Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 196 The Seventh Shocking DoorSeeking Subscription

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Both of them used their fists and feet at the same time, and they fought each other, and then they retreated with each other.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were calm, but Dugu Bo was a little surprised.

He discovered that this kid didn't know what spirit abilities he used, and his physique and spirit power had exploded. He was able to face his Title Douluo head-on and not let go, even though he greeted the enemy hastily without using it. Do your best, but this improvement is still terrifying.

What is the emerald green energy that permeates his body?

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Ning Rongrong, who had just gotten up and was rubbing his head next to him, and his eyes became slightly colder when he saw Dugu Bo.

"Dugu Bo, your granddaughter is reluctant to be friends with me. For her face, I don't want to kill you, don't force me to do it seriously." Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were cold, and the air around seemed to change because of his voice. It has to be solidified.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu and Flander were different in their memory.Not only Flanders and the others, but even Dai Mubai and others who are familiar with him felt a little strange but familiar. This scene seemed to have been seen somewhere.

By the way, it was the battle with the mad team...

After thinking about the miserable situation of the mad team captain Kuangxi, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and others have some lingering fears, this Dugu Bo, will...be like that?

The three Education Committees of Mengshenji looked at each other in shock. At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu, with the aura that burst out, they actually felt that their several 80-plus-level Contras were somewhat inferior, is this possible? Is it the true strength of the Saint Child of Wuhun Hall?

"Brother Qiu, help me kill him." It is very rare that this time the name of Brother Qiu is not Xiao Wu, but Tang San. Among Shrek students, only Xiao Wu is called Brother Qiu, and the rest are all Boss Qiu, only Tang San has been called A Qiu, this time, Tang San actually changed?

Ye Zhiqiu looked back at him in surprise. Didn't this kid always call Aqiu and Aqiu happily, and never admit that he is younger than himself?

Tang San at this time was also as cold as Ye Zhiqiu.Ye Zhiqiu was threatened because of Ning Rongrong, and Tang San was threatened because of Xiao Wu.

If it wasn't for Tang San to know that he was not Dugu Bo's opponent, he might have rushed to kill him when Dugu Bo first targeted Xiao Wu.

"I said, Xiaosan, it's really not easy to listen to your screaming Brother Qiu. Wait for a hundred years. Compared to fighting, it seems to be more interesting to hear you call my brother." Ye Zhiqiu's complexion has recovered a bit from what he used to be a little bit humble. Character, watching Tang San teasingly.

Tang San's face turned dark, I beg you to do something more serious, can you be so serious when facing such a strong opponent as Title Douluo, be careful of being attacked...

Tang San just thought of being attacked, and Dugu Bo actually moved. Tang San couldn't help but his pupils constricted, and wanted to remind loudly.

At this moment.

"Eh~" Wei Ran sighed softly on the court, suppressing all the noise.

Ye Zhiqiu let out ruthless words and deliberately exposed his side flaws, hoping that Dugu Bo could recognize the situation. If he stops, Ye Zhiqiu also intends to forget it.

However, Dugu Bo was so forced, I don’t know if he was guilty of Alzheimer’s, and he even dared to attack him. It seems that he was stunned by Xiao Wu’s 100,000-year soul bone...

That being the case, he didn't plan to keep his hands.

Although he can't use powerful spirit abilities here, the methods he retains are not only those powerful spirit abilities... Home of Novels www.itxtbook.cc

"The seventh surprise door, open!"

With a sound of thunder, there was a buzzing around the shock.

Dugubo's right hand was surrounded by a green poisonous mist, exuding bursts of stench, and he wanted to remember Ye Zhiqiu's ruthlessness.

This blow was very different from his previous hastily attacking Ye Zhiqiu, but it was a long time ago. Although he didn't use spirit abilities, it was wrapped in the toxin of the Green Phosphorus Snake Emperor, which should not be underestimated.

Just when his right fist was about to touch Ye Zhiqiu, the aquamarine energy permeating Ye Zhiqiu's body was like a water surface blown by a strong wind, starting from under his feet, a ripple from bottom to top appeared.

When the ripples passed, the green energy turned into a deep blue. When the ripples spread over the head, all the green energy was transformed into blue energy.

A horrible breath burst out in the depression, like a dragon waking up after a long sleep.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu was like a super blue Saiyan in Dragon Ball, with dark blue energy permeating his whole body, transforming into blue steam from bottom to top.

Surrounded by a blue tornado, dragging the tables, chairs and wooden stools to "crash" around, Tang San Xiaowu and others who were close by were all instinctively surprised by this breath. Backed a long distance.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu's long hair danced wildly, like a demon god who entered the world, with the turbulent blue energy covering all directions.

Dugubo's figure was stagnated by this terrifying aura, but he still squinted his eyes slightly, gritted his teeth, fully urged his spirit power in his body, and continued to blast towards Ye Zhiqiu's face.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't even look at him directly at this moment, just raised a hand indifferently, forming a claw across his cheek.

The two seemed to have negotiated, and Dugubo's punch happened to hit Ye Zhiqiu's palm.

It stands to reason that Ye Zhiqiu's posture is not easy to exert force.Although Dugu Bo was not very good at close combat, he was a titled Douluo after all, and his long-charged punch was equally powerful.Ye Zhiqiu's posture should be unstoppable.

But in the scene at this time, Ye Zhiqiu firmly grasped Dugubo's fist, and his arm did not tremble at all.

On the contrary, Dugubo's face turned dark, and he couldn't get his palm back. In the physical and soul power competition, his Poison Douluo was completely suppressed by a junior.

In this scene, people around me slapped their lips from time to time, some of them had shock in their eyes, some felt that they should have been, and some of them had a cheerful expression.

There were some Dugu Bo who couldn't hold on his face, and shouted angrily: "Look for death."

The aquamarine light flickered, and a thick green mist with a smelly smell gushing out of Dugu Bo.

The green mist seemed to be condensed into substance, coiling around Dugubo into a bucket-thick, seven-to-eight-meter-long snake.

This is not the real body of Wuhun, but the pure energy body transformed by the poisonous mist. Dugu Bo, who was a little reserved in the use of poison, now started to stimulate the poisonous mist with all his strength, because he found that ordinary poison , Seems to have no effect on Ye Zhiqiu.

Ordinary people, not to mention holding his fist filled with poisonous mist, will feel dizzy and turn blue just by approaching him.

But the kid in front of me, I don’t know what method was used. Just as his poison adhered to the hands of the two of them and adhered to his body, he would be expelled or destroyed instantly. There was no effect at all. He had to use it. Stronger poison.

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