Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 219 I will be afraid of your grandpa when he comes [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!After staying with Bibi Dong Hu Liena for nearly half an hour in Wuhun Hall, it was almost late at night.

Outside, the stars hang high, and the moonlight is like hoarfrost on the ground.

Heaven Dou Imperial City, Qian Renxue's bedroom.

Qian Renxue, who has been busy with political affairs all day, is not tired physically but mentally exhausted. After practicing as usual, she falls asleep early and regains her energy.

When she slept, of course she returned to her original appearance. At this point in time, Qian Renxue was already sleeping a little deep in the bed, so she didn't notice Ye Zhiqiu who had come suddenly.

Even the flashing red light in the room, she didn't seem to notice it at all.

In order to prevent the disappointment from reappearing last time, Ye Zhiqiu just came here and blocked the spread of surrounding sounds with his spiritual sense. Now even if the two of them are making noise inside, as long as the palace does not collapse, the one guarding outside the door Neither soul sage knew what was going on inside.

He took off his clothes and shoes. Even if Ye Zhiqiu's movements were as light as possible, Qian Renxue's sound abruptly woke up with the sound of "sparse and windy".

As soon as she opened her eyes, Qian Renxue noticed that her body was cold, and the quilt seemed to be lifted up, and then she found a person in the bed.

This sudden situation made her feel frightened and angry. You must know that she can only wear a little close-fitting clothing and touch each other's body, and they can clearly feel the temperature brought by each other's body.

Ye Zhiqiu arched his head a few times, got out of the bed, and exposed in front of Qian Renxue's eyes. Those deep eyes were extremely bright in the darkness, and at this time, he still had a smile after he had done a bad job.

The darkness couldn't stop the soul master's sight. After Qian Renxue saw the person's face clearly, she felt relieved and couldn't help rolling her eyes. The arm that was held by Ye Zhiqiu just now clearly weakened the struggling strength.

"Rogue, you are really becoming more and more presumptuous." Qian Renxue turned her head slightly, her face was flushed, and her words also contained a hint of dissatisfaction.

They can now be regarded as sharing the same bed.Qian Renxue's face was thin, and the two of them were so close, she had to make people think about it. She looked a little shy when facing Ye Zhiqiu's eyes with a trace of burning.

Ye Zhiqiu chuckled softly: "I said last time, you are my woman, and I am presumptuous with my own woman. Does it matter?"

"Bah, I haven't agreed yet." Qian Renxue blushed and uttered lightly.

"You don't need your consent, I'll just do it." Ye Zhiqiu said as he let go of the hand that was pressing her body, and while his right hand ran under her neck, he fell aside with a big thorn and changed it. Comfortable posture half leaning against the head of the bed.

Qian Renxue was naturally taken into his arms, her little head leaned against his chest, her delicate body was also half-pressed on his body, and the smooth and tender skin and soft touch made Ye Zhiqiu's heart sway. I almost forgot the purpose of coming this time.

What can Qian Renxue do with Ye Zhiqiu's actions?He couldn't beat and beat, and his strength was not as strong.

Besides, doesn't she seem to be very annoying about holding this in her heart?On the contrary, there is an inexplicable sense of peace of mind, it seems that the fatigue during the day has faded a lot.

Jiao's body fell limp, no longer so tight, Qian Renxue simply raised one leg and hung it on Ye Zhiqiu's body to make her lie more comfortable.

Ye Zhiqiu clearly noticed the change in her mood, and chuckled lightly and said, "What? Give up resistance?"


Qian Renxue sighed lightly, drew a circle on Ye Zhiqiu's chest with one hand, a pitiful look appeared on his face, and said in a low voice, "I don't give up, what can I do? I've beaten you, and your grave head is now three meters high." Wuyou Novel Network www.wutxt.com

Ye Zhiqiu smiled indifferently, "If this is the case, then I will have to be more careful in the future, my strength can't be surpassed by you, lest you bury me."


For a while, Qian Renxue stopped talking and just leaned back comfortably.

Ye Zhiqiu has a laid-back look on the surface, but the hands under the covers are not very honest.

Just when he was playing a little bit.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the arm, like a sour feeling like a basin of cold water poured from head to foot.

"Hiss~" Ye Zhiqiu suddenly took a breath of pain.

Looking down slightly, his face turned black.

Qian Renxue, who had been frivolous for a long time, couldn't bear it anymore, Xiaozui was biting his arm, not letting go, and there was something sly in his eyes.

If Ye Zhiqiu wanted to, his spirit power could be shaken away, but Qian Renxue probably had a few teeth broken. This dead girl was sure that he would let her bite so hard.

"You're a dog... don't let go..." Ye Zhiqiu said with a dark face.

"Well...then you...don't move..." Qian Renxue held his arm in his mouth, her words were a little vague.

Ye Zhiqiu said with a depressed face, "I came here today but gave you a good thing, do you want the dead girl anymore."

"What's a good thing?" Qian Renxuesong said, chin resting on Ye Zhiqiu's chest and tilting his head slightly, revealing a delicate face, with a vengeful expression in his eyes.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the deep tooth marks on his arm, and bloodshot can be seen here. This dead girl is really welcome, the soul emperor level soul master, this tooth mouth is not covered.

Peeking with his right hand, the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag that he casually threw on the ground next to him was inhaled into his hand, and his soul power was poured in. A purple light appeared on the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag, and a crimson fairy appeared.

This is an immortal plant that looks exactly like the petals of a peach blossom, but it is much larger than a peach blossom. The flower is full of fist size and has five petals of peanuts, revealing a bit of violent heat.

Ye Zhiqiu introduced: "This is the Golden Crow Scorching Flame Flower, an extremely sun immortal herb. After refining the medicinal properties, it should increase your spirit power at level five or six, and the power of controlling flames can also be multiplied. Although you don't have the ability to fire now, you inherit There will be an angel deity, and this fairy is very suitable for you."

Qian Renxue glanced at the Golden Crow Burning Flame Flower curiously, instead of taking it right away, she looked at Ye Zhiqiu and wondered: "You seem to know more about the inheritance of Angel God than I do? I don't know that there will be flames after the inheritance. Ability to control."

"To be precise, it is the false real fire of the sun. After eating it, it will not let you control the real real fire of the sun in the future, but at least the power can be strengthened a lot." Ye Zhiqiu handed the Golden Crow Burning Flower to Qian Renxue. .

"You said it can increase level 5 or level 6 soul power?" Qian Renxue blinked with big eyes, "Then you are not afraid that my strength will increase too quickly to bury you?"

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes, "Whatever you want to improve, I might be afraid of your grandpa's strength, as for you..."

"What's wrong with me? Am I weak?" Qian Renxue suddenly narrowed her dissatisfaction.

How can I say that Qian Renxue is also one of the most talented soul masters in the mainland at level 20 innate, so how come this guy tells me that I'm just as good?

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