Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 195 The consequences of provoking me are very serious [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The poisonous mist discharged by the green dragon spreads towards the three of Dugu Bo. Although Dugu Bo will be fine as long as it is absorbed, can it be absorbed?

This is a fart...

Will he lose face when absorbed?

But if they didn't absorb it back, Xue Xing and Xue Beng would definitely not be able to withstand his poison. Dugubo's face was a little dark, and with a wave of his hand, he condensed the poisonous mist into a ball and threw it out the door.

A big tree that was hit, the tree body suddenly rang out with a sound of "babble", it was corroded into two sections within a short time, and the upper section collapsed suddenly.

The two played an ordinary temptation, and Dugubo was completely abused.This could not help making the rest of the people present secretly start to talk.

Dugu Bo's green pupils stared at Ye Zhiqiu coldly, "Boy, who are you?"

Ye Zhiqiu spread his hands and said with a smile: "I don't think you would want to know about this question. Friendly reminder, the consequences of provoking me are very serious. Maybe you will be hunted down by five or six Super Douluo above level 95. ."

"Haha~hahaha~" After Dugubo listened to Ye Zhiqiu's words, he laughed wildly.

Xue Beng sneered, his eyes sneered, "Where did the soil buns come from, I'm not afraid to blow them through? How many Title Douluos are on the mainland?"

"Oh?" Ye Zhiqiu said calmly: "Then you believe it or not, even if I kill you in front of Xue Qinghe, he won't do anything to me."

"You..." Xue Beng wanted to ridicule a few words, and suddenly he saw Ye Zhiqiu's gradually cooling eyes from the corner of his eyes, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and he didn't dare to say what he said.

After Dugubo laughed, he stared at Ye Zhiqiu indifferently and said, "My Dugubo has been in the mainland for many years, and I am not scared. What if you can really call five or six Super Douluos? Come and collect the corpse for you?"

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at him strangely, and said inexplicably, "Where can your confidence beat me?"


Dugu Bo's expression is getting colder and colder, do you really think he can be arrogant in front of him with a single blow?He has cultivated for so long, and few people dare to speak to him like this.

Not to mention, this is just a junior.

Mengshenji seemed to see that Dugu Bo was making a big fight, and his eyes were sharp, and he said angrily: "Dugu Bo, this is the saint son of the Martial Soul Palace. If he has an accident with us, no one can bear the responsibility. , Think about your family. And if you are here, do you want to ruin the Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Dugu Bo was taken aback, his eyes flickered.He had also heard about the Saint Child of Wuhun Hall. The outside world claimed to be able to kill a 100,000-year soul beast at level 40. Although Dugu Bo didn't believe it, he had to consider the power behind Ye Zhiqiu.

If Ye Zhiqiu, a genius whom the Spirit Hall attaches great importance to, really died in his hands, Dugu Bo believed that the Spirit Hall would have to come to the door the next day, and he might really be hunted down by five or six titled Douluo by then.

No wonder this kid has the confidence to say such things.

After a short silence, Dugu Bo slowly raised his head and said with a serious face: "They can all walk, but the little girl can't." Dugu Bo pointed to Xiao Wu behind Tang San.

Mengshenji suddenly took a few breaths.

Flander Zao Wuji and the others thought he was talking about Tang San, but they didn't expect it to be Xiao Wu.I couldn't help but feel a little strange, why did the Dugu Expo hold on to Xiao Wu.Happy novel www.kaixinxs.com

Mengshenji suppressed the anger in his heart and shouted in a deep voice, "Dugu Bo, even if you are a Title Douluo, you can't detain people for no reason. The detainees are the guests we invited. I want to know why."

Dugu Bo faintly glanced at the three men of Mengshen, with a look of disdain, and he was too lazy to respond.This look of despise has been particularly obvious.

