Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 188 Qin Mingseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!This is a middle-aged man with orange-yellow hair and short ears, handsome in appearance, about 30 years old, and wearing a gorgeous white and yellow robe.

The middle-aged man looked at the figure inside the room. It seemed that he didn't see the person he wanted to see. His eyes were a little disappointed, but there was still a faint smile on his face, "Excuse me, can I come in?"

Tang San and the others looked at this person with some doubts. They had never seen this person.

"come in."

Ye Zhiqiu casually said, if he guessed right, this should be the first graduate of Shrek Academy, Qin Ming, a soul emperor with more than 60 levels.

Qin Ming walked into the VIP room with a smile and looked at Ye Zhiqiu with his eyes calmly. This one, he didn't see him appearing in the Soul Fighting arena, but he was obviously the core figure of these students, he should be the captain of the Shrek team. ?

Qin Ming smiled and said: "Hello everyone. My name is Qin Ming. I am the first graduate of Shrek Academy and the leader teacher of the Emperor Fighting team. Haven't Dean Flanders and Vice Dean Zao Wuji here?"

"The first graduate?" Dai Mubai and others were stunned, aren't you our senior?

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head calmly, "I haven't come, the two of them are now idle, basically no matter what, Shrek student is currently led by me."

Qin Ming had some doubts, has Shrek Academy become like this now?Does the teacher lead the team and the student leads the team?

"Okay..." Qin Ming was a bit speechless, it seems that the dean and them are lazy...

"Actually, I passed through Soto City specially this time, and I also meant to visit the dean and them. Thank them for their original teaching. I don't know if it is not convenient for you to go together?" Qin Ming smiled.

"Convenience is convenience... how do you prove your identity?" Tang San frowned, somewhat cautiously.

"Haha..." Qin Ming smiled helplessly. These elementary school boys seem to be very vigilant. It seems that if they don't show their identity, they might have to visit Shrek Academy alone.

With his hands behind him, Qin Ming looked calm, and his eyes were slightly smiling: "I guess, every meal in your cafeteria is either radish with steamed buns or green vegetables with steamed buns. Sometimes you need to dig wild vegetables by yourself. Am I right?"


A group of people looked at Qin Ming with weird eyes. Although he was wrong, why did he and others want to trust him inexplicably?

While trusting him, Tang San and others still sympathized with him...

It turns out that the first students of Shrek Academy have been so miserable...

"Okay, Xiaosan, he has no threats, don't be suspicious." Ye Zhiqiu's mouth turned slightly, and he couldn't help but want to laugh. If he didn't have the 1 million gold soul coins he donated, maybe Shrek would be able to live by now. This kind of life.

But with me, that’s different. It’s time for you to see what a real local tyrant is. I don’t know if this senior Qin Ming thinks of the hard life at the beginning, and seeing Shrek’s current superior conditions, there will be What's the reaction?Maybe it will be interesting...

Ye Zhiqiu got up and smiled: "It's too late. Let's go out for a late night snack and then go back to the college. Before, it seemed that someone said to invite a drink. Senior Qin Ming, just ask your students to come over."

Dai Mubai: ...

I want to invite nearly 20 people to dinner at once?Touching his wallet, Dai Mubai was a little bit eager to cry but not tears. I hope that the boss will not pick a too expensive hotel later...

"Then I'm not welcome, let's meet at the entrance of the Great Fighting Soul Arena." Qin Ming said hello, then smiled and went out.

When the nine members of Shrek Academy left the Great Fighting Soul Arena, the seven members of the Imperial Fighting Team led by Qin Ming had been waiting for a while.Shuwu Novel Network www.shuwuxs.com

Faced with this opponent who had defeated him, the members of the Huangdou team were unconvinced. They had lost, but that was their carelessness. If they were taken seriously, they would win.This is the thought of every member of the Royal Fight team.

Everyone in Shrek was photographed in a row, and they exited the Great Fighting Arena in an orderly manner. Ye Zhiqiu, the leader at the front, was naturally the main focus of everyone in the Royal Fight team.

