Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 178 A little bullying [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"What are you talking about..." Ning Rongrong's cheeks flushed, and he patted Ye Zhiqiu's arm to act like a baby.

In this scene, Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo, who were about to scold Ye Zhiqiu, had their faces twitched slightly, and their faces were full of confusion.

But after all, he didn't say what he said.

After Ye Zhiqiu saluted, Tang San, Dai Mubai and others naturally did not dare to neglect, and they also took a few steps forward to prepare to salute.

Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo glanced over a group of people. When they saw Xiao Wu, their eyes flashed at the same time, and they looked at each other, and they both saw the complicated eyes in each other's eyes.

"Dad, Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bone, I'll introduce you to you." Ning Rongrong smiled brightly, and came to the side of Zhu Zhuqing on the left hand side of Ye Zhiqiu, and said with her arm: "This is Zhuqing, the age of our Shrek Academy. The youngest is also my good sister."

After Ning Rongrong finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing calmly bent down slightly, "Zhu Zhuqing, I have seen Uncle Ning, Grandpa Jian, and Grandpa Bone."

Then, Ning Rongrong, like a butterfly wearing flowers, stopped by the others to introduce.

"This is Dai Mubai, the second child of our college..."

"Oscar, the youngest of the college..."


After introducing everyone all the time, Ning Fengzhi nodded cordially and said with a smile: "They are all Rongrong's classmates. Don't be restrained, sit down."

The guest chair of the Qibao Liulizong is not too high, but it is large enough, a bit like a tatami.Each wooden chair can make an adult half-lying on it, so sitting two to three people does not appear crowded at all.

Below the main seat, there are the positions of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, so it is naturally difficult for others to sit.

Ye Zhiqiu took Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing and sat down first under Sword Douluo.

The other people also find their own seats to sit down. Those who are lovers will naturally sit together, and those who are not lovers will sit alone.

The network of Shrek's people is clear at a glance. Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo Bone Douluo are both mature characters. Seeing this scene, they knew it instantly.

The people present at Shrek Academy were probably also the old god Ye Zhiqiu, sitting in the most stable position, not to mention that Ning Rongrong held his right arm, and Zhu Zhuqing was still holding his left hand.

While Tang San and the others secretly admired Ye Zhiqiu's courage, they also squeezed sweat in their hearts. Fortunately, those two Title Douluo stared at me, otherwise the chair under the butt might scald their butt.Even now, Tang San and the others only dared to put their buttocks halfway against the wooden chair, and Xiao Wu shrank behind Tang San.

The atmosphere on the court seemed a bit embarrassing because the two Title Douluo had been staring at Ye Zhiqiu. In this case, few people dared to speak first.

Ning Fengzhi, who was able to speak, looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a smile in his eyes, and seemed to have no intention to relieve him. In desperation, Ye Zhiqiu could only turn his eyes and take the initiative to break this somewhat awkward situation.

"Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bone, are you tired with staring eyes? Why don't you take a break first..." Ye Zhiqiu saw the two staring eyes for a long time, without blinking, he could not help but kindly reminded.

"Don't be muddled, don't you plan to explain it to the old man?" Jian Douluo looked at Ye Zhiqiu and said with no anger.

"Explain what?" Ye Zhiqiu's expression looked a little dazed, not pretending.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo both felt a breath in their chests, and their chests could not help but rise and fall. How could this kid give them garlic?

"Which one Rongrong and this female baby do you plan to marry in the future?" Jian Douluo glanced at Zhu Zhuqing next to Ye Zhiqiu, but his words were concise but pointed to the point.Biquge 88 www.roto88.com

Sword Douluo's meaning is obvious. If you say you want to marry the girl next to you, then they won't agree to the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Ye Zhiqiu.

After Sword Douluo questioned, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Zhiqiu at the same time. Although they believed that Ye Zhiqiu would not give up any of them, they still wanted to see how he answered.

Tang San, Dai Mubai and others are the same.

Ye Zhiqiu chuckled lightly and said, "This matter is already very clear. I want both."

Jian Bone Douluo's expressions condensed at the same time, Bone Douluo said with a cold face, "How can you be confident that we will agree to your marriage with Rongrong?"

"Grandpa Bone, now young people pay attention to free love, your older generation's concept is too pedantic, what parents order, matchmaker's words, such a combined family will not be happy. If you disagree, then I have to take I ran away with Rongrong. In the future, it will be a big deal to send a big fat boy back to the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect..." Ye Zhiqiu spread his hands, showing a helpless expression.

"Puff..." Ma Hongjun laughed.

Dai Mubai and others also secretly gave a thumbs up, admiring Ye Zhiqiu's courage in their hearts.

Ning Rongrong glared at Ye Zhiqiu strangely, and the little hand on his waist secretly tried hard.What you said is too annoying, how can my grandfather get down?

"Hahaha~ well, what a Saint Child of the Spirit Hall." Bone Douluo smiled angrily. This time he was really a little angry, and said angrily: "I heard that the Saint Child Space of the Spirit Hall has mastered supernatural power, and it happens to be an old man. It will be a little bit too. Would you like to try to get away with the old man?"

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu sighed helplessly. After all, he still had to take this step... Without showing his strength, the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect would never agree with him and Ning Rongrong.

"Sigh what? Don't you dare?" Bone Douluo squinted, his eyes filled with coldness.

"That's not..." Ye Zhiqiu shook his head, "It just feels a little bullying..."

You are going to abduct my little princess from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and say that I am bullying?Shameless?

Bone Douluo gritted his teeth and said, "The old man suppresses spirit power to level 50. If you can't get out of my hand, you and Rongrong's marriage will not be discussed."

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Bone Douluo in surprise, wait, did you take what I meant?I'm bullying people, I'm bullying you...

"Ahem... Grandpa Bone, I think, this is too unchallenging, and I won't use Rongrong as a bargaining chip. Then, let's take one out of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Treasury first. How about this thing? If I lose, do whatever you want." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Bone Douluo and cautiously suggested.

The sentence wouldn’t take Rongrong out as a bet, which made Bone Douluo better on Ye Zhiqiu’s senses, but when he heard that he wanted to compare himself with someone who could first take out something from the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect’s treasure house, Bone Douluo Luo was stunned.

The treasure vaults of the Seven-Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect are scattered in many places on the mainland. There are also three places within the Seven-Treasured Glazed Glazed Sect, two of which are exposed and one is hidden.

The Ming library hides ordinary belongings and is guarded by many spirit masters.Although there are not many things in the hidden library, the contents in it are all the foundations of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Only the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and the two titled Douluo knew about the top secret location of the hidden library. Even Ning Rongrong only knew the concept of the hidden library, but did not know the specific location.

"Okay, that's the comparison. I won't bully you, let me set off for a minute." Bone Douluo smiled, with a smile in his eyes.

Do you really think the treasure house of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is so easy to enter?One of the two Mingkus was on the outer periphery and the other was on the inner periphery. The nearest place was a few hundred meters away from here, and there were also soul master guards.

As for the hidden library, it was more than 30 meters deep beneath their feet, Bone Douluo didn't think Ye Zhiqiu could find it.

"One minute?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled weirdly, "Well, since Grandpa Bone is so generous, then I'm better off with respect."

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