Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 194 Xiao Wu exposed [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"You..." Dai Mubai was furious. This villain was really irritating. He was stalking everything. Without him, there would be so much trouble.

If it wasn't for the wrong place, Dai Mubai would want to kill him.

The Flander at the forefront looked up and down the Mr. Dugu in the mouth of Prince Xue Xing. His eyes were fixed. From this person, Flander felt a strong danger. He was like a man waiting for an opportunity. And moving viper.

As Flander looked at him, Dugubo suddenly opened his eyes, which complemented the green color of his whole body. Dugubo's pupils were also green, which seemed to contain no emotions, but it made the whole hall. It was a bit cold.

Between the two staring at each other, Flander suddenly felt tight in his chest, slammed his feet on the ground, and withdrew several steps away. He couldn't hold it just because of this person's momentum?Flander's face was horrified.

Zao Wou-ki and the others also sank. Flender's strength is clear to them, but they can shake him back with his momentum alone. The Mr. Dugu mentioned by Prince Xue Xing is definitely not simple.

"Prince Xuexing, don't go too far." Mengshenji yelled angrily, and together with the other two instructors, his body was in front of Flanders.

Prince Xue Xing said flatly, "How am I going too far? Don't forget, since the reign of Emperor Xue Ye, I have always been the direct jurisdiction of the academy and have the authority to determine the personnel of the academy. If you are not satisfied, you can try Go and file a complaint with Your Highness Today and see if he will release me from my post."

Because of emotion and reason, it was impossible for Xue Qinghe to directly use the power in the hands of his uncle, otherwise it would fall into the tongue, so Prince Xue Xing would be so confident.

This truth, Mengshenji three naturally also know.I couldn't help but my chest was up and down, and I was so angry that I couldn't speak.

Prince Xue Xing looked at everyone with a sneer, and stepped sideways to give up a step, and bowed slightly to Dugu Bo: "Mr. Dugu, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Dugu Bo nodded calmly, and looked around Shrek indifferently, saying: "I won't bully you, all of you go together."

While talking, a strong green light swayed around him as the center, two yellow, two purple, five black and nine spirit rings hovering from his feet, surrounding the whole body, and the hall reflected by the various spirit rings was a bit gorgeous.

Suddenly, Dugubo's eyes, who had already retracted his gaze, suddenly condensed, and looked at Xiao Wu who was shrouding behind Tang San. There was a rare fluctuation in his eyes, which seemed to be surprise or surprise.

Xiao Wu, who sensed that she had been found, trembled more suddenly, Tang San frowned as he looked at Dugu Bo's violently fluctuating eyes.

"Nine Rings, Title Douluo!"

Flandre Yu Xiaogang and other college teachers' complexions changed suddenly.

Dugubo slowly raised his hand, pointed in Tang San's direction, and said coldly: "The rest can go, she must stay."

Although it seemed that Dugu Bo was pointing at Tang San, Tang San knew that he was referring to Xiao Wu behind him. This made Tang San's eyes cold, and his hand touched the twenty-four bridge bright moon on his waist. Ye, there is a newly created hidden weapon in it.

Although this hidden weapon might have little effect on a titled Douluo like Dugu Bo, Tang San would never give up Xiao Wu and let her be captured alive.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, who knew Xiao Wu's true identity, both looked nervously at Ye Zhiqiu, the only one sitting on a chair on the court. At this time, Ye Zhiqiu's upper body was tilted, with one hand propped his head, as if sleeping.17 Pen Fun Pavilion www.17sct.com

Originally, he didn't want to take care of this matter and let the plot keep developing. They could also get away from the Tiandou Royal Academy and go to the Blue Tyrant Academy as a matter of course, but now it seems that they have to manage.

Same as Tang San, Ye Zhiqiu always regarded Xiao Wu as his younger sister, and naturally he would not let it go.

"Dugu Bo, if you really are a Title Douluo, can you do whatever you want? Today, let the three of us come to learn about your great tricks." The three old men of the Menshinji Board of Education are all angry, Shrek is Their guests have been targeted again and again, and now even the students have been targeted, undoubtedly grabbing them in the face and hitting them hard.

Eight spirit rings lit up on the three of them at the same time, and a ghost of martial arts appeared behind them.

The atmosphere on the court, for a while, some arrows stretched.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu calmly opened his eyes, and unlike Dugu Bo, there was no momentum on his body.

"Smack~" "Smack~" "Smack~"

Ye Zhiqiu stood up indifferently, clapped his hands, and walked away from the crowd. When he came to the three education committees, he said calmly, "Poison Douluo is so powerful, it deserves to be the weakest title Douluo in the mainland. You can't beat Title Douluo, you can only come here to beat the juniors to find a sense of existence."


The Mengshenji trio looked at Ye Zhiqiu next to him in a daze. They had a sharp mouth. This is too annoying to say. You are looking for death...

Flander and the others were in a good mood. If it were not for the wrong timing, they would have praised loudly, but Ye Zhiqiu said this, things seemed inevitable, and today's battle was inevitable.

Tang San, Dai Mubai and others couldn't help but feel relieved when they saw Ye Zhiqiu finally planning to take action.At the beginning, the boss of Autumn said that he had killed the two titled Douluo in the Spirit Hall. Although they were skeptical about this matter, even if they did not kill the two names, at least they should be able to fight the title Douluo, right?

As everyone expected, Dugu Bo was indeed a little angry, even if Ye Zhiqiu was telling the truth, the majesty of Title Douluo could not be insulted.

A faint green mist diffused out of Dugu Bo, condensed into a little snake with thick fingers, swimming in the air towards Ye Zhiqiu. The poisonous mist was so condensed that no breath had leaked. From this we can see Dugu Bo's strong control of soul power.

In the eyes of Dugu Bo, this poison was enough to solve this ignorant boy.

Mengshenji and others frowned and were about to make a move, Ye Zhiqiu's calm voice sounded, "The three seniors go and rest, I will do it myself."

While talking, Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly and pointed out with his right hand. A green mist similar to Dugu Bo spewed from his fingers, condensed into a vigorous green dragon, flapping its teeth and claws towards the snake. go with.

As soon as Pu touched, the little spirit snake that Dugubo condensed was torn to pieces by a few claws, and was swallowed by the green dragon in a few mouthfuls.

Then, it seemed to be full, and the tail part turned to the place where Dugu Bo was, and he let out a few farts. The green poisonous mist was all discharged by it, and it moved towards Dugu Bo and Xuexing. Avalanche's three people filled the past.

In this scene, all the people present looked weird.

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