"Xiao Wu is my sister, and she will not stay either. I advise you and don't give her advice in the future." Ye Zhiqiu's face was calm, and he was actually a little angry in his heart. If in the wilderness, Ye Zhiqiu would not mind opening a beard. The teacher taught him how to be a man.

The problem here is wrong. If he uses the powerful spirit ability, it is estimated that the Tiandou Royal Academy, a school built with a lot of money, will be destroyed today. This is the main reason why Ye Zhiqiu has not attacked.

After Dugubo listened to Ye Zhiqiu’s words, he sneered. He was jealous of the Soul Hall. Yes, but he didn’t believe it. Because he killed a Soul Beast, the Soul Hall would send five or six Title Douluo to chase him down. This saint son, in his opinion, is not yet that big.

Killing Ye Zhiqiu and killing Ye Zhiqiu's companions are two completely different concepts.One is to press the face of Wuhundian on the ground and rub against it, and the other is to press the face of his holy son against the ground and rub it, which is lighter and heavier, at a glance.

Therefore, for Dugu Bo, as long as Ye Zhiqiu is not injured, the rest of the people present can be killed.

"Let’s take a look at you, the Saint Child of the Spirit Hall today. I can’t stop me." Dugu Bo's eyes were cold, and the moment his voice fell, he moved abruptly. When his steps were slightly sideways, he had already passed the three teaching committees. The chief of the meeting, rushed in the direction of Tang San Xiaowu.

There is a huge gap between Title Douluo and Soul Douluo. If there is a sensitive attack type Soul Douluo among the three education committees, maybe you can barely stop Dugu Bo, but none of them is a sensitive attack type. Yes, so at this moment, it seemed a little helpless for Dugu Bo who had used all his strength, and couldn't keep up with his speed.

The two Flanders and Zao Wou-ki wanted to stop them, and there was no effect at all. They didn't even see how Dugu Bo swayed them.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes fell cold at the moment Dugu moved, and the turbulent energy began to overflow from his body.

When Dugu Bo swayed Flanders and Zao Wou-ki and was about to reach Tang San, Ye Zhiqiu rushed to his side, kicked a burst of noise in the air with a heavy kick, and took Dugu Bo's face.

Before the attack arrived, the strong wind carrying the envelope had already numbed Dugubo's face.

Dugubo's eyes flashed, he hadn't put Ye Zhiqiu's strength at ease, but at this moment he actually noticed the slightest threat on him.

Ye Zhiqiu, who has opened six doors in a row, has been brewing, and his power is naturally good.

Dugu Bo returned to his senses in a hurry at this time, and it was too late to escape. All he could do was to condense his spirit power suddenly and blasted the leg kicked by Ye Zhiqiu with a punch.

"Boom~" A heavy muffled sound exploded in the main hall, and ripples of energy spread out from the place where the two people met. The furniture and green plants that were originally neatly placed around them seemed to be pushed by a bulldozer. "Wow! La" was pushed to the corner by this ripple of energy.

The surrounding glass just persisted for a moment, and it broke into countless pieces with a "bang" at the same time, sputtering towards the outside.

The Shrek students who were close by were also shaken by the thrust. Ning Rongrong and Oscar's two auxiliary spirit masters were thrown over a few somersaults. Tang San and Xiaowu standing behind Ye Zhiqiu People, on the contrary, because Ye Zhiqiu took the shock, he was not affected at all.

The strong wind dissipated, and a group of people squinted to look at the center of the fight between Dugu Bo and Ye Zhiqiu. The two of them still maintained a fist-fighting posture, and their faces were slightly flushed.

It's just that the floor tiles under the two people's feet quietly shattered into countless pieces, and the ground was slightly concave.

They all agree, they are all unloading force toward the ground under their feet. Generally speaking, this kind of confrontation, stepping back and unloading force is the most correct choice. This kind of unrelenting resistance makes it easy to fight against the blood in the body. .

But this time neither of them could retreat, one was for the sake of face, and the other was because, behind them were Tang San and Xiao Wu.

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