Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 181 Mainland Title Douluo, I Exclusively Dominate Eight Dou [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo both spoke to agree to their relationship, and Ning Rongrong suddenly jumped up happily.

Ye Zhiqiu also got up and bent slightly, and smiled: "Thank you, Uncle Ning, and Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone. By the way, this time, we have one more thing."

Ning Fengzhi smiled cordially and said, "It's all my own. If there is anything, it doesn't matter."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, looked at Tang San and said with a light smile: "Little San, your chance to perform is here. Whether you can earn money from the elderly woman in the Qibao Liuli Sect depends on your performance."

"Huh?" Ning Fengzhi and the two Title Douluo looked at Tang San with interest, but Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo focused more on Xiao Wu next to Tang San.

In their eyes, Xiao Wu at this time was a big pink rabbit sitting on a chair.

Seeing that it was finally his turn to play, Tang San thought of getting up confidently. He was confident in his hidden weapon. It shouldn't be difficult to reach a cooperation with the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect.

As soon as his buttocks left the seat, Tang San noticed that his shoulders sank, and looked down, it turned out that Xiao Wu's entire weight was hanging on his arm.

"What's the matter?" Tang San whispered.

Xiao Wu didn't speak, but shook her head.

Tang San rubbed Xiao Wu's head and smiled calmly: "It's okay, this is Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect."

Although Tang San didn't know what Xiao Wu was afraid of, he was not a fool.From what Tang Hao said at the beginning not to take her to the place where there are spirit masters above level 89, as well as the attitude that Ye Zhiqiu occasionally showed and some strange words, Tang San could also guess a lot of things, but his brain The hole was not big enough to think that Xiao Wu was a soul beast.

"You are a guest when you come, don't be restrained." Jian Douluo said calmly, while Bone Douluo's lips moved slightly, but there was no sound.

After Bone Douluo finished speaking through voice transmission, Ning Fengzhi, who had learned the truth, also gave Xiao Wu a slightly surprised look.

The strange behavior of several big guys on the court made Dai Mubai, Tang San, Oscar and the others dumbfounded. Now all the fools knew that Xiao Wu had a secret, but they seemed to lack strength and couldn't tell.

"Xiao Wu, it's useless for you to hold Xiaosan, I think you might feel more secure to hold Rongrong." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and couldn't help but teased. This girl has always been a carefree character. The scene where Title Douluo turned into a rabbit with a shrunken head in seconds seemed even more lovely.

Sword Douluo's proactive voice, and Ye Zhiqiu's relaxed smile, seemed to make Xiao Wu feel at ease, rolled his eyes at Ye Zhiqiu, and then released Tang San's hand.

Tang San got up and came to the middle of the road. He stretched out his hand and stroked the moonlit night on the Twenty-Four Bridge at his waist. A silver-white hidden weapon that was somewhat similar to the pistol that Ye Zhiqiu had seen in his previous life appeared in his hand. The firing point is larger and can shoot more crossbow arrows. This hidden weapon is probably a combination of crossbow arrows and pistols.

"This is Zhuge God's Crossbow, powerful enough to instantly kill a spirit master below level 30 or 40, even a spirit master above level 40, if you don't deal with it cautiously, you are likely to die on the spot." Tang San shook his hand. Zhuge God Crossbow, introduced to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi stared at what was in Tang San's hand, frowning, is this thing capable of killing a 30th or 40th level spirit master?

As if he could see what Ning Fengzhi was thinking, Tang San glanced around, trying to find a place where he could experiment with the power of the Zhuge God Crossbow.

But here is the governing tower at the core of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect. Any piece of wood is very valuable. Tang San really didn't dare to start casually. What if it breaks and makes me lose money?I really can't afford it...

"Let's go out and experiment, Old Bones, go and see Fengzhi. I want to talk to Xiao Qiu." Jian Douluo said faintly.Reading Building www.dushulou.com

"Uncle Bone, let's go out and see what the little guy said about the hidden weapon." Ning Fengzhi smiled lightly and got up and walked outside, Bone Douluo followed his protection silently.

The rest of Shrek Academy also followed out one after another. Sword Douluo meant that he was going to talk with Ye Zhiqiu alone, and it was not that they couldn't tell. The stupid Ma Hongjun was also pulled out by Dai Mubai's shoulder.

Ning Rongrong stayed, but Zhu Zhuqing wanted to go out, but Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help him.

Seeing that people were almost gone, Jian Douluo glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, and asked with a calm face, "Xiao Qiu, the female doll named Xiao Wu, do you know the identity?"

"I know, when I was six years old at Notting Junior Soul Master Academy, I was a classmate. Until now, Shrek Academy is still a classmate." Ye Zhiqiu nodded in response.

"I'm not talking about this..." Jian Douluo's face turned black, and then his expression solemnly said: "I'm talking about her true identity, do you know?"

Ning Rongrong scratched his little head in confusion, a little confused, is Xiao Wu also a descendant of a big family?Although Zhu Zhuqing didn't care very much on his face, he was also curious in his eyes.

"I know." Ye Zhiqiu nodded first, and then continued to speak: "I will bring Xiao Wu over. Actually, it also means that you and Grandpa Bone will get to know each other, so that you won’t get caught up on the road. You grab it."

Sword Douluo:...

Was it so?

After thinking about it, Jian Douluo felt that if he hadn't received a special greeting from Ye Zhiqiu today, it is estimated that if he accidentally meets Xiao Wu in the future, he might really catch her back to Zongmen under house arrest.

"What the hell are you two playing riddles..."

Ning Rongrong was at a loss, and curiosity began to flood.

Ye Zhiqiu squeezed her little hand and chuckled: "In fact, it's nothing, it's just that Xiao Wu was a 100,000-year-old rabbit transformed into a human being rebuilt. But although she has transformed a person, if she is killed by a soul master, the soul The ring spirit bone will still appear in the same way. Fortunately, unless the level reaches 90 or higher, the ordinary spirit master will not be able to see her identity."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were a little confused when they heard the news. The Xiao Wu who had been with them for so long was actually a 100,000-year-old soul beast?This news is too shocking...

"That Xiao Wu's situation is not very dangerous..." Ning Rongrong said with some worry. She and Xiao Wu have been playing together for six years, and she has already been a good girlfriend. At this time, she was naturally worried about Xiao Wu's safety.

"What's the danger?" Ye Zhiqiu held his head with his hands in his hands, leaned back on the back of the chair, and said lazily: "I brought Xiao Wu over this time to prevent Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu from not knowing her and grabbing her by mistake. As for the others. Title Douluo...Although there are many Title Douluos in the Spirit Hall, I still have the right to speak. It shouldn’t be difficult to protect myself. There are many Title Douluos in the Clear Sky School, but that is the home of Xiao San, Xiao Wu again You have a close relationship with Xiao San, and you don't need to worry too much. The weakest Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect doesn't seem to have a few titled Douluo, so I can take some time to stroll around, and then Xiao Wu can walk sideways around the mainland. "


You face so much...

When you say that, it seems like this is true?Now think about the horror of Title Douluoduo standing behind Ye Zhiqiu.

Except for the hidden Title Douluo of the Clear Sky School, the Title Douluo currently active outside has something to do with Ye Zhiqiu.

The Spirit Hall and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect are both powerful back-ups for Ye Zhiqiu. Because of Tang San's relationship, Haotian Sect will not be an enemy of Ye Zhiqiu in the future. The weak chicken of the Blue Electric Tyrannical Dragon is no longer necessary...

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