asked cautiously, until Ye Zhiqiu nodded, he went out a little excited.

With Ye Zhiqiu's identity, even if they met with Sect Master Hu Yanzhen, they needed to be treated with care.Wenxin School

If he Hu Yanchen can establish a little relationship with Ye Zhiqiu, not to mention flying yellow and rising in minutes, but his position in the sect is straight up, there is still no problem.

Until Hu Yanchen left, Dai Mubai and others recovered from the dumbfoundedness. They almost forgot the identity of Ye Zhiqiu, the saint son of the Martial Spirit Hall, and they didn't expect it to be so useful.

Many of the Seven Monsters have good identities, but even if they reveal their identities, they may not be treated so respectfully.

This is the foundation of the mainland's No. 1 force organization. Even if it does not rank among the seven major sects, the name of the Wuhun Temple is a well-deserved uncrowned king.

Ma Hongjun, Oscar, these two civilian soul masters, looked even more envious.Boss Qiu, what a shame, this black-box operation is shameless, but why do I like it so much?

"Okay, don't be envious. The identity of the saint child alone is not enough to make them so flattering, but adding an honorary elder is different. These people just want to climb up." Ye Zhiqiu said with a light smile. One sentence, then looked at Ma Hongjun and said: "Fatty, wait for you to replace me."

"Huh...?" Ma Hongjun froze immediately and muttered: "I think I am more suitable than Xiaoao..."

"My girlfriend was overwhelmed... I want revenge, don't join in the fun if you are a single dog." Oscar smiled and patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder.

This time, Ma Hongjun was even more daunted.


About an hour later, ten o'clock at night.

Team Shrek and Team Mad had walked out of their lounge together, and the battle between them had arrived.

The members of the two teams looked at each other. The members of the mad team seemed to have discussed it. At the same time, they sneered and wiped their necks. Dai Mubai and the others were amused. These guys don’t even know they are a group of people What will you face later...

Two teams, one on the left and the other on the right, walked towards the soul master passage on both sides.

As soon as the mad clan came out, it ignited the enthusiasm in the audience, and cheers resounded throughout the audience.

The mad team, in this Soto Arena, has a lot of fame. The opponents who fight their souls are either dead or disabled, but the audience still likes to watch this kind of scene, so their supporters have many.

In the center of the ring, there is a square pedal suspended in the air.Above it, a host with dyed colorful hair, a medium figure, a colorful tuxedo, holding a microphone, raised his right hand, and said passionately: "The fourth team battle, against both sides, the mad team and Shrek Seven Weird. The first team to play is the mad team led by mad rhinoceros. For them, I don’t need to introduce them. They have already achieved seven wins and seven victories. If they can continue to win three consecutive victories, they will create us. The Big Fighting Soul Field has reached the record of Copper Fighting Soul the fastest."

As the host finished speaking, there was a burst of cheers that were much more enthusiastic than before.

When Ye Zhiqiu and others walked out slowly, the host also introduced loudly in a passionate tone to mobilize the atmosphere on the court.

"On the other side, the Shrek team led by Captain Fight God-Zhiqiu Ichiba who just finished registration today. Fight God... This is really the craziest name I have ever seen, but the first game of Soul Fight The God of Fighting has encountered such a powerful opponent as the Crazy Team. Can they create miracles?"

Everyone in the Shrek team was not as exaggerated as the crazy team, and the strongest Dai Mubai was also quite satisfactory, and there were several girls in the team.

This could not help but make a boo in the audience. Obviously, as the new team participating in the battle for the first time, no one was optimistic about them.

"Please line up the members of both sides." The host said loudly.

As the host's voice fell, both sides set up their formation at the same time.

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