You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!"What are you two doing, is it necessary for a big man to protect you like this?" Ma Hongjun forced him in a low voice.

"What do you know..." Ning Rongrong glared at him immediately, "I saw the blue energy in Zhiqiu's body before. It was formed by sweat that burns the water in the body and evaporated. The sequelae are very strong. He is now in the body My skin felt a terrible pain when I touched it. I didn't even dare to hold it. You fat guy want to get close?

"Burning water? Isn't the human body water only blood?" Everyone suddenly looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a little surprise, and he really had to pay a corresponding price if he wanted strong combat power.

The Xiao Wu next to Ye Zhiqiu looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a hint of apology. She was so emotional just now, and she was holding it so hard, it must be particularly painful.

"It's not as exaggerated as Rongrong said." Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and explained with a wry smile: "I have a special physique, and the negative effects are not that strong. But it is estimated that it will hurt for several hours."

At this time, Flander Zao Wou-ki and several other college teachers also came over.

Flender gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Vice President Qiu, it's amazing. The Title Douluo who was scared of it ran away directly. It really made a sigh of disgust for us. You can also get a title. We Shrek can be considered to have title-level combat power, and no matter where we go in the future, we will have more face."


Ye Zhiqiu cast a silent glance at Flanders. It wasn't you who was gossiping about when you co-authored. You didn't have a backache while talking, did you?

Although he does have Title Douluo level combat power, his spirit power is only more than 40 levels. Will such a title be recognized by others?It is estimated that if it is taken out, it may become a joke for others after dinner.

While a group of people were chatting, the three heads of the Menshinji Education Committee also walked over, with embarrassment on their faces.

"The hero is a boy..." Mengshenji first looked at Ye Zhiqiu with emotion, then looked at Flander with a sincere expression: "Dean Flander, now it is estimated that no one can stop you from staying. Now, Tiandou Royal Academy really needs your teachers and students to join, please don't care about the rudeness of some people before."

Not far away, Xue Xing and Xue Beng retreated griefly. They really didn't dare to stop them anymore, what if they were killed.

With such a powerful combat force, even the Heaven Dou Empire would not be willing to offend. At this time, they would seek trouble again, which is undoubtedly an act of death.

Flandre Jade Xiaogang and Zao Wou-Ki looked at each other silently. At this time, if they wanted to join the Tiandou Royal Academy, it was really only a matter of one sentence, but the taste was different.

When this kind of thing happened, several people no longer had the state of mind they had when they started, and even though it was not the three people who were looking for the thing, the thorn could not be erased.

Regarding Xue Xing and Xue Beng, no one in Shrek would want them to live well, and this college is also under the management of the prince Xue Xing.

If a group of them chose to stay, it would undoubtedly be equivalent to working under him. Although they could not obey orders, the feeling of inferiority was really disgusting.

What makes everyone more uncomfortable is that at this time, the three Tiandou Royal Academy Chairs of Mengshenji were overly enthusiastic, and they were also hard to refuse directly. For a while, Flanders and others had some silence.

Ye Zhiqiu lined up with Tang San and the others, and walked to Flanders and said, "Dean, as the vice president of the college, I should have the right to speak?"

Flander hurriedly responded: "Naturally, you can be the master."

He was embarrassed now, Ye Zhiqiu came up to block the gun, and he naturally threw out this hot multiple-choice question directly.There are some things that his dean can't say, but Ye Zhiqiu has no problem.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded and looked at the three chairpersons and said calmly: "The three seniors, we and Prince Xue Xing are already in the same situation. If it were not for fear that you three would not be able to explain to Xue Qinghe, I would never let him. He left so easily. Under this kind of relationship, how can we stay at the Tiandou Royal Academy? I'm sorry."

After Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking in a flat tone, he waved to the people behind Shrek, and walked down the road without any muddle.

These words, Flanders and others said, there was a gesture of disrespect to the elders and defiance.But from his point of view, with Ye Zhiqiu's strength, it would only make people feel like that.Kanshuge

How much respect does a titled combat power need to keep facing Contra?Being able to call a senior has already shown enough attitude.

Flender and the others all bend down slightly towards the Dream Machine, and then walked a few steps to keep up with Ye Zhiqiu's pace, and together they descended towards the mountain.

Only the three men of Dream God Machine, whose faces were pale, thumping their chests, and a group of students from the Tiandou Royal Academy who were talking about the incident.

Meng Shen Ji, they are not Qi Ye Zhiqiu leaving no room for words, but Qi Xue Xing, Shabi abruptly, has left a large group of talents...

"Three Board of Education, I'm sorry. I think I will leave the college too."

It was Qin Ming who was talking. Flanders Zao Wou-ki was his teacher at the time. Today without them and Qin Ming, Qin Ming always remembers this kindness.

He also understood Shrek's situation very well.Originally thought that Tiandou Royal Academy would be their future retirement home, but did not expect this to happen, Qin Ming also blamed himself for this.

With a deep bow to the three of them, Qin Ming also quickly chased after the Shrek team that was walking away.

"Eh~" The three men of Mengshenji looked up to the sky and sighed.

Zhilin Soul Douluo said angrily: "Today's breath is really hard to swallow. I must go to your majesty to take a copy of him. If Tiandou Royal Academy has been in such a situation in the future, where can we cultivate talents?"

"Go together..."


The Shrek Academy group kept silent when they descended the mountain, Qin Ming quickly followed, but they just walked behind Flander without saying a word.

After everyone had been out of the patrol area of ​​the Tiandou Royal Academy, Ye Zhiqiu calmly turned around and looked at the crowd, "Not staying at the Tiandou Royal Academy is not necessarily a bad thing. Don't worry about it. If you lose your horse, you know it is not a blessing. Maybe there is. Is a better college waiting for us?"

"Where is the better academy, you don't have to comfort me, Vice President Qiu..." Flender smiled bitterly.

"There will be, come with me." Ye Zhiqiu smiled mysteriously and walked in front of his head to lead the way.Looking at the direction he was going, it was Heaven Dou Imperial City.

Flander Zao Wou-ki and the others looked at each other, and received a little bored mood, all wanting to see what medicine Ye Zhiqiu sold in the gourd.

When he reached a tree-lined path with no one everywhere, four spirit rings hovered up under Ye Zhiqiu's feet.

"Bang~" There was smoke rising from the side, and another Ye Zhiqiu came out.

Everyone in Shrek looked around vigilantly, thinking that an enemy was coming.

"Don't be nervous, there is no one nearby." Ye Zhiqiu said calmly, then looked at his clone and said indifferently: "Don't reveal your identity, secretly slaughter Xue Xing and Xue Beng, and hung their heads on the Heaven Dou Wall. "

"Yes." The avatar nodded calmly, and disappeared in a flash.

Only then did Flender and others know what Ye Zhiqiu summoned the clone to do, but he didn't expect this kid to be so cruel.

Everyone looked at him sluggishly.

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