This is their captain?Fighting God Yiye Zhiqiu?

"Let's go, the hotel is set in Jinfeng Yulu." Ye Zhiqiu came to Qin Ming and said with a light smile.

"You have a treat, you decide, we will eat and drink as you please." Qin Ming also responded with a smile.

Dai Mubai in the Shrek team suddenly twitched. He who was very familiar with Soto City naturally knew what the golden wind and jade dew that Ye Zhiqiu said was.It was the best hotel in Soto City, and it was also a black shop. The cheapest vegetables cost dozens of gold soul coins, which most people really couldn't afford.

Dai Mubai wanted to cry without tears, Boss Qiu, you would really save me money...

The two teams converged in one place, lined up in two rows, chatting, and walking towards the hotel without delay.

"Why don't you fight the spirit?" Yu Tianheng behind Qin Ming looked at Ye Zhiqiu in front of him and asked with some depression.

Behind Ye Zhiqiu was Ning Rongrong. He and Yu Tianheng were side by side. At this time, seeing Yu Tianheng asking, he couldn't help but reply without waiting for Ye Zhiqiu's answer, "If Zhiqiu is on the court, you think you still have a shot. Chance? Get beaten down every minute."

Yu Tianheng was not angry, but shook his head, "To be your Shrek captain, I naturally believe in his strength, but his strength is limited, and where can he be great? Instead, I look forward to playing against him."

"You will have to practice for several decades before you can barely perform a few moves in my hands." Ye Zhiqiu didn't turn his head, and a calm voice came over, making everyone in the Royal Fight team look black.

Even Qin Ming glanced at the figure next to him, feeling that the character of this schoolboy seemed a bit too crazy.

"Don't believe it, the eight members of our Shrek Academy have joined forces and were abused in the hands of Boss Qiu, and he hadn't used his spirit skills at the beginning. If he fights his spirits, you will only deliver food..." Ma Hongjun Proud, hehe smiled, as if he himself was Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu now has undoubtedly become the spiritual leader of everyone in Shrek.

The seven members of the Royal Fight team all showed a look of disbelief. They knew the strength of the Shrek team, but this strength was completely abused in the hands of their captain?Haven't used spirit skills yet?Who are you fooling around, I'm afraid Teacher Qin can't do it?

The Golden Wind Yulu Hotel is not far from the Great Fighting Soul Arena. It also stands in the most prosperous street in Soto City. While chatting, the two groups opened one of the largest luxury private rooms. A large round table is enough. Twenty people were seated.

The waiter took the menu, and Ye Zhiqiu took it and glanced up and down, then ordered a few times on the menu. Qin Ming probe next to him took a look. The price of the dish surprised him, but it was still acceptable.

Ye Zhiqiu ordered only the cheapest dishes. Qin Ming couldn't help feeling in his heart. Sure enough, Shrek Academy is still poor, but this kid can bring himself to a hotel of this level to eat, and it is enough to show that he treats himself. The sincerity of this senior.

Qin Ming was a little touched in his heart. It is estimated that this student will have to spend a lot of the money subsidized by Wuhun Palace.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the waitress, Qin Ming had expected it, and said casually: "I don't want the few that I ordered just now. I will serve all the other dishes. The wine should also be the most expensive. Let me make a pot by myself."

Those who don't know the price of the food here don't care. Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, who know the price of the food, both have weird faces. One is gloating and the other is like a concubine.

Dai Mubai estimated that even if he emptied his wallet and used his plate here for several years, he would not be able to pay the bill...

The reason why this restaurant is called Jinfeng Yulu is because of the wine here.The name of the wine is Jinfeng Yulu, the best fruit and grain wine in Soto City, a pot of ten thousand gold soul coins...

Qin Ming looked at the leader of Shrek in a daze.

How much does this table cost?Don’t pretend to be extravagant in front of my senior. All Shrek students will jointly pay you for the meal. After the whole group of people can only eat steamed buns every day...

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