Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 183 The host goes around [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Hiss~ Soul power is not dominant, spirit ring is not dominant, and now martial spirits are not dominant... Can we win this? Boss Qiu, this task is too difficult, right..." Oscar knelt on both knees , Holding his head in both hands to make a distressed shape

Although Oscar looked very distressed, everyone could see that this product was just pretend, and the expression was too exaggerated.

The current Shrek Seven Devils are even stronger than those in the original book. Thirty team spirit fights a month and a complete victory in thirty battles made them more powerful. Although several people felt solemn and the task was difficult, Not to the point where he lost his fighting spirit.

Ye Zhiqiu put his arms around his chest and said lightly: "I remind you that the Emperor Fighting Team is the best academy in the Tiandou Empire, and the strongest team among the young generation of the Tiandou Imperial Academy. They should be around 17 or 18 years old. It is a genius among geniuses. If you are not fully prepared, the winning rate is not high."

"What about geniuses among geniuses, we are monsters among geniuses, brothers, if I win the night, I invite you to drink." Dai Mubai laughed and stretched out a hand.

Tang San put his hand up and said with a chuckle: "If that's the case, then it's better not to be drunk or return."

The others smiled and looked at each other, putting their hands up one by one, stacking them together.

"If you don't get drunk, don't return~hahaha~"

Ye Zhiqiu, who was sitting on the conference table with his arms folded, looked at the harmonious and confident expression of the eight people, and he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

Not long after, Hu Yanchen came back with a bunch of bright silver badges. After giving them one by one to everyone, he looked at Ye Zhiqiu and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness, the time has been arranged. At nine o'clock in the evening, the central battlefield is officially official. Starting the battle of the Shrek team and the Emperor Fighting team, do you think we should go over now? Recharge?"

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, "Then go."


The center of the Soto Arena.

This is different from the battlefields in the three outer areas. The big battlefield in the center, the arena for the battle here, is several times larger than the arena in the outer area.

The most peculiar thing is that it is not as noisy as the cheers from outside, but extremely quiet.

Because there is no open-air stand for ordinary spectators, the surrounding area is completely composed of enclosed boxes.Behind the crystal glass that can only see the outside scene from one side, there are spectators with deep backgrounds hidden. Anyone who can enter the central arena to watch the fighting is either rich or noble.

Each private room is decorated several times more luxurious than the VIP private rooms in the outer area, and there are also special bunny girls to serve.

The time officially came to nine o'clock.

At this moment, the various searchlights on the top of the main fighting arena in the center, originally scattered in all directions, turned to the center of the ring at the same time.

The largest light in the ceiling suddenly turned on, and a bright golden light directed down like a huge spotlight, dropping the golden beam from the sky. This light was extremely bright, and the other small spotlights seemed to set off This light.Lu Zhulin Novel www.lzlxiaoshu.com

Among the golden beams of light, a dignified and beautiful palace dress, long golden wavy hair shawl, and a sultry figure of eighteen or nine-year-old young and beautiful girl, incited a pair of white wings, slowly descending from the sky, in this light Set off, as if an angel descended from the earth.

It’s a pity that the illusory white dove spirit behind her, although she has tried to hide it, is still looming. There are also three yellow spirit rings around her body, which have reduced her a lot of points. If the third spirit ring is Purple, at her age, can barely make it into the ranks of geniuses.

With a professional smile on the girl's face, she held a microphone-like loudspeaker in her right hand and gently brought it to her mouth.

"It's a great honor to see you all the distinguished guests again. It is an honor to be able to host the team of the main fighting arena of the center for all the distinguished guests again."

The host, that is to say, introduced himself very skillfully, but also did not forget to bow his legs slightly in the air in the VIP room with a portable skirt.

"Tonight is a highlight, and we only arrange this fight for the soul tonight. Although the highest level of the two parties in the battle is only the soul-sovereign level, they have already received the honor of the silver fighting spirit badge. Doudou will be for you all The VIPs will explain the whole process of the team spirit fight. Now, let me introduce to the VIPs the appearance of the personnel on both sides of the battle."

"Huangdou Team, Captain Yu Tianheng, Wuhun Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex..."

"Team Shrek, Captain Fighting God... wait, my goodness..."

Doudou seemed to have discovered something terrible. He was stunned when he looked at the little book in his hand, and after scanning it up and down carefully, he exhaled and said in an apologetic tone to the surroundings: "Shrek The team captain was not on the roster. Deputy Captain Tang San led the team temporarily. I'm sorry for the slip of the tongue just now. Doudou thought that when encountering such a strong team as the Emperor Dou, the Shrek Captain Doushen Ichiba Zhiqiu would definitely play. But now that the Captain of the Shrek team is not playing, does he look down on the Royal Fight team?"

I have to say that Dudou is very good at talking. After making a mistake, he can immediately distract the audience's attention with words.

When she uttered these words, not only could the members of the Royal Fight team feel upset and arouse anger, but also gave the surrounding audience a room for reverie.

As the captain of the battle god Ichiba Zhiqiu, why didn't he play?Do you really look down on Wong Dou team?

In one passage, among the seven members of the Royal Fighting team waiting to appear, a beautiful girl with short purple hair looked angry and said, "Damn, do they look down on us? Fortunately, we have discussed the tactics to deal with the gods for a long time. I...wasted time."

"Yan'er don't get excited..." The leading youth patted her shoulder calmly, and said with a light smile: "Their strongest captain doesn't necessarily mean to look down if they don't play, maybe because they are afraid of losing face? Although Teacher Qin asked us to deal with it cautiously, in my opinion, there is no big threat. Just play and warm up. It's not worth getting angry."

"Also..." The purple-haired girl nodded.

In the middle of the ring, he said a few more words. After feeling that the atmosphere was almost mobilized, he raised a hand, "I won't say anything more. Next, I will invite both players to play~"

As soon as the host talked about her words, the small colorful spotlights on the ring that had originally irradiated her suddenly began to turn, only the largest golden light still shining on her.

Those small spotlights, divided into two, illuminate the two closed incense sandalwood gates at the same time.

The two closed doors, at this moment, also slowly opened at the same time...

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