Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 211 I am almost full [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Contrary to Ye Zhiqiu's expectation, his immortal body's qi-generating effect seemed to be a little outrageous, even though it consumed a lot.

The original rhizome of this octagonal grass is about the thickness of chopsticks, and the blooming flowers are about the size of an apple.

But after his vitality was continuously poured into it, the rhizomes actually tended to become thicker and thicker.

After a while, the thick rhizome of the chopsticks seemed to be hormone-strengthened, and it was visible to the naked eye. The pinky finger of an adult was almost thick, and a new snow-white flower bud slowly grew on the top, although it has not yet Flowering, but this is also a matter of time.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu realized that his consciousness seemed to be linked to this octagonal black ice grass, and its somewhat cheerful emotions could be clearly noticed by himself.

Moreover, this octagonal black ice grass was swaying back and forth slightly towards him, seeming to express his gratitude to him?

Ye Zhiqiu was startled, and felt a little speechless when he touched his nose.It’s not just talking about the spirit of the fairy grass. This spirituality is much stronger than ordinary plants. Ye Zhiqiu suspects that if he constantly uses the vitality of life as a nourishment to irrigate this octagonal black ice grass, it might be able to Directly transformed into a human form like the Blue Silver Emperor...

"Don't thank me, I'll have to eat your head later..." Ye Zhiqiu muttered to himself, continuing to pour the vitality into the rhizome of the octagonal black ice grass.

About half an hour later, this octagonal black ice grass had returned to its original appearance, but it seemed to have grown a little bit compared to before.

The octagonal black icegrass, which was originally less than half a person, has grown to nearly a person's height. The flowers are almost the size of a watermelon, and the thick rhizomes of the chopsticks swell to the thickness of the baby's forearm, and the snow-white crystal petals , Is even more with a trace of aquamarine lines.

Is this still octagonal black ice grass?Ye Zhiqiu was a little surprised. Isn't the effect of this thing still the original effect?You won't die if you eat it...

Ye Zhiqiu walked around the giant octagonal black ice grass suspiciously, carefully watching as he walked.

The vitality in his body has not been exhausted, but he has no intention of continuing to irrigate this fairy grass.

This change is so great that it has grown from a single flower to a small tree.If you infuse the energy of life again, if it really turns into a human being, then can you still eat it?

Shaking his head, Ye Zhiqiu walked towards the other side of the Aging Huo Apricot Jiaosuo, and began to use the same method to treat the flowered Aging Huo Apricot Jiaosuo with hormones.

That's right, in Ye Zhiqiu's eyes, his vitality is equivalent to hormones to these immortals.

Although they grow fast, they may not be as effective as before.

I haven't eaten it now, and the specific effect Ye Zhiqiu is still unclear.

But even if the efficacy of the medicine deteriorates, the size is there after all, how can it be worse?Moreover, there are some green lines on their petals. Ye Zhiqiu guessed that this should be the effect of the qi of the immortal body, and it should be beneficial and harmless to him.

Ye Zhiqiu was also busy for about half an hour before Li Huo Xing Jiao Shu this fairy product, before stopping his movements.

At this time, his forehead was slightly sweaty, and the vitality of the fairy body was basically exhausted, and it felt like his body was hollowed out.

The qi of life is not like soul power, it is similar to the pupil power of Shao Lun Yan, and it can only slowly recover by itself.Yunhaixs.com www.yunhaixs.com

Meditation can only speed up the recovery slightly.

Ye Zhiqiu estimated that it would take about one to two days for him to return to his heyday.

At this time, the two fairy grasses all gave birth to success. Ye Zhiqiu didn't hesitate. He took out a jade knife to cut off the delicate flowers of the burning apricot.

He already knew how to pick these two immortals, and he was naturally familiar with them.

Just when he was about to do it, the delicate flowers of Lihuo Apricot trembled slightly, and he actually flew down from the stem, floating in front of him, turning slightly.

At the same time, the octagonal Bromegrass flower, which is separated from Lihuo Xingjiao by an eye of ice and fire, also folds, drawing a white arc, and falling beautiful and dreamy ice crystals along the way, together with Lihuo Xingjiao's delicate flowers , Slowly stopped in front of him.

At this moment, in front of Ye Zhiqiu, there were two flowers swirling around and around. This sudden scene made Ye Zhiqiu a little confused.

Fuck, the fairy products are really refined, and they all know that they take the initiative to send their heads to eat for themselves...

Didn't pick it, but delivered it to the door?If this is not perfect, Ye Zhiqiu would not believe it if he killed him. Ye Zhiqiu dare to say that these two immortals must have their own consciousness.

In fact, Ye Zhiqiu hadn't noticed something. The octagonal black icegrass has the characteristic that all creatures close to 10 meters will release extreme cold to protect itself, but when Ye Zhiqiu let it grow intact again, it did not intend to attack Ye Zhiqiu, the fire The same is true for Xing Jiaoshu. The means that can burn close objects to ashes also didn't work on Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu ignored these selectively because of his strong strength and didn't think so much.In fact, Xiancao didn't mean to attack him at all, but revealed a cordial emotion, which made Ye Zhiqiu forget this.

Unexpectedly, home delivery will happen now?Since it's all here, isn't it wasteful if it isn't absorbed?

In order to prevent him from taking care of the immortal grass, he was attacked by Dugu Bo, Ye Zhiqiu vigilantly separated ten shadow clones, five protected him, and five meditated to restore the vitality of the fairy body.

After that, Ye Zhiqiu didn't hesitate, he grabbed a fairy flower in one hand and ate it left and right.

These two flowers are almost the size of a watermelon when they are scattered, and even if they are rolled into a ball, they are too big. Originally like him, one bite here and one bite is definitely a way of eating, octagonal Xuanbing. Herbs and Apricot must be taken at the same time, and the hot and cold can make people safe and sound. This obviously does not meet the rules of use.

But at this time, Ye Zhiqiu, like a okay person, is just fine. The two immortals in his hand are like gnawing pears. After a few chews in the mouth, they turn into body fluid and flow down the throat. Ye Zhiqiu only feels that there is fluid under his tongue. , The fragrance is overflowing, how can there be any painful feelings?

This taste is really good, but I don't know how the next medicine will work.

While Ye Zhiqiu was eating immortal products leisurely, Tang San's situation was a bit bad.

At this time, red and blue alternated on his body from time to time, and every change of color would make Tang San clenched his teeth, his complexion distorted, as if he was suffering great pain.

In his dim consciousness, Tang San maintained the last glimmer of clarity in his mind, staggering to his feet, moving step by step toward the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire, each step seemed to be extremely difficult, and his body trembled.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Tang San's appearance, and then at the immortal grass that he had eaten halfway in his hand, wondering: "Is it really so painful? I'm almost full, why doesn't it feel like I have eaten it all? Just fine?"

When he walked to the eyes of Binghuoliangyi, Tang San's eyes gradually closed, and his whole person fell towards the junction of the cold and hot Yangquan spring of Binghuoliangyi, his eyelids slowly closed, before his consciousness completely disappeared, it was vague Hearing Ye Zhiqiu's muttering, Tang San glanced at Ye Zhiqiu in confusion, his eyes stopped for a moment on the half-eaten immortal product in his hand, and then he lost consciousness in a daze.

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