Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 174 Fighting God Yiye Zhiqiuseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The leader of the wild clan standing at the forefront was the captain of the wild rhinoceros.

Behind him, on both sides, are two men with a gloomy look of similar faces.After that, she was the only female soul master in the mad squad. She wore heavy makeup and was very cool. Her upper body was a simple cloth covering only two points on her chest, and her lower body was only wearing a translucent pink skirt. It was looming, Ma Hongjun, who was watching the Shrek team, swallowed straight.

On both sides of the woman, there are two thin young men, and at the end is a middle-aged man.

The overall formation of the crazy team looks like a sharp cone.

As for Ye Zhiqiu's side, everyone just stood casually. Except for Ye Zhiqiu who was standing in the front, the others were all behind.They are too lazy to put in a formation, or that is, this is their formation.

Dai Mubai and others had already been instructed by Ye Zhiqiu in advance that they didn't need them to participate in the war, so they were all ready to watch the show, and they didn't feel any burden at all.

The rookie-like behavior of Team Shrek couldn't help but make another big boo in the audience.

The referee frowned and reminded him out of kindness: "Please prepare the Shrek team for the battle formation."

"No, they are not worthy, let's start." Ye Zhiqiu's flat voice spread, and it sounded in the ring.

The referee was stunned, shook his head speechlessly, and raised a hand, "The fourth game of the team's soul fight, start~"

As the referee's raised hand fell, the square ring he stepped on suddenly took him a little away.

A group of people in the mad team looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a gloomy look. This kid is too arrogant and must be abolished.

"Open Martial Soul." Kuang Xi let down with a soft drink, and the seven members of the Kuang team instantly opened their own martial arts, and spirit rings of various colors of white, yellow and purple rose from their feet.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at him and couldn't help but sneered. He didn't expect that there is still someone with a third spirit ring that is still a century old, and he has gained knowledge today.

"Boy, what are you laughing at." Kuangxi's expression was a little gloomy. He found that the people on the opposite side, except for the previous Captain Shrek who stopped him, all the others had retreated to the side of the ring. What's more, some people took out snacks. eating.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't bother to pay attention to him either, and wiped his right hand on the Mo Jade Bracelet, and then turned into a spear tall one person.

Since his title is the God of Fighting Yiye Zhiqiu, it's time to play with them by changing the evil spirit.

Looking at Kuangxi and the others, Ye Zhiqiu's mouth lifted, "Are you ready?"

The Seven Rhinoceros was a bit blasted in an instant. It was too mad. Not only did you have to hit seven of them one by one, but also the spirits didn't open, only a broken spear?

Are they ready now?It was also the first time that they had seen this kind of mad and boundless soul master during a soul fighting game.

"Boss, I can't bear it, I'll go and teach him a lesson."

"Then I will go too."

Behind Kuangxi, the two twin soul masters with similar appearances, after completing the possession of the martial spirit, suddenly rushed out of the team. Behind them is the phantom of a violent goat. These are the war spirit masters of two beast spirits. .

"The disc of wishful thinking, the light of defense blooms. The disc of wishful thinking, the light of attack blooms." The middle-aged man at the back of the mad team, from the small silver disc in his hand, flew out two streamers into the two souls who had rushed out of the team. Inside the teacher, their aura suddenly increased a little.

"The second spirit ability, rampage."

The centuries-old spirit rings on the two Storm Goat Spirit Masters lighted up at the same time, and the body rushing towards Ye Zhiqiu at high speed suddenly increased by a large amount, and the head horns of the Storm Goat Phantom also lighted up, seemingly Has the effect of increasing attack power.

The two sides refused to be far away, and the two came to Ye Zhiqiu in the blink of an eye.

Ye Zhiqiu raised his right hand casually, holding the spear horizontally, blocking him.

As if calculated accurately, almost in the next second, the horns of the two violent goat spirit masters directly hit the spear body.

"Dang...dang..." After two crisp sounds, Ye Zhiqiu's figure remained motionless. Instead, he commented, "Together, the two of them don't even have half the strength of Xiaosan's hammer, food."

The two violent goat spirit masters felt aggrieved. Although they didn't know who the person in front of him was talking about, it was a fact that their joint attack was easily blocked by others, and they seemed to have no spirit skills. Use?

"The third spirit ability..." The two said in unison, trying to use their strongest moves at the same time.

However, before they could use it, Ye Zhiqiu showed mockery in his eyes, lifting his right foot and kicking it twice in a row.

The two crisp sounds of "Kacha" and "Kacha" were broadcast in the ring at the same time. The two spirit masters of the violent goat spirit were kicked and flew more than 20 meters away, and at the same time they fell in front of the wild rhinoceros, their chests slightly sunken. , I am afraid that many ribs are broken.

With the strength of the spirit master's physique, this kind of injury or death cannot be killed, but if there is no high-level soul master treatment, I am afraid that it will not be able to get up without lying in bed for a year or a half.

All this happened so quickly, the auditorium was a little bit silent, unable to react.000 literature www.000wx.com

The referee also opened his mouth wide and looked dumbfounded.

"It's time for me." Ye Zhiqiu chuckled, his right leg slammed on the ring, and a violent noise was heard. The figure drew a white line, and the imperial robe behind was hunting and hunting, and the figure instantly traversed more than 20 meters away .

