Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 191 Go to Tiandou Royal Academyseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Qin Ming took the Emperor Dou team to the Shrek Academy for a day, and then returned to Heaven Dou Imperial City. He and Flander agreed on a two-month deadline.

In other words, about two months later, when all Shrek went to Heaven Dou Imperial City.

During this period of time, Shrek Academy students would naturally not be idle. While working hard to cultivate their spirit power, they were also absorbing the precious experience of fighting spirits that had been uninterrupted in the previous month.

In comparison, Tang San was much busier than everyone else. The second batch of hidden weapon parts of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect had already been manufactured, and the soul-carrying master brought the Soul Guidance Device to transport it.

In addition to staying in the room every day to assemble this part of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect's hidden weapons, Tang San forged new hidden weapons "bang~bang~" in a small room that Flender asked for. It was his only at night. Practice time.

Half a month after Qin Ming and the others left, Ning Rongrong finally broke through level 30, and Ye Zhiqiu spent two days helping her hunt down the third spirit ring.

At this point, among the people in Shrek Academy, only Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun had not broken through to the realm of Soul Sovereign.

Zhu Zhuqing was still one level worse, and Ma Hongjun was affected by the evil fire. Although he was a few months older than Zhu Zhuqing, his level was one level lower than her.

The days after that gradually became flat, and it has been two months later.

Two months later, everyone in Shrek after this time of relaxation and precipitation, their spirit powers are all diligent, many people are not far from breaking through, and Tang San is constantly depleting their spirit power because of the hidden weapon of forgetting sleep and food. After practicing and recovering, his level was raised by one level, reaching level 33. Except for Ye Zhiqiu, the speed of his leveling up was the most terrifying.

This day is the day of departure.

At the gate of Shrek Academy, seven academies including Ye Zhiqiu, eight students, a total of fifteen people, all stared at the simple buildings in the academy.

Flander Zao Wou-ki and others have lived here for nearly 20 years. Although the wooden houses are dilapidated, they were built piece by piece by themselves. Needless to say, the feelings are naturally equivalent to their home.

As for Dai Mubai, Tang San and others, a group of them know each other here, sweat and make progress together, leaving a laugh, and this is also their sustenance.

At this moment, they were about to leave suddenly, everyone was really reluctant, and they all showed upset.

"Okay, don't miss it. If you want to come back and take a look, it's only a few seconds. Get a hand, we should set off." Ye Zhiqiu's calm voice sounded behind the crowd.

After listening to Ye Zhiqiu's words, the group was stunned.It seems that for this guy, going back and forth seems to be a matter of seconds...

"Cough cough, let's get your hands together. Vice Dean Qiu's teleportation spirit skill is really a magical skill. It saves money for renting a carriage halfway to eat and lodging." Flander laughed treacherously, and his mood seemed to be much better .

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Seeing everyone put their hands together, his right hand gently protruded and held Ning Rongrong's hand next to him.

The red light of the third spirit ring lit up, and a group of fifteen people instantly disappeared at the gate of Shrek Academy.

This college, at this moment, fell silent.Maybe many years later, they will come back to take a look.Or, never come back again...ok fiction bar www.okxs8.com


Twenty miles south of Heaven Dou Imperial City, fifteen people from Shrek Academy appeared here.

"Is this at the Tiandou Royal Academy? Although I have seen Boss Qiu's spirit abilities many times, every time it is so shocking, it instantly spans thousands of miles..." Oscar closed his eyes and shook his head.

The others also nodded their heads in agreement with Oscar's words, and then began to look around, and their expressions were stiff.

"Vice Dean Qiu, did you teleport to the wrong position?" Flander asked with a weird expression.

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and said, "Yes, Tiandou Royal Academy is here."

Ning Rongrong also nodded in agreement, "This is indeed the area of ​​the Tiandou Imperial Academy. Can you see the hill in front? The Tiandou Imperial Academy is inside that hill, and the forests and lakes around the hill are all Tiandou Imperial Academy. The scope of jurisdiction. We walk a few steps further and we will enter the patrol area of ​​the Spirit Master of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy."

Everyone looked in the direction of Ning Rongrong's fingers, and they all secretly felt that there was a big handwriting. On that hill, some small pavilions could indeed be seen.

"It is really a good place to be near the mountains and rivers." Yu Xiaogang said leisurely.

The other college teachers also nodded in agreement. The scenery here is indeed beautiful, with mountains and lakes, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and full of the breath of nature.

When I think that this place will be the place where he and others will live in the future, Zao Wou-ki and other college teachers are very satisfied.

Only Flander mumbled unconvincingly, "What's so great about this place? The students they teach are all crooked, okay with me?"

At this time, Flander looked like an angry child. Everyone smiled knowingly when he made such a gesture.

"It's not that you taught well, but that each of them is inherently gifted. It's just that we were lucky and happened to accept these students." Yu Xiaogang's calm words spread, taking the lead, and everyone naturally slowed down. Step behind.

There were no disturbances all the way, until reaching the foot of the hill, everyone finally ran into trouble.

"Stop, who are you?" A dozen spirit masters, about eighteen or nine years old, stopped Shrek and his party from going.These soul masters are all wearing uniform uniforms of platinum and gold. It can be seen from this that they are all students of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

Flender took a few steps forward, and the big thorn stabbed: "We are from Shrek Academy. At the invitation of your Tiandou Royal Academy, we are here to communicate. Let us lead the way."

The leader of the other party looked at Flender a few times, then looked at the rest of Shrek Academy, with a hint of sarcasm and disdain, "A group of turtles are also worthy to come to our academy to communicate, hurry up, or don't blame us Force was used."

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the leading young man and was silent.He had seen this person in the Heaven Dou Imperial City. It was the avalanche, the fourth son of Emperor Xue Ye. Avalanche was not as stupid as it seemed. Ye Zhiqiu knew that, so why would he stop here to pretend? Stubborn child?

Is it because Xue Qinghe still doesn't want to let his lone seedling go, and wants to kill him?

Ye Zhiqiu was thinking about the problem. The rest of the Shrek Academy didn't have as many people as he thought. At this time, all of them were angry.

"I want to see how you use force." Dai Mubai let out a long whistle, and the martial soul possessed his body. The coldness of the forest burst out instantly, and his figure flashed towards the avalanche.

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