Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 200 A Day in Nuclear Ping [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Regarding how fast a Title Douluo could escape, it was fully confirmed by Dugu Bo, and in the blink of an eye he rushed out a hundred meters away in embarrassment.

In this scene, Ye Zhiqiu was amused for a while, and everyone watching from the top of the mountain was dumbfounded. Wasn't he still full of momentum just now?How come running so fast...

The speed of Xianfa·Super Jade Spiral Pill pressing against the ground is not fast, or even slow.Naturally, this was intentional by Ye Zhiqiu. After all, if such a big spiral pill was really smashed down, the hills of the Royal Academy might be gone on this day. The fifty-meter-diameter spiral pill was already comparable to or even more destructive than the tail beast It's jade, Ye Zhiqiu naturally couldn't let it really explode here.

The clone standing on top of the wooden man's head, when the super-large jade spiral pill was about to approach the ground, suddenly a Fei Lei Shen appeared below, with a support of his right hand, he held the super-large jade spiral pill firmly in his hand.

The energy that had just raged in it also slowly stabilized.Then, the avatar quickly went away with this big ball of light.

In this scene, the three professors headed by Mengshenji wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads. Although they don’t know the specific power of this thing, it can make a titled Douluo run away in embarrassment, and it is naturally not powerful. Where will it be so small, if it really explodes here, their Heaven Dou Imperial Academy will suffer heavy losses, and the mimicry cultivation environment built in the woods with a lot of resources will likely be destroyed.

Over a slightly high mountain about a kilometer away from the hill where the Tiandou Royal Academy was located, the clone held this super-large jade spiral pill and threw it down, and he also banged and turned into a small piece of white smoke.

The violent and somewhat dazzling purple light shined from the distant mountain, and everyone faintly saw the purple light ball rotating. The mountain was decomposing, and the rock was spinning and turning into powder.

In the next instant, a purple light that was more intense than before suddenly brightened, and the power of Xianfa·Super Jade Helix Pill completely broke out at this time.


The head of the mountain in the distance is like a volcanic eruption. A mushroom cloud of 700 to 800 meters high rises into the sky, and the clouds above are washed away. The loud explosion of the explosion is clearly audible even if they are thousands of meters away. , The loud "rumbling" sound seemed to sound in my ears.

The shock wave visible to the naked eye carried a large amount of rubble past everyone's heads, and there was a "crackling" rain of stones around them, and some stones were still hot.

Even the Heaven Dou Imperial City, twenty miles away, heard this inexplicable loud noise, followed by the slight vibration of the earth, which has not subsided for a long time.

After a long time, at the center of the explosion, the fluctuations gradually calmed down, and the lingering dust and smoke were slowly carried away by the wind.

Whether it was the people watching the battle on the edge of the Tiandou Royal Academy, or the Dugu Bo who had run several hundred meters, they all watched the shocking scene, like a mud-carved wood-plastic, stuck in place.

The mountain that was originally a hundred meters higher than the hill of Tiandou Royal Academy, at this time, only a pedestal tens of meters at the bottom was left, and the five or six hundred meters above seemed to have been evaporated out of thin air. There was a big crater like a meteorite impact. The inside of the big crater was somewhat crystallized due to the high temperature burning. At this time, looking at the top of the Tiandou Royal Academy, the center of the explosion was reflected by the sun. Gorgeous, the scene is a bit dreamy.

But when I thought of the horrible spirit skills behind this beautiful scenery, everyone shuddered from the soles of their feet to the sky.

"Fortunately... Fortunately..." Mengshen said to himself blankly.The other two chairpersons were also silent, secretly afraid.

They discovered that the three of them had underestimated the destructive power of this spirit ability. If this broke out in the Royal Academy of Fighting on this day, it is estimated that no one here would survive. They were still worried about whether it would ruin the mimicry cultivation environment. , It's ridiculous now thinking about it...

On the Shrek Academy side, everyone had their mouths wide open, and they were speechless.Cola Literature www.kelewx.com

Today, none of the spirit abilities Ye Zhiqiu used was something they had seen before. It was simply terrifying.

Is it so easy to create your own soul skills?Why do you come again after one is done?Why can't we create it?Is the gap between people really that big?


In mid-air, Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the Dugu Bo who was looking at him with horror in the distance, and grinned.

Dugu Bo looked like a frightened bird, his face changed and he dared not stay anymore, and immediately ran away on two legs.

"No energy..." After Ye Zhiqiu muttered in midair, he drifted in a chic volley with the sword, holding him back to the mountain slowly.

He was greeted by everyone's somewhat frightened and awe-inspiring eyes, including the three Tiandou Royal Academy's chairpersons, who at this moment did not dare to put on the predecessor.

Douluo Continent has always respected the strong, and Ye Zhiqiu has fully revealed his formidable strength to everyone.The blow that directly moved a hill of six or seven hundred meters high was like a god-like means to others.

In their eyes, Title Douluo might not be able to do this, right?

This battle was the first time that Ye Zhiqiu revealed his strength in full view and became famous in the first battle.

The students of the Tiandou Royal Academy will naturally spread his record.People don't believe it?That's simple. Go and see the mountain with only the base. That is the most powerful evidence.

After returning to Shrek everyone, Ye Zhiqiu looked at the eyes of a group of people with various emotions, and chuckled, "Why, don't you know?"

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's tone that was not the slightest different from before, everyone suddenly returned to their senses.The Qiu boss is still the previous Qiu boss.

Xiao Wu ran up first and gave Ye Zhiqiu a hug. God knows how scared she was when she was discovered by Dugu Bo.

"Brother Qiu, thank you."

"Hiss~ Loosen it, don't use your hands." Ye Zhiqiu grinned suddenly, and the sequelae of opening the seven doors hasn't been over yet. There is a slight tingling sensation on the skin of his body, not to mention that Xiao Wu is still so hard. Hug, this sour and refreshing taste immediately made Ye Zhiqiu's complexion twisted.

"Huh?" Xiao Wu let go in a daze. Ye Zhiqiu's complexion was slightly better and rubbed her little head and smiled, "Since you call me Brother Qiu, protecting your sister is what a brother should do. Don't hold it next time, and watch Xiao San's jealous face as black as the bottom of the pot."

Tang San's face went dark, do I have it???

Immediately after Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also surrounded them. Both of them were familiar with the side effects of opening seven doors in a row with Eight Door Dunjia. At this time, naturally they would not hug them up like Xiao Wu stupidly, just standing. Both sides acted as bodyguards, and all those who wanted to get close to the flattering Ma Hongjun, Oscar and others, were stared at by the two.

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