Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 212 You Stole My Storage Soul Guidance Device? Subscribe

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu came to the spring of the two eyes of the ice and fire, while swallowing the remaining fairy grass a few big mouths, while looking down, muttered: "You kid should hurry up, I'm still waiting to eat something else. Where's the fairy grass..."

The octagonal black ice grass and the blazing apricot all entered into the abdomen, and Ye Zhiqiu sat down calmly on the spot, preparing for the impact of the two forces of extreme cold and extreme heat.

Tang San's kind of rookie can take it off, but he can't resist these two medicines for no reason, so Ye Zhiqiu seemed calm.

As Ye Zhiqiu expected, starting from the lower abdomen, two energies, one cold and one hot, began to spread up and down the whole body. Just as these two energies were about to occur, another burst of green energy rose from the lower abdomen and interspersed in Among these two energies.

The two energies that had originally extreme dispositions, under the neutralization of this emerald green energy, actually gradually blended together, yin and yang.

Ye Zhiqiu originally wanted to mobilize his soul power to suppress it, but he didn't expect such a scene to happen.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhiqiu felt that such a situation seemed to be impossible. Whether it was the octagonal black ice grass or the burning apricot, it was born out of the qi of his own fairy body, and the qi was born. Your own things will naturally not cause any harm to yourself.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu's situation was completely opposite to Tang San's. Tang San was in pain, so painful that he even lost consciousness.

Ye Zhiqiu is the place where the energy of the three layers of water and milk flowed through, and the coldness and the warm and comfortable feeling almost made Ye Zhiqiu groan, feeling that the pores all over his body seemed to be open at this moment. Like.

The energy of these immortal grasses filled almost every corner of Ye Zhiqiu's whole body. It is estimated that it will take a long time to refining, and Ye Zhiqiu also gradually entered a deep state of concentration.

Here, except for Ye Zhiqiu's five realms, who were vigilantly observing the surrounding clones, once again returned to silence.

Time is like water, from afternoon to night, it is just the sun slanting west.

When I opened and closed my eyes, one day passed.The whole life passed without closing his eyes.Sometimes time seems to be very long, but it is so short, and so are many people's lives.

As night fell again, darkness shrouded the earth at the top of the moon, and the area where the eyes of the ice and fire were extremely dark, and the moonlight was blocked by the white mist.

Around, all kinds of high-quality herbs exudes a faint fluorescence in the dark, and small spots of colorful light are floating up and down all around, bringing a hint of brightness to the darkness.

Ye Zhiqiu's deity is still sitting on the edge of the eyes of the ice and fire, practicing silently, showing no sign of awakening.Tang San had also been immersed in the eyes of Ice and Fire for most of the day.

Over the valley, a whistling sound suddenly sounded at this moment. In this silent environment, this sudden sound was particularly harsh.

Afterwards, a green figure suddenly knocked the white mist out of a big hole, and slowly fell down with his hands.

The visitor was Dugubo Poison Douluo. Today was the third day he had left the eyes of the Ice and Fire. He came here as usual to use the extreme cold and hot toxins to suppress the Jade Snake Emperor Venom in his body.

However, Dugu Bo didn't expect that he would actually meet the Saint Child of Wuhun Temple who had fled from him last time. At a glance, why are there more than ten?

Someone who couldn't believe it, Dugu Bo rubbed his eyes, thinking it was his own toxin attacking his eyes, his old eyes were dim, and he must have lost to this kid last time.

This is my secret medicine garden, how could I meet that guy right?Literature under the pen 2020 www.dst9.cc

The fake ones are all fake. These are hallucinations caused by toxins. It seems that I am affected by the toxins and my state is getting worse...

Dugu Bo muttered to himself, closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and realized that he had completely calmed down before slowly opening his green pupils.

Now, the illusion should disappear, right?

However, in the next moment, Dugu Bo was a little confused, why these people were still there.

Wait, why are these people walking towards themselves?

The five avatars surrounded Dugu Bo with a flash. One of them stepped forward and sneered: "Dugu Bo, you are despicable and shameless. Last time I fought with you, I secretly walked my storage soul guide. Come out, otherwise we can do it."

Dugu Bo:???

When did I go with your storage soul guide?The old man's title Douluo would do such a thing?

Looking around at the five people surrounding him, he glanced at the six figures of Ye Zhiqiu sitting in the distance, Dugubo's eyes flashed.

He remembered that there was a circumstance outside of the Saint Child of the Spirit Hall, and there was a spirit ability that was clone technique. Now these clones came up for no reason and accused themselves of walking along with his soul guide. It was nothing more than an excuse. His deity must have eaten his own. Immortal grass is either refining or suppressing at this time and can't make it. This is delaying time.

Dugu Bo, who felt that he had discovered the truth, suddenly smiled, his face a little cold, "Huh, just a trick, how much combat power does the clone have, and still want to hold me Dugu Bo? I have to say that your clone has a very good spirit ability. The clone actually seems to have self-consciousness. However, after stealing my herbs, your deity will feel uncomfortable, right? Hahaha, you also have today..."

"What the hell is this talking about?" One of the clones looked at the nearby clone and wondered.

The avatar next to him folded his arms around his chest and replied calmly: "He said he looked down on us, maybe his brain was broken."

"Brothers take a long shot, don't kill the herbs here." The first clone to speak, squeezed the left and right fists of "Kacha Kacha" with a sneer.

At this moment, the five souls surrounded Dugu Bo's clone, and four spirit rings of purple, black and red rose at the same time.

Dugu Bo was startled, how could he have such an illusion, how come the breath of these five people didn't look like clones?

"Pretend to be a fool."

Dugu Bo's body was also full of green light at this time, and the two yellow, two purple, five black and nine spirit rings hovered up, ready to fight.

If Ye Zhiqiu's deity could make a move, he might think of running away first. After all, the big purple ball of light that day was really terrifying.

But now, his deity may not be able to protect himself, and he is afraid of a ball.

Although many of the herbs here are unnamed by Dugu Bo, he knows that many of them contain terrifying toxins, and he dare not touch them even as a poisonous expert, not to mention this kid seems to eat that stuff. Down?

As for these clones, Douluo Continent has a synchronicity, and the clones are basically not very powerful. With the three-tier combat power of the deity, it will be the sky, so Dugu Bo is not afraid.

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