Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 202 Lan Ba ​​Advanced Soul Master Academyseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Xiao Qiu, you really made a bad breath when you did this, but as long as others are not stupid, they know that their deaths cannot be separated from us. This is the Heaven Dou Empire, or near the imperial city, Xue Xing and Xue Beng died, we estimate Trouble will continue." Yu Xiaogang frowned and said with some worry.

"What are you afraid of? That bastard, it's okay to kill him." Flander looked cold, and he deeply agreed with Ye Zhiqiu's actions.

Zao Wou-ki also nodded nonchalantly, "How can I be afraid of this little trouble when I caused so many things on the mainland? I support Vice President Qiu's approach."

"You...eh..." Yu Xiaogang shook his head helplessly, "It's not your old bones that I worry about, I'm afraid that the children will have trouble..."

"Don't worry..." Ye Zhiqiu said with a light smile, "I can't guarantee anything else, but there is absolutely no wanted order from the Tiandou Empire. I know the current emperor of Tiandou quite well, maybe he will take the initiative Keep this matter down."

"Isn't it... Boss Qiu, when did you have a relationship with Emperor Tiandou again? You have a relationship with him and you murdered another brother?" Ma Hongjun slapped his lips in shock, and the rest of them also looked at Ye Zhiqiu slightly stunned.

"Say while walking..."

Along the way, everyone was chatting while slowly walking towards the direction of Heaven Dou Imperial City, and the mood seemed not as depressed as before.

The distance between the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and the Heaven Dou Imperial City was only about 20 miles, and even if everyone was not in a hurry, the journey was not slow.

In less than an hour, I could already see the city head with the banner displayed from a distance, but at this time there was a little chaos on the city wall, and people were shouting something from time to time.

Even under the city wall, there are many people watching.

The reason for all this is that about 20 meters above the main city gate, there are two bloody human heads hanging, and the forehead is pierced by two arrows, so they are nailed to the city wall.

The eyes of the two people's heads were wide open, full of horror. From this it can be seen that when they died, they seemed to have encountered something terrible.

At the broken neck, some viscous blood was slowly dripping down, and it seemed that they died soon.

When the Shrek Academy group came near the city gate, a spirit master was already preparing to take off the two heads. After all, letting it hang on the wall of the imperial city would simply affect the city.

Getting closer, everyone in Shrek was shocked, isn't that Xue Xing and Xue Beng?The efficiency of Boss Qiu's clone is too fast, right?How long has it been...

When Flander Zao Wou-ki and other college teachers saw these two heads, they felt relieved and felt relieved.

They feel comfortable, the students are not as calm as they are.

Tang San and the others all had unpleasant expressions, especially some of the girls, they felt tumbling in their stomachs. Among them, most of them had never seen a dead person. They didn't expect to see the dead when they first met It's so miserable.

So Ye Zhiqiu was not surprised that they had this reaction.

"Look more, it's good for you." Ye Zhiqiu said calmly.

"What..." Ning Rongrong was halfway through speaking, his face turned blue, and he immediately ran to the side of the road, covering his mouth.

Next, it seemed like a chain effect. Among the Shrek students, except for Tang San Xiaowu and Dai Mubai who were still holding on, the others followed Ning Rongrong's direction with a little ugly expression. Lined up in a row on the side of the road.Literature 520 www.bxwx520.org

"Boss Qiu, you brought us here because you admire these two heads, right..." Although Dai Mubai's expression is not very good, he is a bit older after all, and his mental quality is still quite strong. Spit it out.

"Of course not, look at that..."

Flanders and others all looked in the direction of Ye Zhiqiu’s fingers. It was a bulletin board standing near the city gate. There were a lot of things posted on it. The most conspicuous one was undoubtedly a huge color poster. 1/3 of the area of ​​this bulletin board.


Lanba Senior Soul Master Academy, due to its own expansion, is now looking for the following personnel: ten soul sects above level 40, those with high soul power are preferred, and those with teaching experience are preferred. Once hired, the treatment is favorable.

Seeing this message, Flender's eyes suddenly flashed, and he glanced at Ye Zhiqiu secretly with some surprise, and after only a moment, he recovered his calmness.

"This school can hit the city gate bulletin board for advertising. It is estimated that it is not only financially strong, but the background should not be bad. I think we can check it out. What are your opinions?"

Flender looked at Yu Xiaogang and Zao Wou-ki and other school teachers.

Zao Wou-ki chuckled, and said first: "You are the boss, you just have to decide. Don't ask us."

The other Shrek Academy teachers also nodded with a smile, expressing their support for Flanders' decision.

Ning Rongrong and others who came back after vomiting naturally had no objection.

"Okay, let's go and see..." Flander immediately settled the matter.

According to the address in the bulletin board, everyone entered the city together. There was Qin Ming, a person who was fairly familiar with Heaven Dou Imperial City. There was no need to inquire about the address. A group of people came to the destination after walking through the streets for a while.

The gatehouse of the Lanba Advanced Soul Master Academy is entirely carved from white marble. On the top of the gatehouse, there is a lifelike white marble dragon with two tails that meet each other. A big character: Lanba Senior Soul Master Academy, the overall look is full of momentum.

With so many people in Shrek Academy stopping at the gate of the Academy, it is naturally easy to attract the attention of others.

"What are you doing?" A middle-aged man in his 40s asked in the next pavilion.

After seeking Flanders's consent, Qin Ming stepped forward and said, "Your college is hiring teachers? We are here to apply."

"Applying?" The middle-aged man looked at the group of more than a dozen people, and focused his eyes on Tang San, Dai Mubai and others, and wondered a little: "Is all the teachers applying?"

"No, only a few of us are applicants. These children are our disciples. If we succeed in the application, we hope that our disciples can also attend your college." Flender stepped forward and explained.

"Oh, wait a minute, everyone." The middle-aged man ran out of the kiosk a few steps and smiled: "Although the time for freshmen registration has passed, if you can pass the college test, you will officially become teachers in the college. I Think, your disciples can also enter the academy accommodatingly. After all, although our dean has a grumpy temper, he still speaks better."

Flender nodded and said calmly: "Then please take us to the test."

"it is good."

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