Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 186 Shrek vs. Emperor Dou Vol. 2 [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Oh my god, this is really just a soul-sovereign level battle..." The host looked at the members of the two teams on the ring with a dull expression.

At this time, the energy explosion in the center of the ring gradually subsided. The two brothers of the Shi family looked a bit miserable. The tortoise shells used for defense had been blasted into pieces. The clothes on the upper body were torn and only a few rags were still hanging on their bodies. Both of them were Because of the huge consumption of soul power, his face was pale, and there were blood marks and some burnt black marks on his body that were scratched by the energy explosion.

But even with such severe injuries, the two of them still stood upright, showing their firm will.

Yu Tianheng came to the two people for the first time, watched the movements of the Shrek team and others vigilantly, and shouted to the rear without looking back: "Lingling, heal."

Suddenly, Yu Tianheng found that the eyes of the people in the Shrek team looked at him a little wrong, that was... mocking?

Wait... how come they only have six and one more?Yu Tianheng seemed to have thought of something, suddenly turned his head, and looked at the auxiliary soul master Jiuxin Haitang Ye Lingling at the back of the team. The next scene made him feel a little heavier, that female soul master... .When did you get close to Ye Lingling?

At Ye Lingling's side, it was Xiao Wu. At this time, Xiao Wu's scorpion braid had been wrapped around Ye Lingling's neck, and she could use her waist bow spirit ability at any time.

Ye Lingling shouldn't talk about treating the Shi family brothers. She was afraid that she could no longer protect herself. She was an auxiliary soul master and could not stop Xiao Wu's attack.

Before Xiao Wu gave up the entanglement with the Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master, she faced the danger of energy explosion at the center of the white tiger light wave and the Phoenix Fire Line, and narrowed the distance between the Emperor Fighting team all the way, and finally, at the moment of the energy explosion, with the help of The white light was shielded, and when everyone was not paying attention, he used the teleport spirit ability to directly take the auxiliary spirit master at the rear of the Royal Fight team.

This was also the task that Tang San and the others had arranged for her. Among them, the only one who could approach the other's auxiliary spirit master silently was Xiao Wu.Xiao Wu also lived up to everyone's expectations and seized the opportunity.

Ye Zhiqiu said before, asking them to be careful of the Jade Snake Spirit Master and the Nine Hearts Begonia Spirit Master. Tang San and the others naturally arranged tactics specifically. Xiao Wu used the third spirit ability to cut into the back row. One of their tactics.

The situation at this time is very unfavorable to the Huangdou team. Without Ye Lingling's treatment, the Shi family brothers would not have the strength to fight anymore, but now even Ye Lingling is restricted by the opponent's spirit master, and they are likely to be eliminated directly. people.

To the effect... Yu Tianheng clenched his fists, and now he realized what his teacher said that this team is very strong.

Whether it is strategy, cooperation or control of fighters, they have achieved almost every aspect.

After all, he and others are still not too caring. If they were vigilant at the beginning, they would not be able to meet each other, and they would have such a big disadvantage.

In the VIP box, Hu Yanchen clenched his right hand and smashed his left palm heavily, and said excitedly: "Pretty..."

Ye Zhiqiu's mouth is slightly raised. The seven monsters now have stronger combat experience and timing control than the original book. This is closely related to his training from time to time. This feeling of seeing the small saplings he cultivated gradually grow into towering trees is still It is very fulfilling.

"Go, don't give them a chance to breathe." Tang San said solemnly.Steward Novel www.guanjiaxiaoshuo.com

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's eyes condensed, and at the same time he set off to rush towards Yu Tianheng and the ghost and leopard soul master, while Ma Hongjun stayed and ate the flying mushroom sausage given by Oscar, shocked his wings and stopped there. In front of the Wind Chime Spirit Master, he blocked his retreat. At the same time, Tang San's first spirit ability, Blue Silver Grass Vine, rose into the sky, assisting Ma Hongjun to restrict the movements of the Wind Chime Spirit Master.

Suddenly, the Huangdou team fell into a passive position and was in a very awkward position. If Yu Tianheng attacked Xiao Wu, let alone whether Xiao Wu would directly injure Ye Lingling. After Yu Tianheng left, Shi The brothers of the family would definitely be hit by Dai Mubai's head, how could the already injured brothers of the Shi family be able to stop Dai Mubai's attack.

But if Yu Tianheng chose to stay, it would be equivalent to giving up his team's auxiliary soul master in disguise.

No matter how you choose, one side is bound to be eliminated directly.

At this moment, the third purple thousand-year-old spirit ring of the Green Phosphorus Snake Spirit Master Dugu Yan suddenly brightened, his red lips were slightly opened, and a thick purple poisonous mist spewed out, spreading rapidly in the air, and rushed towards them Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing spread over.

Tang San's eyes condensed, and the blue silver grass wrapped around the waists of the two of them suddenly pulled back, bringing Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing back to him.

At this time, because of the poisonous mist of the Dugu Goose, the battlefield was divided into two halves, blocking the Shrek team's offensive path.

The two sides coincided with each other, almost rushing towards the single enemy spirit master of their respective camps.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing ate the mushroom sausages given by Oscar at the same time, soaring into the sky and attacking the Wind Chime Spirit Bird Master. There were already some Wind Chime Bird Spirit Masters who could hardly resist Tang San and Ma Hongjun’s joint attack. At this time, four people were besieged. , No, it should be said that it was besieged by six people.

After all, Ning Rongrong's increase in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and Oscar's flying mushroom sausage had also exerted a lot of power. How could this Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master resist it?

On the other side, Xiao Wu looked at the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Soul Master and Ghost Leopard Soul Master who had outflanked herself, smiled slyly, and took the hostages in her hand to retreat to the edge of the ring at a high speed, and then dragged her to jump without hesitation. Go down.

In order to prevent the Huangdou team from having any special methods, Xiao Wu had to choose this extreme but effective method. After all, she could not be the opponent of the Huangdou team, and Xiao Wu's teleport was not like Ye Zhiqiu's. Flying Thunder God, there is no cooling.

For her, this kind of "same death" method is nothing to lose. After all, Xiao Wu can drag one person to "bury", but can the Wind Chime Spirit Bird Master surrounded by Shrek?Obviously not.

Yu Tianheng and the others looked a little aggrieved, and Ye Lingling was held hostage by Xiao Wu. They didn't dare to act rashly. They didn't expect this situation to evolve.

Almost at the moment when Xiao Wu and Ye Lingling jumped off the ring, on the Shrek team, the Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master couldn't stand the beating and was smashed off the ring.

At this time, the number of people standing in the fighting spirit ring on the two sides seems to be not much different from five to six, but don’t forget that without Ye Lingling’s treatment, the Shi family brothers basically have no strength to fight anymore. They can stand on the ring at this time. , It is already very difficult.

The balance of this battle of soul victory has begun to tilt. Although Xiao Wu was eliminated first, she played the greatest role.

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