Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 190 Shrek's decision [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!In the early morning of the next day, Shrek Academy's fairly wide playground had many small wooden houses out of thin air.

When everyone woke up one after another, they found themselves sleeping in this small wooden house.

Last night’s wine fight was beyond everyone’s expectations. Ning Rongrong actually didn’t blush and didn’t breathe until the end, even Ye Zhiqiu was a little bit unconscious. If it weren’t for Ning Rongrong’s wake, he would The spirit power forced the spirit to drink. It is estimated that a group of people may still be lying in the hotel at this time.

In the end, Ye Zhiqiu carried one in his hand and used Thunder God many times to carry all the people back to Shrek Academy.

The doors of the small wooden houses opened one after another. Dai Mubaiyu Tianheng and others shook their unconscious minds and staggered out. The people on the playground gradually increased and they gathered together to chat with each other.

The wine game is undoubtedly a more effective means to draw closer the relationship between the two sides. Now Shrek and a group of Royal Fighters are no longer like last night. Some of them are tit-for-tat. Instead, they are like meeting old friends for many years. All of them have a faint smile on their faces, chatting and spanking.

"Qin Ming, you don’t know how to come back..." Not far away, Flanders Zao Wou-ki and Yu Xiaogang came together. It was Flanders who made the sound. The smile bloomed, obviously in a good mood.

When Qin Ming saw Flanders and Zao Wou-Ki, his expression was quite excited. He hurriedly greeted him with a solemn expression and bowed deeply to the disciple's ceremony. Then a few people sat on the wicker chairs under the big tree in the playground. Sit down and chat.

It was okay at first. Except for Yu Xiaogang, who was really paralyzed, the faces of the other three were full of joy of reunion after a long absence.

But as time went by, after the four of them opened the topic, Flender's expression gradually became a little ugly, and Zao Wou-ki and Qin Ming smiled bitterly. The only thing that remained unchanged was Yu Xiaogang's facial paralysis.

On the playground, the door of the last cabin opened, and Ye Zhiqiu brought Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing out. As the three of them walked out, the rows of cabins flowed by at an extremely fast speed, gradually shrinking into shoots and retracting into the ground. under.

Ye Zhiqiu ignored the surprised look of everyone in the battle team. After stretching out comfortably, he walked slowly under the big tree where Flanders and others were.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled and stopped beside the few people, bending his legs, and looking at his posture, he seemed to want to sit down, but at this time, his ass was empty and there was no seat.

But as Ye Zhiqiu’s legs became more and more curved, a vine just happened to grow out of the ground, and the scattered leaves turned into the shape of a wicker chair in the blink of an eye. It accurately caught him, and everything looked like So natural.

When Flander saw Ye Zhiqiu, his expression on his face was slightly better, and he complained: "Associate Dean Qiu, speaking of this Shrek Academy also has a copy of you, you can judge. Just now Xiaogang suggested that you should bring all Shrek students. Go to Tiandou Royal students as exchange students, and borrow the mimicry practice environment there. If we do, then is Shrek still Shrek? Don’t we become a vassal of Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Vice President Qiu?Qin Ming looked at Ye Zhiqiu in a daze. He thought this was just his junior, but he didn't expect that Flanders would call him Vice Dean Qiu.

Ye Zhiqiu was holding the back of his head with the hands of the old god, half paralyzed on the chair, his eyes slightly closed as if thinking.

He was definitely going to Heaven Dou Imperial City. If Shrek Academy wanted a place in the Continent Elite Soul Master Competition, it had to choose a force to join, otherwise their Academy would not even be eligible to participate.

Moreover, the eyes of both ice and fire are also in the sunset forest on the side of the Heaven Dou Imperial City. He has been greedy for the fairy grass leaf for a long time, so he has to find a chance to take Tang San to search. There is no way, it seems that the fairy grass needs special It can only be picked with techniques, but he can't use this technique.Otherwise, Dugu Bo's eyes of ice and fire might have been emptied by him.New Novel City www.xxsc.cc

Ye Zhiqiu thought for a long time before slowly saying: "To be honest, Shrek Academy’s current situation is indeed a bit worse. Even if I donate several million soul gold coins to the dean, it is impossible to create a perfect mimicry. The cultivation environment, so I think the master’s proposal is feasible."

"You..." Flender was choked and was a little speechless. His brows were raised and raised. He glanced back and forth on Ye Zhiqiu and Yu Xiaogang, and suddenly said: "You two have discussed it, right? ?"

"You think too much." Yu Xiaogang twitched.

Ye Zhiqiu also shook his head and replied: "Dean, it's just that I and the master want to go together. If you want the juniors to make progress faster, it is undoubtedly a good choice to borrow other college resources. We can bring the college collective Teachers and students will go over together, let’s borrow chickens to lay eggs."

"Borrowing a chicken to lay eggs?" Everyone's eyes were dumbfounded, but Yu Xiaogang seemed to have guessed Ye Zhiqiu's thoughts, and his eyes flickered with some clarity.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, “Yes, it’s just borrowing chickens to lay eggs. We can sign a contract with Tiandou Royal Academy. Shrek students should still be taught by ourselves. They must not interfere. At the same time, we can borrow their equipment resources. When they want to leave, they can't stop them. In return, Shrek can name Tiandou Royal Academy and help them earn various honors. This is a win-win situation, and I believe Tiandou Royal Academy will not refuse."

At this moment, everyone understood. Even Tang Sanyu Tianheng and the others, who had their ears erected not far away, listened quietly to the conversation here, understood.

Flender lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at Qin Ming, "What do you think the attitude of Tiandou Royal Academy will be?"

Qin Ming smiled and replied: "I believe that the three heads of the Tiandou Royal Academy will not refuse this condition. It is just a few more mouths to eat in the academy. We can't move the mimicry cultivation environment. For the Royal Academy of Fighting, this is also a cost-free business, very cost-effective."

"Wait, let's add another condition. Tiandou Royal Academy should have two places in the Continental Senior Elite Soul Master Competition in a year. We Shrek want one." Yu Xiaogang said with a sullen face, this is what he really is. purpose.

Qin Ming thought for a while, "It should be okay. Except for the Emperor Fighting Team, the Tiandou Royal Academy can't find any decent team. With the outstanding talents of the students, I will talk about this condition."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, not talking.

Ye Zhiqiu raised his mouth slightly, wondering if that avalanche would cause trouble and get them out of the college?

Probably not?Now Tiandou is the world of Xueqinghe, as long as you say something by yourself, it should be appropriate.

But if a group of them went to the Tiandou Royal Academy, it seemed that Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong would not be possible, and they would be lonely to death.

Should I choose Tiandou or Lanba?this is a problem.

Speaking of it, when Yu Xiaogang used to be at Notting Junior College, he was pretty good to himself, and Ye Zhiqiu also had the idea of ​​helping him and Liu Erlong match up, so he should repay the kindness he had given him.

If you go to the Tiandou Royal Academy at that time, Dugu Bo will still play like the original, and Ye Zhiqiu intends to go with the flow and not interfere in the development.

If you didn't show up, then forget it, you'll get mixed up at the Tiandou Royal Academy, and you can go and tease Xue Qinghe if you have nothing to do.

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