Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 180 Our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Family's Great Cause

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ning Fengzhi announced the result. Although Ning Rongrong didn't want to agree, she really couldn't find a reason that could be refuted, and she couldn't help but stand still in a hurry.

Sword Douluo smiled and looked at Ye Zhiqiu and said: "Qiu boy, didn't you expect it? Your martial arts soul skills are very rare. But the old bones, although the character is not good, but the martial arts also have. Space ability. Now you can play off..."

Ye Zhiqiu spread out his hands with a helpless look, and said with a wry smile: "Grandpa Bone is really amazing, I lost. By the way, I took some things from the treasure house..."

"It's okay, you can take it. Our Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect has a big business, and it is not bad for one or two. Since you have taken it, you can give it to you." Ning Fengzhi smiled and waved his hand.

Sword Douluo also nodded, "That's right, our Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect still gave away some things. Since you have the ability to get it, it's yours. We don't have the habit of taking things back from juniors."

Listening to what the two said, Ye Zhiqiu was stunned, really?I'm so embarrassed, or I can just accept it...

Bone Douluo was not as calm as Ye Zhiqiu, he was a little panicked.

No way!!!

Do you know how much he took?The special ones have emptied our Qibao Glazed Glass Sect's good things...

"Wait...Wait..." Bone Douluo couldn't sit still anymore, jumping a little anxiously, "Can't send it~"

"Huh?" Jian Douluo squinted at him, and said dissatisfied: "What's the matter with your old bones, the more you live and go back as you get older? I can't bear to give something away, don't let the juniors read the jokes."

Bone Douluo was a little bit eager to cry without tears, if he could, he would like to shout, you silly fork to shut up Laozi, or just sew a few stitches on Sword Douluo's mouth.You bitch, can you stop talking so full, how can I answer...

The helpless Bone Douluo had to look at Ye Zhiqiu for help, winking fiercely.

Standing in the middle, Ning Rongrong tilted his head, "What happened to your eyes, Grandpa Bone?"

"It's okay, it's too windy on the way back just now, and the sand is a bit confusing..." Bone Douluo rubbed his eyes pretendingly.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled inwardly, but his face was very calm. He looked at Ning Fengzhi and said, "Uncle Ning, I really can't take things. If I take them, I guess Rongrong will have to blame me, so let's return it to you."

As Ye Zhiqiu said, he began to dig out things carefully. Some babies are fragile and need to be handled with care. For example, some jade boxes containing medicinal materials can easily lose their medicinal properties if they are accidentally opened.

Ning Rongrong came next to Ye Zhiqiu and complained, "How can I be as stingy as you said, just a few medicinal materials."

However, as Ye Zhiqiu digs out more and more things, Ning Rongrong's mouth gradually opens into an O shape, and everyone present is a bit stunned.

Looking at the tall pile of medicinal materials on the carpet, Ye Zhiqiu said, "It's almost there, I'm finished with the medicinal materials."

Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo's cheeks twitched. Are you emptying out the treasure medicine that our Seven Treasure Glass Sect has collected for hundreds of years?

However, what made them even more shocked was still to come. Ye Zhiqiu moved a few steps and came to a place where there was no debris around. With a wave of his right hand, rows of shelves suddenly appeared out of thin air, with all kinds of items on it. Various soul guides.

Then Ye Zhiqiu changed another place, his hand continued to wave, a series of objects fell on the sound, like ancient paintings, lifelike warm jade carvings, antiques collected by the previous generation of sovereigns, messy covering the ground.I love novel network www.5ilrcxs.com

The more you look at it, the more surprised Ning Fengzhi and others are. Isn't that the precious soul guide in the dark room treasure house?That's the picture of the eighteen ladies in my father's collection...

Damn it, you have emptied our Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect treasure house!

After taking out the last thing and throwing it down, Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly and looked at Ning Fengzhi and said, "No, that's all there is to it, not a lot."

Ye Zhiqiu's words made everyone regain their senses in shock. They looked at the three empty places filled with various treasures, and everyone's mouth twitched violently.

Tang San and the others now kind of understand why Ye Zhiqiu lost...

Co-authored, you have emptied the treasure house of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?It's too cruel...

Bone Douluo held his forehead with both hands, covering most of his face, and some had no face to see people.Jian Douluo and Ning Fengzhi looked at each other. Both of them were human spirits. From Bone Douluo's expression and the countless treasures on the scene, they could already guess the truth of the matter, and they couldn't help but smile.

The first time Ning Rongrong recovered, he said loudly: "The victory or defeat just now is not counted. Although Grandpa Gu is one step ahead of Zhiqiu, she only took one piece, but Zhiqiu took so much. , Should be regarded as Zhiqiu win."

"Rongrong, don't mess around." Ye Zhiqiu rubbed his and her little head, smiled and shook his head, took her back to the seat and sat down, and looked at Gu Douluo calmly, "Grandpa Gu, I lost. Whatever you say, it’s up to you."

"Ah? Oh..." Bone Douluo was called by his name, cheered up, and said with a straight face: "If so, then I will punish you to treat Rongrong well in the future. If Rongrong is wronged, look. I won't clean up you."

"Yeah." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and nodded. Bone Douluo seems to be cute too. He saved his face for him, and he didn't stumble himself. This is the special tacit understanding between the two sides. In this situation, Everyone is really happy.

Bone Douluo, the toughest attitude in the opposition, suddenly changed his attitude, which also made Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo firmer in their conjectures.

While secretly funny, he was also shocked by Ye Zhiqiu's talent and methods.

Now Bone Douluo didn't object. Ye Zhiqiu and Ning Fengzhi were optimistic about Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi, so naturally they were too lazy to come up with any problems.Sometimes, there are too many problems, which tends to be counterproductive.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Ye Zhiqiu, and smiled cordially: "Xiao Qiu, when Uncle Jian told me about you for the first time, I didn't believe it. But when he said too much, I also began to believe in doubt. I have completely believed in Uncle Jian’s words regarding the story of the Saint Child of the Spirit Hall. Can you tell Uncle Ning what your future plans are? Are you developing in the Spirit Hall?"

Tang San Xiaowu's eyes narrowed, they also wanted to know this question.

Tang San still remembered Tang Hao's words that night.If he guessed right, their family should have an enmity with Wuhun Palace, let alone Xiao Wu.

Originally out of the close relationship between the two parties, Tang San Xiaowu had been deliberately ignoring or avoiding this matter, and now Ning Fengzhi asked, they also wanted to listen to Ye Zhiqiu's answer by the way.

Ye Zhiqiu fell silent and slowly said: "I am a person, I can’t stay idle in one place. I think of Wuhun Temple as a temporary home. If you are bored, it’s okay to go for fun and develop there. It's impossible."

"In that case, you would only treat Qibao Liuli Sect as a so-called temporary home?" Ning Fengzhi still smiled lightly, with no psychological activity on her face.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, "Yes. If I were to stay in the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, I wouldn't be able to stay, the world is so big, why not go out and see more?"

"You are very honest." Ning Fengzhi nodded and smiled lightly: "In this case, I can rest assured that you and Rongrong's affairs, you two little guys can do it by themselves."

"Fengzhi's attitude is also my attitude." Jian Douluo also smiled and nodded in agreement.

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