Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 199 Immortal Law·Super-large Jade Spiral Pill [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Oh my God..."

"What are these things..."

"That seems to be the grandfather of Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, Huangdou Team Dugu Goose."

"I don't need to introduce you to know, I just want to know who the other person is."

On the Tiandou Royal Academy, the three teaching committee chairpersons were leading the charge, and the rest of the students gathered around to talk.

On Shrek’s side, Flander Zao Wou-ki and others led the way. The others leaned back slightly. Although they were a hundred meters away from the battlefield, the aftermath of the Titled Douluo battle was still terrifying. may.

"My dear, is this the real strength of Boss Qiu?" Ma Hongjun shook his head and said with shocked emotion.

"I'm afraid it's more." Zao Wou-ki shook his head. He still remembers that the purple giant of Ye Zhiqiu back then. That move was definitely not weaker than this wooden figure. At this time, Ye Zhiqiu didn't use it. There are probably many hidden methods this kid has. , I don't know if Dugu Bo can force him all out.

"Move~Move~Fight up~"

I don't know which student shouted, everyone suddenly stared and looked halfway up the mountain.

The first to act was the wooden man controlled by the clone of Ye Zhiqiu. It was striding towards the real body of the Biphosphorous Snake Emperor. Every step it landed on, it would roar around and block the big tree in front of it. Like weeds, it was trampled on.

In this scene, Mengshenji and the other three teaching committee chairmen twitched their faces and felt a pain. Everything here is money!

When the wooden man was about to approach the real body of the Biphosphorous Snake Emperor, the wooden dragon controlled by Ye Zhiqiu's deity also waved its tail and rushed towards it.

At this moment, Mu Long and Mu Ren opened their eyes at the same time, revealing the orange pupils of the lantern.

The three huge figures collided together in the blink of an eye, and launched a hand-to-hand combat.

The wooden figure in the fighting state no longer had the kind of compassion on his face, but rather looked a bit hideous. The style of play was full of wild momentum, quite a bit of the angry King Kong posture described by the Buddhists.

At this time, the wooden man's arms were agitating, and he was dragging the tail of the real body of the Biphos Snake Emperor, an old fist that seemed to hit the snake and made a "clanging" sound.

Where the snake body was smashed, the energy seemed to be dimmed a lot, and it seemed a little transparent.

At the center of the collision, ripples of energy visible to the naked eye dissipated to the surroundings, and the originally vigorous and powerful trees were tilting outward at this time.

However, Dugu Bo didn't have any time to care about this wooden man at this time. The Biphos Snake Emperor's real body was being controlled by him, entangled with the wooden dragon, you came and I bite each other.

The collision on this side was not that big, but it was more brutal.

The wood dragon bites his snake body. The snake body is a little bleak at best, but if the wood dragon is bitten by its martial soul real body, it will be corroded by toxins in an instant. It takes only a few breaths when it fights. The surface of the dragon has become a little pitted, and it doesn't seem to have the same power as before.

Dugubo was overjoyed, this thing looked great, and it didn't seem to be that difficult to deal with.

Ye Zhiqiu seemed to see his thoughts, grinned, and sneered with his right hand pinch, "I am so old, how can I still be so naive."

With the influx of vitality, the wooden dragon seemed to be beaten with chicken blood, and the injury on his body instantly swelled and recovered, and he shook his head and shook his head and rushed towards Dugubo's Jade Snake Emperor.

Seeing this scene, Dugu Bo couldn't help but his face went dark, and things were not as simple as he thought.8090 Novel Network www.8090xs.com

It seemed that this thing had to be broken directly into pieces. Dugu Bo was meditating, his sixth spirit ring suddenly lit up.

"Sixth Soul Ability, Jade Light."

At this time, the head of the true body of Biphos Snake Emperor leaned back slightly, his mouth bulged, and a trace of green overflowed from between his lips.

As the wooden dragon approached, the snake's mouth suddenly opened, and a green light gushing out like a laser.

Ye Zhiqiu narrowed his eyes slightly. He had seen this kind of move many times, and it was somewhat similar to the white tiger spirit beast back then.

The wooden dragon under his feet was just that he gathered at will, including the wooden man.What they play is to open the eyes of ordinary students and treat them as conversations.

If Ye Zhiqiu really wants to win directly, the whole body will be Zonenghu, and it is estimated that Dugu Bo will be gone after a single blow.

But when this scene is said, nobody believes it.Even if so many people witnessed it, it would be too much for outsiders.

The essence of human beings is not to see it with their own eyes, and to listen to exaggerated things as a joke.

Therefore, he planned to play an entire exhibition game first, making a few toys and playing casually. This kind of evenly matched scene would be easier for people to believe.

The wood dragon that condensed casually, naturally could not withstand the destructive shock wave of the Jade Snake Emperor's real body.

Therefore, Ye Zhiqiu decisively stepped on the dragon's head, and his body rose into the air. With his right hand raised above his head, a small purple ball of light began to condense. After a while, the small ball of light suddenly began to grow bigger.


The wooden dragon rushing towards Dugu Bo, starting from its head, was bombarded with fragments of the sky by Dugu Bo's sixth spirit ability. The power of this blow made everyone on the mountain exclaim.

Before Dugu Bo had time to be pleasantly surprised, he realized that it was dark around him and the sunlight in the sky seemed to be blocked by something.

Thinking of Ye Zhiqiu's leaping figure just now, Dugu Bo couldn't help but hurriedly raised his head and looked around. The next scene caused Dugu Bo's eyes to suddenly show a look of horror.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu was smiling slightly, stepping on the flying sword, making a fist with four fingers on his right hand, only the index finger was upright.Above the index finger, a large purple ball of light with a diameter of more than 50 meters is floating quietly in the air. The energy of this large purple ball of light does not overflow, and it does not seem to have much power. On the contrary, it looks very beautiful under the sunlight. .

But with Dugubo's insight and vision, how could he not realize the power of this spirit ability? If this trick is beaten, he will probably be dead...

"The wooden dragon that can break my freely condensed, is good, try this trick..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly, hooked his finger, and the large purple ball of light suspended above his head began to fall slowly, not fast.

Above the air, Ye Zhiqiu folded his arms around his chest, looked at the big purple ball of light that was smashed toward Dugu Bo, and said calmly: "This trick, I call it Xianfa·Super Jade Spiral Pill. Dugu Bo, how do you pick it up? What?"

Dugu Bo: ...

Pick you up, I will run to respect you first!

Dugubo's face was pale, and he wanted to control the Biphos Snake Emperor's real body to run away on the spot. At this time, he suddenly realized that the tail of his Martial Spirit's real body was still being tightly grasped by the wooden man. He could not help but curse inwardly. He immediately retracted his Wuhun real body, and his figure flashed towards the distance and quickly flees.

His Poison Douluo was not good at fighting solo, and the only powerful spirit ability used to fight solo only destroyed a wooden dragon.

Don't run at this time, when will you stay?

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