Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 182 Emperor Fighting Teamseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!After Ye Zhiqiu and the others had spent the afternoon in the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Tang San also successfully negotiated the cooperation of the two sides' hidden weapon transaction.

After dinner, everyone left.

Directly under the leadership of Ye Zhiqiu, the group came to Soto City to continue participating in the nightly fighting spirit competition.

In the next month, there has been uninterrupted one-on-one, two-on-two, and team fighting.Everyone in Shrek can be said to have been mixed up in the Great Fighting Arena. Except for the occasional defeats of single and double fighting, the team fighting has been in a state of winning streak.

Ye Zhiqiu and Meng still have itchy hands sometimes, and occasionally play.Whenever there is a team battle with Team Shrek, the auditorium is basically full and the seats are full.

After a month of fighting, everyone in Shrek became more and more tacit in their cooperation. What is more valuable is that Dai Mubai has been upgraded to level 38, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun have also been upgraded to level 29 and 28, and the rest are also breaking through. Hovering on the edge.

This month, the reputation of Team Shrek has overwhelmed all the rest of the Soto Arena of Souls, becoming the uncrowned king of the 30th level of this Arena of Souls. After all, there were 30 team battles in January. Thirty consecutive victories are not so easy to score.

Except for Ye Zhiqiu and Meng still, the rest of the people's fighting spirit scores have risen in a straight line, long past the copper fighting spirit level, and are only a few points away from the silver fighting spirit team.

Tang San, who maintained the record of a triathlon victory in a single and two-player team, was even one step ahead of everyone and won the Silver Fighting Soul badge.

Teams holding the Silver Fighting Soul badge are qualified to go to the center of the Great Fighting Arena.The central battlefield, as the name suggests, is located in the center of the three battle spirit areas. Only teams or individuals with badges above the silver battle spirit will be arranged to play. It is a real gold cave. Many nobles in Soto City Every day gambling battles are conducted in the central Great Arena of Souls, and the number of flowing gold soul coins is astonishing.

As night fell, the Soto Arena, located in the prosperous area of ​​Soto City, was once again brightly lit.

Outside of the Great Fighting Arena, Ye Zhiqiu was the leader, and the others lined up to follow him. The whole team exuded the cold air that no one should get near.

It really doesn't work like this, the current Shrek team is too famous, and it can encounter some troubles and entanglements from time to time.Even if they maintain this posture, there will still be flies coming over to force Lai Lai tirelessly, and some even use their names as supporters to try to do something with the girls in the team until that time Ye Zhiqiu Resolutely shot and put that person on the spot, this matter began to be eliminated.

Ye Zhiqiu took everyone and habitually came to the registration office of the team battle area to sign up.

Hu Yanchen's fat body was sticking to the bar, it was especially obvious that he had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu and others walking slowly, Hu Yanchen's eyes lit up and hurriedly greeted him.

Hu Yanchen faintly bowed slightly and said in a low voice, "His Royal Highness, I can wait for you."

"Something?" Ye Zhiqiu said calmly without any expression on his face.

Hu Yanchen looked around and whispered: "This is not a place to speak. His Royal Highness will come with me." As he said, Hu Yanchen stretched out his hand and led Ye Zhiqiu and his group into the small door next to him. The general meeting room should be used exclusively by the staff of the Arena.

After everyone came in and took their seats, Ye Zhiqiu lifted his buttocks and sat on the conference table, calmly saying: "If you have something to say, let's be in a hurry." 315 Chinese website www.315zww.com

"His Royal Highness, wait a minute." Hu Yanchen's voice was much louder this time, but he also seemed more respectful. Outside, he had to maintain a bit of his high-level posture in the fighting spirit arena.

Hu Yanchen took out a piece of paper that had been folded several times from his arms and handed it to Ye Zhiqiu: "His Royal Highness, a team of spirit masters came to the Great Fighting Arena a few days ago. This is information. They are all from the soul. The noble level of silver fighting spirits seems to be the soul masters found by several great nobles in Soto City. Every time the fighting spirits in the center, those great nobles will place heavy bets on them. Therefore, our great fighting arena has lost money. There are few gold soul coins, and now those great nobles seem to have tasted the sweetness, and they have raised their money today. We really can’t find a soul-class silver fighting team that can match it in the Soto Arena. I implore the Shrek team led by His Royal Highness Saint Child to take action to suppress their vigor."

Ye Zhiqiu's expression was plain, and he nodded indifferently, "Okay, you can arrange to upgrade all those in my team who have not reached the Silver Fighting Soul level to Silver Fighting Soul. Let's go to the center of the Great Fighting Arena to play tonight. ."

A surprise appeared on Hu Yanchen's face. He didn't expect Ye Zhiqiu to agree so happily. He couldn't help but bowed deeply: "Thank you, Your Highness, I will arrange it now."

After Hu Yanchen took away the copper fighting spirit badges of Dai Mubai and others one by one, he went out to replace the more advanced silver fighting spirit badges for several people.

Ye Zhiqiu opened the paper in his hand, spread it on the conference table, and looked around at the people: "Come and see your opponents at night. In this battle of spirits, you can only win, not lose."

A group of people gathered around and looked at the information on the paper curiously. Basically all of them took a breath at the first time.

The information is as follows:

Royal Fighting Team, all seven players, all-silver Fighting Soul badge holder.

Captain: Yu Tianheng.Wuhun: Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.Thirty-ninth level assault system war spirit master.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Deputy Captain: Dugu Goose.Wuhun: Green Phosphorus Snake.Thirty-eighth-level control system war spirit master.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Player: Graphite...


At a glance, there was no soul master below level 35, and the worst was level 35.

Tang San and the others couldn't help but look at each other, this kind of team, they really won?

"Boss Qiu, are you playing?" Ma Hongjun asked cautiously.

"What do you think?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled calmly and asked back.

Ma Hongjun rubbed his nose angrily.

Ye Zhiqiu sat at the conference table and clapped his hands, attracting everyone’s attention, “Competing with the Emperor Fighting Team will be the best way to test your hard work during this period of time, so I will not take action. I can remind you. , Is to be careful of the green phosphorus snake venom of their team's deputy captain Dugu Yan, she is the granddaughter of Poison Douluo Dugubo. In addition, you also need to give priority to solving the auxiliary spirit master of Jiuxin Haitang..."

"I know this..." Ning Rongrong raised his hand and said, "My father told me that the Jiuxin Begonia Martial Spirit, if it weren't because the number of people is too small, it is likely to replace our Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect in the mainland's first support. The name of the martial soul. No matter how many spirit rings there are, there is only one kind of spirit ability, which is scoped healing. If the spirit power of the Jiuxin Begonia martial arts soul master does not run out, his teammates will almost stand Undefeated, it can be said that you can't die if you want."

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