Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 192 Tiandou Royal Academyseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!When Xue Beng saw the three spirit rings under Dai Mubai's feet, he already had a retreat in his heart. He didn't expect that these people would dare to act at the gate of Tiandou Imperial Academy.

I want to retire at this time, but it is too late.Where is his speed faster than Dai Mubai?Suddenly, Dai Mubai kicked his face, nosebleed, mouth crooked and eyes slanted, flying straight for four or five meters, rolling on the ground several times before gradually stopping.

This sudden change caused a panic to the noble children of the Tiandou Royal Academy who had never seen social cruelty. Among more than a dozen people, seeing that they were beaten by outsiders, only two of them turned on the martial soul to watch vigilantly. With Dai Mubai, the others hurriedly backed away, for fear that Dai Mubai would catch a fat beating when they were running slowly.

Tang San and the others who were afraid that Dai Mubai would lose out alone were a little dumbfounded. What are these people?Tiandou Royal Academy still has this kind of stuff?

"I said before, a group of crooked melons and split dates, right?" Flender looked at Yu Xiaogang next to him with a little triumph and said with a smile, "The students I taught are one who can beat others. "

Yu Xiaogang glanced at Flanders calmly, with no waves on his face, "If you can be sent to see the gate, how many talents do you expect them to be?"

"Um..." Flender was choked, and closed his mouth angrily. What Yu Xiaogang said seemed to make sense.

"But..." Yu Xiaogang watched as Dai Mubai was beating a group of people on the opposite side of his crying father and calling his mother, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "This group of students are also really spicy. The trainees of Lake must teach themselves, but they must not let their teachers from the Tiandou Royal Academy mislead their children."

Both Flanders and Zao Wou-ki nodded in agreement.

"Okay Mubai. Come back." Flender said to stop Dai Mubai. They were here to communicate, not really to make trouble. If they continue to fight and cause disability, it will be difficult to explain to others.

"Bah~ spicy chicken." Dai Mubai took a sip and walked back into the team with his head up and chest high.

"You...you wait to make trouble in our Tiandou Royal Academy. This is a provocation to the empire, and the empire will not let you go." Xue Beng covered his nose with one hand, and pointed at the Shrek Academy with a trembling hand. There were cruel words on the side.

"I'm not good enough, but I know how to buckle my hat." Flender curled his lips, his expression disdainful.Fighting a few people is a provocation to the empire. Do you think you are the emperor of Heaven Dou?

Ye Zhiqiu raised his eyebrows amused, and looked at Xue Beng with some playfulness and said, "Why don't you call Xue Qinghe over and call you the shots?"

"Dare to speak the name of Emperor Qinghe, you are so brave... we will definitely report..."

At this moment, a voice with a hint of dissatisfaction sounded from the mountain path, "Avalanche, just the first day after being punished to guard the goal, I don't have a long memory?"

On the mountain path, a figure walked down a little hurriedly. When Xue Beng saw the incoming person, his eyes lit up, "Mr. Qin, you have to call us the shots. These people beat us indiscriminately and gave Qinghe back. The emperor opened the brush, bad intentions..."

Qin Ming looked at the ridiculous eyes of Flanders and others not far away, and couldn't help but blush as he hurried past Xue Beng, not bothering to pay attention to him.

After Qin Ming came to Flanders and honored his discipleship, he said ashamed: "The academy's teachings are not helpful, and the teachers laughed. The three chiefs said that you are here. Let me come down to greet him. In one scene, the students are really embarrassed."

"Okay, Qin Ming, you kid don't cheat with us, we are all vulgar people, we are not used to hearing." Flender patted him on the shoulder and smiled.Read the book www.yshuobaxs.com

When Qin Ming arrived, Xue Beng and others naturally did not dare to stop them, and the group of people went up the mountain unimpeded.

Entering the mountain, you can better appreciate the scale of the Tiandou Royal Academy. The ordinary stone steps are all carved from white marble, and each step is carved with different soul beast patterns. The craftsmanship is exquisite.

The air on this mountain is also very fresh. It is morning, and there is still some light mist on the mountain road, with a moist coolness, which makes people feel more energetic, as if the pores on the body are open, making people feel better. There is a sense of refreshment.

Along the way, Qin Ming opened his mouth from time to time to introduce the more famous scenery around him, and some things in the academy. There was not enough time, so he just gave a general explanation.

Before long, everyone arrived at the destination.

The Board of Education of Tiandou Royal Academy is located in the center of Tiandou Royal Academy. Although there is only one floor, it is more than ten meters high. The exterior decoration is elegant and elegant. It is similar to the halls that Ye Zhiqiu had seen in Wuhun City. Somewhat alike.

At this time, at the entrance of the Education Committee Hall, which is only one storey, the three old people from the Education Committee of Tiandou Royal Academy had already waited there early.

The three old men were all wearing black standard robes with gentle smiles on their faces, calmly watching the group of people led by Qin Ming slowly approaching.

When they saw Tang San and the others who were following the academy instructor, their eyes were even more stunning and satisfying.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Qin told them how outstanding Shrek’s students were. They were still a little bit unbelief. Even if Yu Tianheng and others testified, the three old men would be suspicious. Until now they saw it with their own eyes. This group of students are too young.

This time, I lowered my body and went out to greet him. It really made a profit.

And on Shrek's side, seeing the three old people from the Board of Education personally go out to greet each other, Flander, as the dean, was also a little flattered.

Flanders has always respected me, and I have a personality that respects others. Moreover, the three opposites are still his predecessors. Such an age has undoubtedly shown that they have paid enough attention to them. In this case, how can Flanders not express it?

Flander quickened his pace, stepped forward a few steps, sternly clenched his right hand on his left chest, and bent down slightly, "Shrek Academy, Flander, Wuhun Maoying, the seven-ring battle spirit of the seventy-eighth level of the sensitive attack system Saint, I have met three seniors."

The three old men in the central position laughed, and strode forward to support Flanders, "You are welcome, Dean Flanders, you can get guidance from the teachers of the Monster Academy in the monastery, which is brilliant. I am the Board of Education. Chief, Mengshen Ji, Wuhun Black Demon, the control system of the eighty-sixth level and eight-ring combat Contra. Come, let me introduce you..."


After introducing each other, everyone knew each other preliminarily. They walked into the hall of the Board of Education together. The office space of the three Contras is not luxurious, but very simple. Apart from the necessary desks and chairs, there are only some simple ones. The green plants are embellished, and it can be seen from this that they are all truly moral people.

Everyone was seated for the guest and the host. Because there were not many chairs in the Board of Education, Tang San and others as students could only stand behind the teacher. Ye Zhiqiu, the deputy dean, naturally had a place. Behind him stood Ning Rongrong. And Zhu Zhuqing.

When the servant of the tea table retired, Mengshenji glanced around the people with interest, and finally fixed his eyes on Ye Zhiqiu. To say who he was most interested in in Shrek Academy was undoubtedly the Shrek in Qin Ming’s mouth. The deputy dean of the college.

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