Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 187 Emperor Dou admits defeatseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The Huang Dou team obviously also discovered the unfavorable situation on their side, and a group of people became gloomy.

"Graphite stone mill, go down, don't hold on." Yu Tianheng said solemnly.

The two brothers looked at each other and looked firm, "Captain, we can fight again."

"Go down, let Lingling treat you." Yu Tianheng looked at the brothers' wounds all over their bodies, and said much harsher.

"Go on, they may not have broken my Biphosphorous Purple Poison." The lone goose at the forefront of a group of people said, with a sudden push with his right hand, the purple poisonous mist began to spread quickly, moving towards the Shrek team. Press the direction cover.

Through the purple mist, one could vaguely see that all members of the Shrek team had stepped back a short distance. The Shi Family brothers were relieved and helped each other slowly down the ring.

At this time, the battlefield on the Arena of Souls has been completely divided into two parts. As the poisonous fog continues to approach, the area of ​​activity on Shrek's side is getting smaller and smaller. Before the poisonous fog arrives, a wave has already spread. The smelly smell made people feel nauseous and dizzy. Everyone in the Shrek team ate an Oscar's detoxifying sausage at the same time, and they felt better.

"It's just the green phosphorus snake among the five green phosphorus poisons. Watch me break your snake venom." Tang San wiped his right hand on the moonlit night of the Twenty-Four Bridge and took out two large water sacs.

With a furious flick of both hands, he threw two large water sacs into the air covered by poisonous mist, and at the same time shouted loudly, "Mubai, Fatty, Baihu Liebo, Phoenix FireWire."

The Shrek Seven Devils had been in a tacit understanding for a long time. Almost when Tang San’s words fell, Dai Mubai’s Bai Hulie Guangbo and Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix FireWire rushed straight into the air with two large water sacs. go with.


How could the two large water sacs be able to block the attack of the Baihu Lie Lightwave, and they exploded into fragments all over the sky.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire followed. Those splashing liquids met Ma Hongjun's evil fire and instantly burned, and the fire spread to the surroundings instantly.

That large piece of purple poisonous fog that isolated the battlefield, at this time, under the fire, there were bursts of "pupu", which was burned out of large tracts of voids, only some corners remained, and the central part was almost burned. Exhausted.

"How... maybe..." Dugu Goose looked at the scene blankly, her eyes showed an unbelievable look. She had thought that Shrek could break her poisonous mist, but she had never thought of them. It can be broken so easily.

Tang San smiled flatly on his face in the distance, "Nothing is impossible, your Biphosphorous Snake Venom is about to ignite, and when you encounter Realgar Liquor, you have no power to fight against it. Now three to six, you have no chance to win. Don't you admit defeat?"

As the captain of the Huangdou team, Yu Tianheng's expression turned pale.The sharpest spear of his emperor did not play any role in this team battle. He didn't even have a chance to shoot. He was forced to admit defeat, and he was really depressed.

"Captain, fight with them. Our spirit power is dominant. We have two auxiliary spirit masters on the opposite side. Three to four is not impossible." The Black Panther spirit master yelled. He also fought very suffocated in the short encounter with Zhu Zhuqing. Bend.

The agile attack type spirit master on the opposite side, although the spirit power is not as good as him, the speed is not as good as him, and the spirit ring is not as good as him, but even in such a three inferior situation, he can't touch a corner of the clothes, as if the female soul master can be perfect Like controlling one's own body, every time he can dodge the attack just right, the metamorphosis with strong reaction ability, the mentality of the Black Panther Soul Master is a bit exploded.

Yu Tianheng was bitter in his heart, and he didn't want to have a good fight. There were indeed only four people on the opposite side who could fight, but those two support, one martial soul is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and the other seems to have a spirit ability that allows teammates to fly. Small characters, if they don't get rid of those two supports, they have no chance of winning at all.

Yu Tianheng struggled for a while, and uttered four words with difficulty, "We... admit defeat." Mengsheng Novel www.mengshengxs.com

As the captain, he must consider his players, knowing that there is no possibility of winning, it is undoubtedly stupid to play hard.

At the moment when Yu Tianheng chose to admit defeat, a smile appeared on Tang San's six people's faces. Even Xiao Wu in the audience was jumping and waving, smiling brightly.

They didn't expect that they would be able to win so easily when they met such a strong team as Huangdou.

Yes, it is easy.

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end.

This sentence is more than just talking.

Ye Zhiqiu’s reminder that targeted arrangements, the tacit cooperation of members of the Shrek team, and flawless acting skills, etc., are the keys to this victory. If the Royal Fight team should treat this fighting spirit from the beginning, They may not lose so fast, but how can there be any ifs in the world?

The central fighting spirit arena, the largest beam of golden light, at this moment, also slowly turned, staying on the Shrek team and the others.

"It's really a wonderful soul fight. No matter how powerful the Shrek team is, or their strategy and cooperation, Dudou is amazed." Dudou smiled and sighed, and cheered, "Tonight, the team will win the soul fight. Player, Shrek! Let us congratulate them."

Applause sounded at this moment.

It came from the sound amplifiers in all VIP rooms. The tacit understanding of the Shrek Seven Monsters undoubtedly won the affirmation of most VIP audiences. Although the number of audiences is not as large as outside, it is not as high for them. The sound of cheers.

However, this appropriate round of applause was undoubtedly a kind of affirmation, and marked a perfect end to this wonderful team spirit battle.

In the VIP room, Ye Zhiqiu smiled plainly. Shrek's victory was something he expected.

However, he didn't expect Tang San and the others to win so easily, almost the entire time they pressed Huang Dou to fight again.

In the applause, the Shrek team and a group of seven people left the field with their heads upright to go through the extra points procedures and receive the golden soul coin reward by the way.

When they returned to the VIP room where Ye Zhiqiu was once again, everyone's face was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"It was beyond my expectation." Ye Zhiqiu looked at a group of people, nodded with a chuckle, and exclaimed, "I can hardly pick out any flaws in your performance this time. The second stage training can be over. Next, it's time. I returned you to the master."

"do not..."

"That's right, Boss Qiu, don't you arrange a three-stage training for us..."

Ma Hongjun and Oscar sang together, with all their faces reluctant.What does the master's training do?Too devil, how can I stay comfortable by your side...

When everyone was talking, a figure stopped at the door. Although the door was open, he politely knocked on the door.

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