Mad Rhino's eyes shrank for a while, only coming to put his hands across his chest. In the next moment, the spear in Ye Zhiqiu's hand arrived. The black crystal-like but evil spear body suddenly smashed into the double that Mad Rhino used to block. Arm.

With a fragile sound, the bones of Kuangxi’s forearm broke on the spot, and the broken bones pierced the skin and exposed his body. However, the evil spear was still strong, and it hit him with a “boom” On the chest.

The mad rhinoceros who was still standing in the same place just now was glared by Ye Zhiqiu's shot in the blink of an eye, and flew out with a tilted body. By the way, he also placed the mad team in the center, the female soul master who was in charge of controlling the field and finally The auxiliary soul masters in the platoon flew more than ten meters away together, and the three of them stuck together and rolled on the ring for several laps before slowly stopping.

In the end, the remaining two flanking spirit masters were directly on the spot, with fear in their eyes.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at them coldly, did not pay attention, but Xie was attached behind him, step by step towards the crazy rhinoceros who was lying on the ground and fainted, and slowly walked over, seeing his posture, it was not finished.

Somewhere in the VIP box, Hu Yanchen, who was watching the battle, secretly smacked his tongue. The speed at which Ye Zhiqiu suddenly broke out just now, he, the 69th-level soul emperor, can only barely see clearly. I am afraid it will not be easy to take it. Really as fierce as the rumors, this martial spirit hasn't been activated yet, what will happen if martial spirit is activated?

Dai Mubai and others were also secretly shocked. Back then, if Ye Zhiqiu used this strength at sea, they were afraid that they would not be able to last that long, and the formation would be defeated in an instant. It turned out that Boss Qiu had always been interested in the competition with them. Release water.

At this time, the ring is silent, and the needle drop can be heard.

The female soul master who was first hit by the crazy rhinoceros had blood surging in her body and her chest was aching.The last wishful disk auxiliary spirit master was in better condition, but suffered a little bruise.

The two watched Ye Zhiqiu holding a spear upside down, and walked indifferently. They both crawled backwards after using their hands and feet on the ring in horror.

The miserable appearance of the wild rhinoceros is still in front of him, his arms are almost only a layer of skin still attached, and they are probably already worn out, and his chest is severely sunken. Whether he can continue to live is unknown.

All of this was caused by this spirit master wearing a mask. This was a devil, so they couldn't help but not panic.

Not counting the time for nonsense, Ye Zhiqiu's shots took no more than five seconds, five seconds, and the three main forces of their team were abolished, and the mentality of the rest of the players collapsed. The female soul master and the auxiliary soul master did not even dare to stand up. , At least they didn't stand up, this soul master didn't seem to have the intention to attack them.

Ye Zhiqiu walked up to the crazy rhinoceros lying on the ground before stopping.

Everyone is looking at him, if you guess right, this is going to kill him directly.

It’s not that people have never died in the Great Fighting Arena, but they basically killed them by accident, or killed them deliberately and said they confiscated their hands. Like this, the opponent has no resistance to resist, and he plans to kill the killer. The rules of the Great Arena are broken.

The referee wanted to stop, but when he saw Ye Zhiqiu's somewhat indifferent eyes, he didn't dare to go... Forget it, forget it...

Finally, Ye Zhiqiu raised the spear in his hand, and decisively slashed it across the eyes of the wild rhinoceros, and a bloodstain appeared at once, "Look at my woman, destroy your eyes."

"Ah~" The sharp pain in his eyes made the big man awakened instantly and opened his mouth wailing.

However, Ye Zhiqiu handed it out with a cold face, the tip of the gun was picked, and half of his tongue flew out of his mouth. With a "click", it landed on the side ring like rotten meat, "Lao Tzu, these two Words, you don’t seem to be able to speak anymore."

After doing all this, Ye Zhiqiu's complexion softened a little, and he closed his gun and returned.

There was silence around him, his eyes were broken, his tongue was broken, his hands were broken, his breastbone was sunken.

Although this is not dead, it is more uncomfortable than dying directly...

Dai Mubai and the others also took a breath. It turned out that Boss Qiu was so cruel when he got up cruelly.

After everyone secretly glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, the men hurriedly withdrew their gazes. They couldn't see or could not see, and the boss would goug their eyes.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were staring at Zhu Zhuqing's chest in a daze, looking a little surprised.

Zhu Zhuqing naturally noticed the small movements of everyone in Shrek. He couldn't help being funny and a little speechless. He was still a little touched by Ye Zhiqiu. Does he care about himself so much?

After reaching the center of the ring, Ye Zhiqiu stopped, looked at the host in mid-air, and said lightly: "It looks like the result can be announced."

The host was stunned, and looked at the four spirit masters who were still standing in the mad team with embarrassment. They haven't given up yet, it's not in compliance with the rules...

Seeing the host looking at them, the four of them seemed to have thought of something, and immediately turned pale, and they couldn't help cursing the host half to death.

It wasn't until Ye Zhiqiu looked at them faintly that the only female soul master in the mad team trembled and said, "We admit defeat."

They were scolding the host in their hearts, but they did not know that the host was also scolding them, and finally waited for this sentence...

This person is staring at me so much, and my heart is under great pressure, okay?

The host’s voice raised his hand with excitement: "Winner, Shrek team. Team Captain Doushen Ichiba Zhiqiu completed a one-to-seven feat while his teammates were watching the battle, setting the record for the Battle of Souls in Soto City. , Worthy of the name of the god of war. Let us congratulate the Shrek team..."

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