Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 209 Mao is not leaving him [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Shrek double thieves?"

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and the others pondered for a while, and the look on Ye Zhiqiu suddenly became a little weird.

Tang San also had a black face. My Tang Sect disciple, although he is not a good person to act, he would never do something like theft, which is simply insulting.

"Brother Qiu, aren't you planning to take me to steal something..." Tang San felt that his brain hurts a little.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and nodded, "The word thief has multiple interpretations. If the master is not there, we are thieves, if the master is there, then we are robbers. This is the true meaning of double thieves."


I can only say that I am the boss of Qiu...

Not only do you want to steal, especially if you meet someone, you are still planning to grab it...

Sure enough, he fully swears the true meaning of the two words Shuangpii, and I admire it!

Tang San gave a wry smile and said, "Brother Qiu, can I not go..."

Ye Zhiqiu's face calmly shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work, no one can go, you have to go."

"Okay..." Tang San closed his eyes like a fate, and sighed.The situation is better than others, and he seems to be unable to twist Ye Zhiqiu's thigh. It seems that the reputation of my Tang Sect disciple is going to be lost today.

"Boss Qiu, who is so unlucky to provoke you, and you are thinking about it?" Ma Hongjun asked a little gleefully, not too much of it.

Ye Zhiqiu walked slowly to Tang San, stretched out his hand to put his shoulder on him, and said casually: "You've seen it before, it's the Poison Douluo that I beat."

"Hiss~" Dai Mubai and the others took a breath. Boss Qiu is too vengeful. If he is beaten away, he will go to his house and steal things. It seems that if the owner is at home, he will still rob him face to face. ?

So cruel...

Can't mess up, can't mess up...

Tang San put on a posture of nothing to love. Why are you going to find Title Douluo and bring me this little vegetable chicken?

Shall I call 666 for you to watch the game?

What should I do if the aftermath of a battle shakes me to death?It's really hard for me.

"Don't put on this expression, I dare say you will never regret it. Maybe the spirit power can break through from the current 33 to 40." Ye Zhiqiu smiled mysteriously.

Everyone present was taken aback, breaking through from level 33 to level 40?Really, this is too exaggerated...

So what kind of baby is there in Dugu Bo's family? We suddenly want to go.

"Brother Qiu, are you serious?" Tang San's eyes condensed, and he looked at Ye Zhiqiu next to him, wondering.

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes, "Do I need to lie to you? Go away, Lao Bai, you remember to tell the dean and them. If it's fast, we might be back tomorrow. If it's slow, it's hard to say. Don't show that expression. Your baby is indispensable." Ranwenba www.ranwenba.com

As soon as Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, he took Tang San and the Thunder God and moved away.

Only Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun were left with excited faces.

On this trip, Ye Zhiqiu went to the sunset forest to dig celestial grass. As for why he didn’t bring the others and only brought Tang San, it’s because only he knew how to pick celestial grass, and if Dugu Bo was there, the fight would be very difficult. It may be inevitable. If too many people go there, Ye Zhiqiu is likely to be incomplete.

After all, Dugu Bo's poison is a ranged attack. In places like Sunset Forest, Dugu Bo would not have any scruples like in Tiandou Royal Academy.

It is undoubtedly easier to protect Tang Sanyi than to protect a group of people.

To be honest, in many Title Douluo, Ye Zhiqiu thinks that Dugu Bo is still the kind that is relatively difficult to deal with. His poison is indeed a bit disgusting and can not cause harm to himself, but he can basically kill his companions with one blow. Title Douluo, no matter how high his level was, Ye Zhiqiu wouldn't find him so difficult.


At the bottom of a valley in the sunset forest, a circle of faint green mist surrounds the periphery, and there is a white mist inside that floats up like water vapor and obscures the sky above, making it difficult to see the view of the valley bottom.

It is very quiet here, there is no sound, even the calls of insects and birds that are often found in the forest, here are not the slightest, silent.

Suddenly, a faint red light flashed through the white mist at the bottom of the valley.

Ye Zhiqiu had never been here before, but his clone had been there, so Ye Zhiqiu took Tang San and teleported in easily.

At the same time, the two of them began to observe their surroundings with great interest. The most conspicuous thing was undoubtedly a hot spring-like pool in the center of the valley.

This hot spring is not big, it is circular, about 5 meters in diameter.The spring water inside is a bit special, the colors are milky white and vermilion.

What's even more bizarre is that although they are in the same pool, they are very distinct, do not infringe on each other, and always stay on their own side.

The white mist that permeated the valley was produced by the intersection of these two color hot springs, rising continuously and converging upward.

"One glance at the twins, the two instruments mutually restrain each other. It is actually one of the three legendary cornucopias of ice and fire. The eyes of the two instruments..." Tang San looked at the scene before him, his calm expression disappeared, and his body trembled violently because of excitement. .

"Okay, don't get excited, just look around." Ye Zhiqiu knew what would be here, so he appeared calmer.

"Around?" Tang San returned to Ye Zhiqiu's words, looking around.

Surrounding the spring of the two eyes of ice and fire, all kinds of weird plants grew around them, in various poses, every time Tang San saw a plant, his pupils contracted.

In his opinion, these plants are all rare things. Are all kinds of peerless fairy grasses actually piled up here?

Ye Zhiqiu didn't have Tang San's eyesight anymore. Although there were many plants around, he basically didn't know many of them.

Except for the Ganoderma lucidum that he had seen in his previous life, Ye Zhiqiu had completely black eyes on other plants, so he couldn't realize Tang San's excitement at this moment.

"It's sent, Brother Qiu, we're sending it this time. This is the medicine garden of the old fellow Dugu Bo? I was wondering before that his poisonous power had already counteracted himself. Why didn't he die? Now I want to understand. It must have been controlled by the extreme cold and extreme heat of the eyes of the ice and fire. The old guy is really lucky, and he can actually find such a good place." Tang San looked around with excitement, although he didn't Seeing all the fairy grass once, but just the ones he paid special attention to just now were enough to make people excited, and Tang San said more at this time.

Ye Zhiqiu said helplessly: "Little San, don't talk nonsense, there are so many immortal grasses and top-quality herbs here, what we need to do now is not to leave one for him."

"Don't leave him a hair?" Tang San was stunned, frowning, "Brother Qiu, these precious medicinal materials are not easy to grow, and those fairy products are even more difficult to find in the world. I think we should leave the root system and don't make it. In this way, after thousands of years, these fairy herbs may still grow out, leaving some shade for future generations."

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