Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 197 Dugu Bo eats flat [seeking subscription]

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The aquamarine python coiling around Dugubo's side gave a long whistle, suddenly lowered its head and opened its mouth, biting towards Ye Zhiqiu's head.

It is not an entity, this posture is naturally not a real bite, but it looks more powerful.

The main function of this big python is still poison.

How violent is the poison of a seven-eight-meter-long python made up of poisonous fog?

If Ye Zhiqiu is entangled by it, all the toxins will adhere to his body, although his body is strong and will not die, it will definitely not be good.


Ye Zhiqiu's eyes condensed, the original deep black pupils in his eyes suddenly turned into a big six-pointed star windmill, and the four spirit rings of purple, black and red hovered up from under his feet.

Ye Zhiqiu stared indifferently at the python that was getting closer, his right pupil turned slightly, "Amaterasu."

In mid-air, a black flame was born out of thin air, and the barrier was above Ye Zhiqiu's head.The boa constrictor that was eating him a bite fell into it.

Silently, there was only a thin layer of black flame burning and beating in the air. The large python composed of poisonous fog, from the moment it rushed into the black flame, seemed like it had never appeared before, from beginning to end. Turned into nothingness.

It was as if there was another piece of space in the flames, and this large python made of poisonous fog rushed in at one end and never came out.

How can the fog fight with fire, not to mention this is not an ordinary fire.

Ye Zhiqiu put out the black fire, his eyes calmly looked at Dugu Bo, "Is there any means."

"You..." Dugubo's chest was a little suffocated, feeling that this initial match was simply restrained everywhere.

If the amount of toxin is not enough, he will be directly expelled and destroyed by this kid. If he has enough amount, he still has this weird flame spirit ability, which can incinerate his poison into nothingness in an instant.

Dugubo's eyes flickered, and he glanced around. He was wondering whether he would use his spirit abilities to make a group attack. By then, this kid will be busy, so many people want to protect him, maybe he is not free .

Ye Zhiqiu may not know what a 100,000-year-old soul bone means to ordinary people, especially to the titled Douluo, who is stuck at level 91 and hasn't made an inch.

He is successful and poisonous, and he is also poisonous.

If there is a one hundred thousand year soul bone, Dugu Bo is likely to have the opportunity to break through 92. Then he will be able to live another hundred years and have a chance to hit 93.

So Dugu Bo is already a little crazy.

As if seeing Dugubo's inner thoughts at the moment, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes gradually turned cold, holding Dugubo's fist in his hand, suddenly began to exert force, a "creak" sound of sour bone rubbing sounded.

The sharp pain in his hand made Dugu Bo suddenly round his eyes, his face twisted.

Just when Dugu Bo wanted to use his soul skills regardless of the consequences, Ye Zhiqiu's right leg moved, and the afterimages turned out at a fast speed, and his swift kick was already on Dugu Bo's chest.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know how terrifying his power was when he opened the seven doors.But it is by no means that a 91-level Title Douluo like Dugu Bo can easily resist it.

"Boom~" 186 Chinese website www.186zw.com

One blow seemed to be kicking through the air. Dugu Bo only came and put his left hand across his chest. The next moment the figure smashed the wall of the Education Committee Hall into a large human-shaped hole and flew straight out, and the spirit ability he was about to use was also Because Ye Zhiqiu's kick gave him abruptly kicked back.

How could Ye Zhiqiu give him a chance to use his spirit ability, at least, he couldn't use it here.

He can resist the poison of Dugu Bo himself, how about Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing?What about the rest?

So when he noticed that Dugu Bo had the intention of using spirit abilities, Ye Zhiqiu made a decisive move. He would not use his woman's life to gamble on whether Dugu Bo would have a trace of humanity.

"Little San, you are the best at using poison here, pay attention to whether there is any residual poison in the surrounding area, I will go out for a while." Ye Zhiqiu said calmly, his figure flashed.


The big hole that was broken by Dugu Bo was enlarged by him again. If it hadn't been for the Douluo Continent without the tofu dregs project, it is estimated that the walls of the Education Committee hall would have been destroyed by such continuous destruction.

The people who were left looked at each other and hurried to the outside.The three Mengshenji chairs looked at the mess around them and sighed.

Xue Xing and Xue Beng's expressions were a little panic. They didn't expect that there was such a powerful character hidden in this group of people, who could not even beat the titled Douluo of Dugu Bo.


Over a mountainside dense forest about a hundred meters away from the Hall of Education Committee.

Both Ye Zhiqiu and Dugubo stepped on the branches at the top of the trees, and the soft branches, which were probably the thick of the pinky finger, supported the weight of the two.

Dugu Bo's green pupils stared at Ye Zhiqiu, his left forearm was deformed, and it seemed to be broken. The back of his right hand also had three deep bloodstains. The blood gurgled down, and the leaves touched by the blood sounded for a while. With the corrosive sound of "Zizi", this product is even blood poisonous.

Ye Zhiqiu’s eight-door Dunjia has been actively closed by him. The place is very empty, and there is no need to use the eight-door wounding technique. Opening the seventh door will also hurt him a bit. At this time, his surface skin is It was a faint pain, but Ye Zhiqiu's physique was strong, and an intermediate-level fairy body always recovered.

If there is no immortal human body, his skin will be burnt and flushed when he opens the seven doors, just like the original Naruto works, it will be extremely painful to touch after opening the seven doors.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu stood lightly on the top of the tree. After holding one hand, the gentle wind flicked a few strands of hair on his temples. Compared to the a little embarrassed Dugu Bo, he looked a little light and breezy. .


The Tiandou Royal Academy is built on the top of the hill with flat floor tiles on all sides. On the edges, there are stone piers. These stone piers surround the entire top of the mountain. The middle is connected by a thick iron chain. This is to prevent others from falling down the mountain. of.

In the past, this is a good place to watch the scenery, and you can see the scenery under the mountain at a glance.

Now, this place has become the best viewing platform for everyone in Shrek. They are all standing on this side, slightly overlooking the two people standing on the top of the tree below.

The successive loud noises and outbreaks of horror in the Board of Education have long attracted many curious students to check the situation, including Yu Tianheng and Dugu Goose of the Emperor Fighting Team.

It's just because of their identity, it's not easy for them to break in and check.

Unexpectedly, the people who played against it seemed that the venue was too small, and they broke the wall violently and came out directly. Now these itchy students, like everyone in Shrek, crowded and looked down at the edge of the mountain.

"Grandpa?" When Duguyan saw the figure of one of them, he was a little surprised.Moreover, his grandpa seems to be injured?

When seeing the figure confronting her grandfather, Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng were a little stupid, isn't that the one from Shrek Academy?

How did the two of them fight?

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