Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 198 The Great Dragon Subscribe

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu's eyes calmly looked at the wary Dugu Bo on the opposite side, and said calmly, "Dugu Bo, can't you recognize the gap between you and me? Whether it's a hundred thousand year spirit ring or a spirit bone, it's not something you can think of. Hands, you can still keep a little face."

Dugu Bo coldly snorted, "Your spirit ability, the time limit has passed, and now how much power do you have? My Dugu Bo acted, and it is not your turn to educate. Really my name is Poison Douluo Blow it out?"

Until now, Dugu Bo didn't think he would lose.He hasn't used any of his soul abilities, and now Ye Zhiqiu's explosive secret technique seems to have expired. This kind of secret technique generally has a great burden on the body. Dugu Boda thought in his heart that Ye Zhiqiu was just supporting it. Even if it is not strong support, his state will definitely not be good.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu shook his head helplessly, and cast aside the people watching the battle on the mountain, "In that case, I will use today's battle to justify my name and use you as a stepping stone to make the Douluo Continent famous."

Although Ye Zhiqiu's past record is terrifying, not many people have seen it with their own eyes, and those who have seen it are unwilling to spread it out.

Therefore, the spirit master world has never stopped questioning his true strength.Ye Zhiqiu planned to use today's battle in full view to completely justify himself and stand on the pinnacle of Douluo Continent.

In this battle, he will not only win, but also beautifully, without pressure.

"Hahaha~" Dugubo laughed wildly, staring at Ye Zhiqiu with cold eyes, like a poisonous snake that can choose people at any time, "If you want to use my Dugubo as a stepping stone, you are afraid that you have picked the wrong person. How can you, over 40 levels, fight with me at level 91? I will let you see today, the true strength of Title Douluo..."

Dugu Bo suddenly raised his eyes to the sky with a long roar, and the seventh spirit ring on his body suddenly brightened at this moment, "The seventh spirit ability, the real body of the Biphosphorous Snake Emperor."

Over this dense forest, the green fog became a bit dense at this moment, and the surrounding trees all sounded the corroded "sizzle". Not long after, centered on the place where Dugu Bo was located, the surrounding area became 30 meters away. There was nothing, the dense forests more than ten meters high, and the low grass and trees seemed to have never appeared before, completely corroded by toxins, leaving only a flat piece of land.

At the center of the open space, there is a green-green poisonous mist that almost condenses into substance. From time to time, there will be "silk" snakes and the crawling sound of certain objects.

With the Dugu Bo of Wuhun real body, Poison seemed to become even more terrifying.

Ye Zhiqiu also looked a little serious.

"Wow~" A huge roar of a wild beast resounded from the green poisonous fog. The poisonous fog seemed to be weakened by this sound, spreading out to the surroundings, and the figures swimming in it could already be faintly seen.

It was a big green snake that was thicker than a water tank, and the length of the snake might reach 40 meters. The spirit body of the snake is so huge, it is better than the spirit body of the porcupine Douluo and others that Ye Zhiqiu had seen before. It's much bigger.

The figure of Dugu Bo was surrounded by the big green snake, and it was on its head, somewhat like the way the owner was on its head when Suzuo was in full body.

The real body of the Biphos Snake Emperor, when Ye Zhiqiu was observing it, the Snake Faith stood up suddenly, and it was more than ten meters high, which was one head taller than the big tree here.

A pair of faint green vertical pupils, condescendingly, stared coldly at Ye Zhiqiu, who was standing calmly at the end of the tree.

"How? What can you use to fight the old man?" Dugu Bo folded his arms and sneered indifferently.

Ye Zhiqiu calmly shook his head, "Too many, I can't think of anything to use. Just play with you two weaker ones."

While talking, Ye Zhiqiu folded his hands and spoke calmly, "Just ask Poison Douluo to see my new self-created spirit ability, Xianfa Dawei Tianlong."

The big tree that Ye Zhiqiu stepped on, after a violent shaking, began to grow extremely fast, the branches of the tree merged inside, and the root system broke out of the soil.

After a breath, it has already turned into a wooden dragon no smaller than the true body of the Biphos Snake Emperor.Moreover, the wooden dragon as a whole is vacant, vivid, with lin and claws.Although his eyes were closed tightly, the grade was also higher than that of Dugu Bo's Wuhun real body.Literary Theory www.wenxueda.com

How does the snake compare with the dragon?

For this trick, Ye Zhiqiu referred to the wooden escape between the Thousand-Hand Pillars and the wooden dragon technique, but he added the vitality of the immortal human body to it, this wooden dragon looks so realistic.

Ye Zhiqiu called this trick Xianfa·Dawei Tianlong.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu stood proudly on the top of Mu Long's head, and in light of his aura, he actually suppressed Dugu Bo.

Dugubo's eyes became solemn, and he stared at the wooden dragon closely.Appearance seems to be old and steady, but in fact he feels dazed. What is this special?Why did this kid make up some things that he couldn't understand or understand.

"You don't think this is over, do you?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled and pointed at Dugubo behind him, "There is more over there."

Dugubo was shocked and turned his head to look.

I saw another figure exactly like Ye Zhiqiu.

This figure is naturally the clone of Ye Zhiqiu.

He put his hands together, made the same movements as the deity, and said indifferently: "Xianfa·World Zun Jizo."

The big tree at the feet of this clone, at this moment, was equally violently twisted and growing rapidly, gradually transforming into a human figure over 30 meters tall, with legs erect, hands folded, and eyes closed.

After the human form was completely transformed, it seemed that a god was holding a pen to outline the giant. Between the giant's eyebrows, there was peace and tranquility.

Wearing a robes and a Buddhist bead on his neck, he looks like an eminent monk who entered the world.

For this trick, Ye Zhiqiu referred to the wooden escape and the wooden man technique between Qianshouzhu.

This giant wooden figure of more than 30 meters high, like a wooden dragon, also has his eyes closed tightly.

Mulong and Muren went one after the other, forming a pincer, making Dugubo a little flustered.

It seems that even one is not easy to deal with. How come another one, such a big wooden stake, doesn't need to consume soul power?

Dugu Bo feels that his mentality is a bit split...

Now he is probably just like what Zao Wou-ki thought when he played against Ye Zhiqiu for the first time in Shrek Academy. He felt that this kid was not recruited, he would take him by himself, and then he would always be able to make you strange things with a smile. Something comes.

Whether it's the little dragon and poisonous little snake that were transformed by the qi in the first encounter, or the green energy and blue energy later, and the strange black flame, or even the current wooden dragon and wooden man...

Every time Dugu Bo feels that this trick should be enough for him, he can always come up with new tricks, refreshing Dugu Bo's understanding of things again and again.

Who can not collapse this mentality?

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