Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 189 Qin Ming who doubts his life [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The waitress of the hotel is also the first time to see a guest like Ye Zhiqiu. She looked at the mask on his face and asked if the waitress said, "Sir, you ordered too much at one time, we...need to verify capital... ."

People who don't know are a little stunned, why do they need to verify their capital after eating a meal?Who do you look down on?Are you afraid that we won't be able to run away?

The old god Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Dai Mubai, "Lao Bai, didn't you say that you were a treat and drink? I need to verify the capital, hurry up..."

Dai Mubai twitched the corners of her mouth. The pot of wine you ordered is enough to empty my wallet. I will test it with a hammer...

The waitresses read countless people, and the nobles who have met in this Golden Wind Yulu Hotel have gone. At this moment, seeing Dai Mubai's expression on her face, she guessed something.

He glanced back at Ye Zhiqiu again, with a dry smile on his face, "How about you order the food again, sir?"

"No, let's go." Ye Zhiqiu responded indifferently, and then he looked at Dai Mubai again and ridiculed: "Old Bai, I will pay for you this time. You must remember that you owe me a favor. I have to pay it back."

While Ye Zhiqiu said, he smiled and waved at random. In an empty place next to him, a half-person-high pile of gold soul coins appeared out of thin air. At a glance, it was at least about one million, and the golden light was shining. Outstandingly conspicuous under the light.

Qin Ming was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, isn't Shrek Academy very poor?We lived so hard back then, is it all fake?Or is this the true foundation of Shrek Academy?Qin Ming began to doubt life...

The rest of the emperor battle team is also a little stunned. They are all children of the nobles. I haven’t seen so many soul gold coins, but they have never seen so many soul gold coins to pay for a meal. Ning Rongrong, the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, who was at home or in the sect, would not allow them to go so extravagantly. Said these people.

Dai Mubai gave a wry smile, and said that if you won, please drink, but now he still owes a favor, Ye Zhiqiu's favor, Dai Mubai thinks, it must be not so good...

The waitress recovered from the shock, bowed deeply, and hurried out to arrange dishes and wine.

"Senior Qin, do you still think we are all wild vegetables with steamed buns in Shrek?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled.

Qin Ming: ...

[From Qin Ming’s negative sentiment value plus 666...]

I really can't wait to be born more than ten years later, I didn't expect Shrek Academy to be so good now.While Qin Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly, he was also happy for Flanders and Zao Wou-ki.

It didn't take long for the dishes and fine wines to be gradually served.Ye Zhiqiu took the lead, and everyone in Shrek began to remove the silver masks on their faces, revealing a little green face.

The appearance of the crowd was also completely presented to the eyes of a group of people in the Royal Fight team.

Yu Tianheng and others, including their mentor Qin Ming, were stunned.Staring at the faces of Ye Zhiqiu and others, glanced back and forth.

After a long time, Qin Ming smiled bitterly: "I only know now why you wear masks. Shrek Academy is really a miracle place. If I guess right, most of you are freshmen who just enrolled this year. If Tianheng and them are the same age as you, they may not be qualified to be your opponents."

Rarely, for Qin Ming's words, Yu Tianheng and other students of the Emperor Fighting Team did not rebut, they remained silent.

Among them, except for the youngest Ye Lingling, who is a 17-year-old and 35-level soul sovereign, the others are all 18 years old.

As for the Shrek Academy, no matter how you look at it, most people are only thirteen or fourteen years old.When they were thirteen or fourteen, they were probably still working hard at the level of a great soul master...7 Questions www.7wxsxs.com

At the same age, Team Huang Dou was indeed not qualified to be an opponent of Team Shrek.And a group of people with such a strong talent for cultivation, but heeded their captain's words, what level did their captain reach to convince all these geniuses?

"Can I ask a question?" Yu Tianheng looked at Ye Zhiqiu, and his voice was a little unstable.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, "Just ask."

Yu Tianheng took a long breath before asking affirmatively, "Are you surnamed Ye?"

Although he was asking, Yu Tianheng's words were very firm, as if he had already determined the answer in his heart.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at him in surprise, Yu Tianheng, his mind was so calm, from Rongrong's words, he could actually determine his identity.

The rest of the Huangdou team were originally a little strange to Yu Tianheng's question of the surname, but it didn't take long for them to react one by one.

The surname is Ye, and the girl on his right is called Zhiqiu again. Isn't that... the same name as the most famous son in Wuhun Hall?

Or is it him?

At this moment, everyone in the Huangdou team basically focused on Ye Zhiqiu, even Qin Ming was no exception.

Ye Zhiqiu's reputation among soul masters is really too high. Tang San and the others who have been with him day and night may not feel much, but outsiders are definitely very curious about him, the saint child of the Soul Palace.

Whether it was the original twelve-year-old Soul Breaking Sect, or going into the sunset forest alone to kill a 100,000-year soul beast, or his horrible spirit ring configuration, it was a topic of constant debate among external soul masters.

At the same time, he is also the target of the younger generation of soul masters, and many people regard him as a goal to surpass.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the expressions of everyone in the Emperor Fighting team, and said flatly: "No need to guess, the person you think is me. As for why I am not here, because my woman is here. The explanation is over, let's not tonight. Talking about other things, the wine in front of everyone, but a bottle of 10,000 Golden Soul Coins, what we have to do tonight is to drink up the pile of Golden Soul Coins behind."

Everyone was pointing in the direction of Ye Zhiqiu's fingers, and glanced at the pile of gold soul coins behind him. They probably understood now why Ye Zhiqiu could take out so many gold soul coins without changing his face.

Will Wuhun Palace be short of money?the answer is negative.

While everyone felt that the Wuhun Palace was rich, everyone also toasted and filled up their wine at the same time.

"The fighting spirit can't beat you, we won't lose than drinking, so let's say it's good, don't use spirit power to force wine." Yu Tianheng toasted and laughed.

"Hey, let me tell you, not only will you not be able to fight souls, but you will also not be able to drink alcohol." Ma Hongjun was unwilling to show weakness and directly picked up the hip flask with his right hand. Drink up.

This is a pot of ten thousand gold soul coins. If you don't drink it or drink it, you can drink some for the old Qiu, but it can't be a waste of money for the guys in the Royal Fighting team.

"Little fat guy, I'm not too old and I'm pretty big..." One of the Shi family brothers spoke. Before they could finish speaking, they saw Ma Hongjun, who was opposite, flushed and collapsed on a soft chair.

The people present were stunned, silently staring at each other, and laughed almost at the same time. The words were so powerful, they didn't expect to get down right after a pot of wine...

Dai Mubai seemed to know that this would happen, and said helplessly with one hand, "This fat man always does this. Don't worry, come, let's drink ours."

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