Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 184 Shrek vs. Emperor Dou Vol. 1 [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The gates on both sides of the passage are completely opened under the reflection of various colorful spotlights.

The players on both sides are also in various lights at the same time, stepping through the path connecting the soul master channel and the central arena, and gradually enter the arena. Before the people arrive, the eyes of the two members have already collided in the air. They are looking at each other at the same time. Secretly speculate about the other's possible means.

In comparison, the expressions of the members of the Royal Fight team were more relaxed and freehand, while the Shrek team's eyes were solemn.

On both sides of the host in the center of the ring, the two teams stopped at the same time when they were about ten meters apart.

The host smiled and raised a hand, "Please note that the spirit masters of both parties participating in the soul fight, from now on, you have one minute to summon your own spirit and set up the formation. When I announce the start, you can attack until One party concedes defeat and all falls or falls out of the fighting spirit ring."

While flapping her snow-white wings, Doudou continued to stretch her figure, while using her soft voice to introduce the rules of fighting spirits to the two members.

A pinpoint vs. Maimang team soul fight will officially begin at this moment.

In a VIP room, Ye Zhiqiumeng and Hu Yanchen were still sitting by the window, looking down at the center of the Soul Fighting arena below.

"His Royal Highness, although your team members are equally good, can you really win if you don't play?" Hu Yanchen's squinted eyes were full of worry at this time. This time this central battlefield The sum of all the bets is not small. If Shrek team loses, Soto Great Arena will suffer a huge loss. It may take several months to make up for this shortfall, so Yanchen is not worried.

Ye Zhiqiu said casually: "The Emperor Fighting team is pretty good, just can use them to sharpen the Shrek team, winning or losing is actually not important to me, the important thing is that they can gain experience from it."

Hu Yanchen: ...

Can you not be so honest... You say that Shrek will win, I feel more comfortable, now that's the way, my mentality is about to split...

Meng still covered his mouth and smiled comfortingly: "Senior Huyan, Boss Qiu is teasing you. Our Shrek team is not as weak as it appears on the surface. The Emperor Dou team is indeed strong, but it is not strong enough to directly crush us. , I believe that it is us who will win in the end."

"Huh~" Hu Yanchen nodded, not talking, and began to concentrate on watching the soul fighting game.

In the center fighting arena, the fourteen members of both sides started their martial arts almost at the same time. The yellow and purple spirit ring rose from the feet of the fourteen people, and looked extremely gorgeous under the reflection of the surrounding lights.

The battle formation of the Shrek team has been opened, and it has assumed the same formation that it used to play against Ye Zhiqiu at sea.

With Dai Mubai at the forefront of the main attack, Xiao Wu Zhu Zhuqing met on both sides, Tang San stood in a row behind the three, with blue silver grass wrapped around everyone's waist, controlling the field in the center.

One step later on Tang San's right was Ma Hongjun, who was in charge of remote support. He was also responsible for protecting the two auxiliary spirit masters behind him.Funny Pen Fun Pavilion www.gxjxc.com

Under the influence of Lan Yincao, the seven suddenly formed a whole with Tang San as the core, which was the usual style of the Shrek team.

More than ten meters away, the formations of Team Huangdou and Team Shrek were completely different. It was not their captain Yu Tianheng who stood at the forefront, but the two spirit masters who looked a little bit similar in appearance. Their spirits were Xuan Tortoise possesses strong defensive abilities, and is somewhat similar to the teacher surnamed Ye who led the Canghui Academy at the time. At this time, their spirits are possessed, and their bodies are covered with green tortoise shells on their chests and backs.

If it weren't for their surname Shi, not Ye, Ye Zhiqiu would have doubted whether these two goods were the younger sons of the soul master who was beaten to death by himself.

At the position of the Shijia brothers later, Yu Tianheng standing proudly with his arms around his chest, a seven-to-eight-meter-long blue electric tyrannosaurus phantom with a thick bucket entwined his side, and a small blue electric arc on the dragon's body was "cracking." "Wandering, at the same time, his right hand actually showed obvious changes, not to mention a thick circle, but also covered with pieces of dragon scales the size of dark blue fingernails.

On Yu Tianheng's side, it was Tang San and the others who focused their attention on the lone goose of the Jade Snake Wuhun.At this time, Dugu Yan was putting one hand lightly on Yu Tianheng's shoulder, with a slight flattery expression.

The turquoise phantom of the Jade Snake Spirit is closely next to Yu Tianheng's Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex. From here, it can be seen that the two of them seem to be a good match.

Living on both sides of Yu Tianheng and Dugu Goose are two agile attack type spirit masters, one is a black leopard, and the other is somewhat similar to that of the host. His spirit is a wind chime, and It also has wings and can fly.

At this time, the wind chime bird soul master flapped his pair of yellow-brown wings, floating about three or four meters above the ground, poking his head and staring at the host on a higher level. With long legs, he blew a whistle and flirted with it from time to time. In such a posture at this time, it was obvious that he didn't see the Shrek team in his eyes.

The last auxiliary spirit master of the battle team Huangdou seemed to be covered by many members of the battle team intentionally, but Tang San, Dai Mubai and others could not see clearly.

But they still remembered Ye Zhiqiu's previous reminder, be careful of the spirit master of the Jade Snake Spirit, and give priority to solving the auxiliary spirit master of Jiuxin Begonia. Tang San and the others have not forgotten these two words, and they are already prepared.

At the same time, they didn’t mean to underestimate other spirit masters. After all, there is already a gap between the spirit power and spirit rings of the members of the two teams. Prepared for a hard fight from the downfall.

One minute passed, and some of those who were molested by the Wind Chime Bird Soul Master of the Emperor Fighting Team went around with a fever, and the host hurriedly waved.

"The fight begins."

Unexpectedly, after the announcement of the start, neither team did anything.

Team Huangdou Captain Yu Tianheng looked at the seven people on Shrek’s side and said blankly: "Where’s your captain? Don’t you call it the God of Fighting? Claiming to be the God of Fighting but dare not come to fight with us, you should be a God of Fighting. It's ridiculous."

"Hey, captain, I see... some people might just be mad in the fighting spirit arena, which can only be in this small place. When meeting a real genius spirit master like us, how dare you come out? Doesn't the name of God of Fighting become his shame if he loses? What to do if someone laughs to death..." Above the Emperor Fighting Team, the Wind Chime Soul Master folded his arms, chuckles and sarcastically said with disdain.

Ning Rongrong blushed, pointing at them and yelling on the spot: "Fuck you, you guys are not worthy of Zhiqiu's action."

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