Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 218 Jade Dew Metamorphosis Lotus and Anode Nine Phoenix Flowers [seeking subscription]

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A sweet drink sounded in the dark, the sound was not heavy, but it was enough for Bibi Dong who was a few houses away to hear it.

Bibi Dong, who was cultivating on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and the pale pink pupils were a little cold, and they swept towards Hu Liena's room like a gust of wind.


Just a breath passed, the door was split open by Bibi Dong's palm, and the figure flashed in.

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Bibi Dong was startled, and the aura he had mentioned stopped instantly.

Ye Zhiqiu was smiling wryly, holding his hands by the bed in a gesture of surrender, "Teacher, senior sister, don't have to meet me in such a big battle, I surrendered..."

Hu Liena's big soft eyes blinked, she couldn't help rolling her eyes, and turned on the light in the room.

Just now, she was suddenly awakened by the slight sound of footsteps, thinking that a stranger sneaked into her room to behave, so she instinctively called out, but it was Ye Zhiqiu who had come.

Although the darkness can't block the sight of the three of them, the bright light can undoubtedly make people see more clearly.

Bibidong and Hu Liena were preparing to go to bed, and the other was already lying down to sleep. Naturally, they didn't wear much. At this time, there was a large amount of spring light leaking, revealing the snow-white and creamy skin, which made Ye Zhiqiu a good eye.

"Little brother Qiu, I won't say hello when I come back. What do you want to sneak into your sister's room when you come?" Hu Liena didn't put on a coat or anything, she wore a thin translucent white pajamas and walked slowly on the bed. , The spring is overwhelmingly soft and charming, he came to the bed and bent down slightly, put his hand on Ye Zhiqiu's shoulder, and chuckled his lips together in his ear.

Ye Zhiqiu's face turned dark. This is really a fairy. It seems that among all the women he knows, Ye Zhiqiu has only been molested by Hu Liena, and he has been molested a lot of times. Others are only molested by him.

"Sister, you still look the same..." Ye Zhiqiu sat down on the edge of the bed with a speechless thorn. He didn't feel ashamed of being molested, and his face was not covered.

"It's fine to come back, you talk for a while, I'll leave first." Bibi Dong looked calm, then turned and left.

After all, she was afraid of Hu Liena's accident, she was in a hurry, so she didn't wear a coat, and the clothes used to cover her body were not much better than Hu Liena.Bibi Dong was not as open as Hu Liena, so he was embarrassed to stay as a teacher.

"Wait, teacher." Ye Zhiqiu said aloud to stay.

"Huh?" Bibi Dong had already stepped out of the door frame with one foot. At this moment, he paused slightly and looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a calm face, "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, it's a good thing..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and took out the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag from his arms. The purple light flashed slightly, a snow-white crystal like a snow lotus, and the petals filled with a little fluorescent fairy appeared on it. The divine consciousness slowly flew in front of Bibi Dong, "Teacher, this is a jade dew chemical lotus, an immortal medicinal herb. It has a solid, beautifying effect. If you eat it, you should be able to increase your spirit power by about one level."

There is another point that Ye Zhiqiu didn't say. The biggest effect of this fairy product is to rejuvenate and rejuvenate. This is where the word Huasheng comes from.

Ye Zhiqiu was mainly afraid that he would say that, Bibi Dong would not eat it. After all, if the originally majestic Pope suddenly became a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, then it is estimated that Bibi Dong himself would not be able to accept it... Tower Novel www.taxiaoshuo .com

"First-level spirit power? Is this true?" Bibi Dong looked at Ye Zhiqiu in shock, somewhat incredulous.She is now at level 95, so if she can get one level up, it will naturally mean nothing.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "Naturally it is true. Titled Douluo can only be raised by one level. If you take it with low spirit power, you can raise it to eight or nine levels, and the medicine can continue to improve your physical fitness. Taking method: petal Just eat it all, the rhizomes cannot be eaten."

Bibi Dong's expression was tangled, and he sighed slightly: "Your kindness is taken by the teacher, but if you are such a god, you should eat it yourself or give it to Nana. I eat too much."

While talking, Bibi Dong turned and returned to the bed, ready to hand back the Yulu Huashenglian.

"Don't, Senior Sister Nana, I have something more suitable for her." In Ye Zhiqiu's right hand Ruyi bag, another fiery red flower appeared. Just taking it out of the Ruyi bag, the surrounding air seemed to be Because this fairy product has raised the temperature a bit.

The flowers have nine petals and no leaves.Each petal is like a lin feather, in a long strip shape, the texture is very beautiful, just like the tail feathers of a phoenix.

Ye Zhiqiu handed the fairy product to Hu Liena and introduced with a smile: "This is an anode nine phoenix flower, an extremely sun fairy product, which can improve physical fitness and strengthen the foundation. There is even a chance to improve the quality of your own martial soul. How to take: It is best to swallow the whole plant together."

Hu Liena's big watery eyes blinked, resisting the urge to directly reach out to pick it up, and looked at Ye Zhiqiu and asked: "Little brother Qiu, although my sister is very moved, you gave me and the teacher this kind of good thing, yourself. What?"

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and smiled: "I have eaten it early. I can only eat the fairy product once. Taking more medicine is prone to conflict."

After listening to Ye Zhiqiu's words, Bibi Dong didn't mean to return the immortal product to Ye Zhire, and smiled lightly: "It seems that you have gained a lot from going out this time."

"That's..." Ye Zhiqiu said with a smile, "Teacher, you know, Poison Douluo Dugubo, he doesn't know the goods and guards the treasure land and doesn't know how to use it. I grabbed all the top fairy grass in his treasure land."

Bibi Dong rolled his eyes speechlessly, and you all grabbed it with you?However, she still knew Ye Zhiqiu's character that often caused trouble.

Can kill two Title Douluo people in the Wuhun Hall, can they stay safe outside?He didn't believe Bibi Dong was killed.

Regarding Ye Zhiqiu's approach, Bibi Dong just wanted to say, it's better to grab it!

Xiancao gave it out, and Ye Zhiqiu lifted his ass and slowly got up.

Bibi Dong frowned suddenly, "Do you want to sneak out to play again?"

"Um..." Ye Zhiqiu was taken aback. Does Bibi Dong know him so much?Slipping out is actually secondary. The main reason is that after you have absorbed the fairy grass, you find that your appearance has changed and come back to me to settle the account...

"Teacher, the effect of the immortal herbs I absorbed is quite special, and it needs a special environment to absorb..." Ye Zhiqiu opened his face without blushing or panting, and he said the truth.

Bibi Dong stared at him for a while, his eyes softened, "I can no longer control you, and there is still a year or so. You can remember to come back to participate in the All-Continent Advanced Academy Soul Master Elite Competition."

"Okay..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and waved to the two of them. The red light flickered and the figure disappeared.

Bibi Dong didn't leave either, and Hu Liena sat down directly on the bed and started taking the fairy grass.

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