Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 177 Double Douluo's dismounting power

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Yeah..." Zhu Zhuqing replied softly, lowered her head slightly, unwilling to let others see the expression on her face, her eyes were a little moist.

Tang San read Ye Zhiqiu's words just now in his heart, his eyes lit up.

You don't want to trouble me, how can I be willing to make you wronged?


It is another famous saying.Produced by Brother Qiu, it must be a boutique!I also want to find an opportunity to use this sentence on Xiao Wu.

A group of people walked all the way, passing through many pavilions, and finally stopped under a nine-story tower that looked much larger than the other buildings.

If you look closely at this tower-shaped building, you will find that it looks exactly like Ning Rongrong’s Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda. It was built entirely on the basis of the Qibao Glazed Glazed Pagoda’s martial spirit. However, the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda lacks the top. The two-story building, and the tower-shaped building constructed of stone and wood is a complete nine-story building.

This tower also represents the long-cherished wish of the Qibao Glazed Tile School.

"This is the governing tower. During the day, my dad usually handles affairs of the sect on the first floor. The upper eight floors are used for enjoying the scenery, drinking tea and reading books, and the ninth floor can directly overlook the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect. The scenery is particularly beautiful. Ning Rongrong smiled and introduced a few words to everyone, and then he took Ye Zhiqiu to the wide front entrance.

Inside, the space inside is very wide. Except for the pristine light-colored carpets on the central road, antique wooden floors are placed on both sides. Many decorative landscape bamboo and dwarf pine are placed on them, separated by a screen. The majestic and elegant decorations are obviously made by everyone.

A person's character can often be seen from the decoration of a person's interior. The plants, tables, and chairs in this room are in line with the elegant and easy-going character of Ning Fengzhi, the lord of the Seven Treasure Glaze Sect.

At the end of the center carpet, there is a large red-brown wooden chair. A person sits on top of it. He looks at his face. He is about 27 or 28 years old. He has beautiful eyes and a faint smile on his face. I have to say, Ning. Fengzhi's maintenance is really good, in fact, he is nearly 40 years old.

On both sides of Ning Fengzhi, there were two middle-aged men who were staring at each other.

One is the Sword Douluo that Ye Zhiqiu has seen before. He hasn't seen him for many years. The Sword Douluo is still the same. The only thing that has changed is that he seems to have shaved the moustache on his chin. He has a childlike sense of sight.

The one who was staring at Jian Douluo was a middle-aged man with a straight face and a soft black armor. He had long black hair, and his temples were hanging straight down, covering a small part of his cheeks. The sharp eyes revealed, but it made the surrounding air a little bit colder, this is another super Douluo of the Title Bone in the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Level 95 Bone Douluo Gu Rong.

"Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bone, what are you doing?" Ning Rongrong stepped forward to the two with some doubts.

The two Super Douluos who were going to stare at each other to death with their swords were drawn at first, but when they saw Ning Rongrong next to them, their faces instantly changed.

Sword Douluo touched Ning Rongrong's little head with a fond look, and smiled kindly: "Come on, Rong Rong, tell this old bone, you like Grandpa Sword better."

"Fart, you slut who can only play with swords." Bone Douluo squeezed Sword Douluo away, rubbed his big hand on Ning Rongrong's head, and said with a smile: "Rong Rong Mingming likes my bone better. Grandpa, you can only stand behind."

"Do you want to fight this old bone?"

"Fight as long as I am afraid of you?"


The two faced each other and glared.180 novel www.xs180.com

Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others watched for a while, astonished on the spot. Did Rong Rong have such a high status at home?

Xiao Wu in the crowd hid behind Tang San secretly, poking out her head slightly to watch this interesting scene.

"Ahem, Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, there are guests here, don't let the juniors read the jokes..." Ning Fengzhi smiled bitterly and shook his head, making rounds beside the two of them.



The two Title Douluos were like children, with their arms folded, their heads twisted.

Tang San and the others were completely petrified this time, Ye Zhiqiu also saw the corners of his mouth twitching, it seems that the last time he saw Jian Douluo, he was not so childish...

Seeing this scene, Ning Rongrong seemed to be offended, his big eyes rolled, and a bright smile said: "The two grandfathers Rongrong like them, and my father likes them. But they like Zhiqiu more."

While talking, Ning Rongrong also ran to Ye Zhiqiu and held his arm, with a sly smile in his big eyes.

"Huh?" Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo stared at Ye Zhiqiu at the same time. They almost exploded when they saw Ye Zhiqiu's right hand being held by his favorite little princess, and his left hand was still holding a little beauty.

"Boy Qiu, fortunately, I still told you a lot of good things from Fengzhi. It's not enough for you to have Rongrong. You still play tricks?" Jian Douluo glared at Ye Zhiqiu.

Although Bone Douluo didn't speak, he was full of suffocating anger visible to the naked eye. There was a tendency for Ye Zhiqiu to come out without answering and just shoot him here.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Ye Zhiqiu with interest. He didn't speak or stop, just smiled and watched.

Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others were in a cold sweat, so something really happened. This scene didn't seem to be as easy to watch as I thought...

The power of the two Title Douluo was overwhelmed. They stood behind Ye Zhiqiu. Although they didn't have to resist all the pressure, just a little aftermath made people a little unbearable.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was standing next to Ye Zhiqiu, turned pale, his body trembled, and the spirit of the Nether Cat was forced out.Although Ning Rongrong was deliberately avoided by the two Title Douluo, the pressure passing by her made her feel quite uncomfortable.

Ye Zhiqiu clenched his brows, and pulled the two daughters behind him, narrowing his eyes, his martial soul opened.

The four purple, black, and red spirit rings began to fall, and with each drop of a spirit ring, the pressure on Dai Mubai and Tang San and others behind them reduced by one point.

When the fourth six hundred thousand year spirit ring fell, the pressure of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo was completely dissipated.

The atmosphere around that was somewhat depressive, but it returned to normal in an instant.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo glanced at each other, their eyes were a little shocked.

However, Ning Fengzhi's eyes brightened, with some unexpected surprises.

Ye Zhiqiu took back the martial soul as soon as he saw it, smiled faintly, looked at the three of them, bowed slightly and said: "Ye Zhiqiu has seen Uncle Ning, Grandpa Jian, and Grandpa Bone. Can we speak well, don't just get rid of him. Yes, if it wasn't for my good mentality, I might be scared by you guys and carrying Rongrong on my way..."

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