Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 208 The Shrek Double Thievesseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"So it's not enough to just kiss, you still want to play some flowers? I didn't expect that your girl looks noble and elegant on the outside, but your inner thoughts are more anxious than me. All right, since you have asked for it, it seems I can only sacrifice my life to accompany the beauty." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Qian Renxue's pretty face, and joked with a smile on the corners of his lips.

"Where did you learn this ability to distort facts? Also, don't call me a girl, you are not as big as me..." Qian Renxue patted Ye Zhiqiu's hands away angrily, angrily in the chair next to him Shangzheng sat down and stared at Ye Zhiqiu and said, "Don't come if you're okay from now on. Every time you come, I'm utterly unlucky. Do you find it interesting to bully me a weak woman?"

Ye Zhiqiu touched his chin and thought, "I don't know if you are a weak woman, but it's really interesting to bully you occasionally..."

Qian Renxue suddenly darkened her face and pointed towards the door, "Get out, get out of here~"

"Okay..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled, this time I came here to eat too, and it was cheap and enough, and the news was communicated. It can be said that it is time to leave.

The martial spirit was turned on, and the four spirit rings began to fall slowly. Ye Zhiqiu waved his hand to Qian Renxue and chuckled: "If there are no accidents during this period, I will always be in the Blue Blaster Advanced Soul Master Academy in Sky Dou City. As a teacher, if you miss me, remember to find me there."

As the words fell, Ye Zhiqiu's figure also slowly disappeared.

Qian Renxue was stunned at the air, and suddenly laughed "puchi".

This rascal said he was a teacher at Blue Bull Academy?Shouldn't the Saint Child of the Hall of Soul Martial Arts be the teacher of the Soul Master Academy?As far as his personality is concerned, aren't all the students he teaches crooked?

Qian Renxue became more interesting the more he thought about it, and the smile on his face was a bit bright.

"Huh, rascal, ghosts will miss you."


At this time, it was just after noon, and Flanders Tang San and other Shrek teachers and students had just finished a somewhat depressing meal, and they went back to their arranged dormitories to flatten the bedding and clean the room.

Ye Zhiqiu likes to be quiet, so Flanders arranged his room on the right corner of the third floor of the dormitory building. At this time, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were making the bed and the other was wiping the surrounding furniture.

Opposite Ye Zhiqiu’s room is the dormitory of Xiao Wu and Meng Zhuqing. On the left is the dormitory of Tang San Dai Mubai and others. Originally, students could not live in the third floor of the dormitory. The second floor was their place. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing’s blessings , Everyone has been arranged, after all, they can’t sleep on the third floor, and the rest on the second floor, right?

While Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were busy, the red light in the room flickered slightly, and Ye Zhiqiu came back with a faint smile on his face.

Looking around, Ye Zhiqiu understood that this should be his future dormitory. The room was not big, but all kinds of furniture were available. Ye Zhiqiu was quite satisfied.

How could Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing fail to notice the faint red light in the room? This was Ye Zhiqiu's habitual way of going out on stage, and they were no strangers to it.

At this moment, both of them greeted them with smiles, and then the two of them seemed to have discovered something. At the same time, their faces changed. After looking at each other, the smiles disappeared.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the two of them strangely and said, "What's the matter?"

"Say, which woman is the fragrance of your body?" Ning Rongrong asked with wide eyes.

Zhu Zhuqing also put his hands under his chest. Although his face was calm, there was a hint of chill in his eyes. It seemed that Ye Zhiqiu didn't say anything, so she was about to do it.Cool Pen Fun Pavilion www.ku162.com

Compared with Ning Rongrong’s questioning, Zhu Zhuqing’s posture is obviously more shocking...

Ye Zhiqiu cried out inwardly, are you two dog noses?Can this smell?

Force yourself to calm down.

"Cough cough, you guys are thinking too much." Ye Zhiqiu reached out and clicked on the two foreheads with a righteous look, and explained, "I went to meet with the current emperor of Tiandou and wipe Xue Xing Xue Beng's ass. , There’s no woman. Besides, even if I’m not presumptuous, it’s impossible to do something with other women in front of Emperor Tiandou, right? This smell is probably from the incense in the hall when I was having lunch with him What's wrong..."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing showed suspicious looks at the same time. Although they didn't believe it very much, Ye Zhiqiu went to meet the current emperor of Tian Dou to discuss matters in such a short period of time. He also had lunch. It seems that there really is no other time to find a woman?It makes sense, but the smell does not smell like incense...

The two of them thought about it, but they couldn't find the flaws, and thought they might be suspicious.

Seeing that the attention of the two of them seemed to be shifted a little, Ye Zhiqiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and vowed to take a shower first after the intimacy, and almost collapsed. Fortunately, I was witty.

Ye Zhiqiu put his arms around the waists of the two of them and sat down on the newly made big bed, turning the subject away and asking, "What happened to Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong?"

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing left and right, while looking at Ye Zhiqiu with weird looks.

Ning Rongrong shook his head, "I don't know, anyway, during lunch, although everyone worked hard to mobilize the atmosphere, the atmosphere has always been strange. The master doesn't know why, it seems that he is very angry with you..."

"Sure enough...Yu Xiaogang is a dead brain..." Ye Zhiqiu sighed speechlessly, then shook his head and stood up. "You guys are busy. I need to take Xiaosan to deal with my business. Maybe I won't be back for dinner. After eating, you remember to greet the dean and them for me."

"Want to leave again?" Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were both faceless.

"Hey, going out this time will definitely be rewarding. Come back and bring you a big gift." Ye Zhiqiu kissed each of them on their cheeks, and went out with a chuckle.

As soon as the divine sense spread out, he found Tang San's dormitory. Ye Zhiqiu didn't say any greetings, and he pushed the door and walked in.

This dormitory is slightly larger than his, but it still looks a bit crowded with four beds.

"Boss Autumn..."

"Brother Qiu."

The four greeted each other, and to Ye Zhiqiu's satisfaction, Tang San finally changed his mind...

Ye Zhiqiu nodded casually in response, looking at Tang San and said, "Little San, don't clean up, I'll take you to a good place."

Tang San was stunned, what good place are you taking me to?Shouldn't you take Rongrong and Zhuqing?However, the good place Ye Zhiqiu said had never been disappointing, and Tang San couldn't help but become interested.

"I'll say hello to the teacher and Xiao Wu..."

"No, let Lao Bai and the others bring a message. Let's set off immediately. From now on, we will be called Shrek Twin Thieves." Ye Zhiqiu's mouth showed a malicious smile.

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