Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 238 The strong Gu Yuena [seeking subscription]

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Gu Yuena snorted and walked slowly towards Ye Zhiqiu, with the frosty look on her face, as if she really wanted to give Ye Zhiqiu a painful beating.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu immediately took a few steps back with a painful expression on his face, "Don't be messy. If a god-level powerhouse can't afford to lose, he still needs to beat people. This is too much. Don't forget what I mentioned earlier. Condition, no matter when and where, no matter what I did, you are not allowed to beat me..."

Seeing that Gu Yuena still didn't stop, she didn't seem to give up her plan to beat him.Ye Zhiqiu's expression couldn't help but regretted the bet he made before...

This woman is really shameful that she can't do anything about it, and it's okay if she loses this kind of bet, and she can easily become angry when she wins, and she may beat herself to vent her anger.

Ye Zhiqiu's speed is not as fast as Gu Yuena's, and it's useless to run, so he stopped as if resigned to his life.

After all, Gu Yuena walked up to Ye Zhiqiu, her right hand protruding swiftly like electricity, and some savagely grabbed his collar.

"If you want to beat it, do it quickly..." Ye Zhiqiu stubbornly stalked his neck, his eyes closed, he was ready to be beaten.

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's expression of death, Gu Yuena pressed her lips slightly.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was waiting for the beating with his eyes closed, did not usher in the expected severe beating. Instead, a strong force came from the collar and was pulled in the direction of Gu Yuena, and then there was a softness and sweetness on his lips. It has a warm touch in the middle.

This touch...

For Ye Zhiqiu, who was not the first to experience this kind of thing, it was very familiar.

Seriously, he was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that Gu Yuena would really kiss him actively, and he was prepared for the worst.

In Gu Yuena's jerky kissing skills, Ye Zhiqiu opened his eyes blankly, and the beauty of her face was close at hand.

At this time, Gu Yuena was closing her eyes slightly, her eyelashes trembling lightly, her complexion a little ruddy.

Except for holding Ye Zhiqiu's collar strongly with one hand, and touching Ye Zhiqiu's lips with her lips, she seemed very dull about other things.

In this regard, she is completely a novice, even seeming a little at a loss, not knowing how to put her other hand to be considered appropriate.

To cover up the inner shyness with strength is really to save face... Ye Zhiqiu muttered in his heart, and then turned passivity into initiative. As a man, how can women take the initiative in this regard?

Putting his hands out slightly, Ye Zhiqiu placed one hand on Gu Yuena's waist and the other on the back of her neck, gently bringing Gu Yuena's beautiful body into her arms, and hugged him tightly.The mouth also responded with a gentle way of teaching.

The moment Ye Zhiqiu hugged her into her arms, Gu Yuena's body was obviously stiff. After a short while, she gradually weakened. Her hands were also subconsciously, and they hugged Ye Zhiqiu's waist, and the two of them immediately pressed closely. Together.

Next, the 300,000-year-old cuttlefish stared at the huge black eyeballs, staring blankly at this scene, with tears in his heart. This is too much for the two of you, I don’t know if there is a single person here. Is it 300,000-year-old cuttlefish?

In broad daylight, everything is bright.Hug, hug, hug, kiss, me, me, how decent are you...

Under the deep sea, deep purple and milky white soul power entangled and surrounded each other, and this scene lasted more than ten minutes.

At a certain moment, Gu Yuena returned to her senses, and suddenly pushed Ye Zhiqiu's chest, and the two of them withdrew a few steps.Yue Shu Zhai www.yszbook.com

At this time, Gu Yuena was panting slightly, her eyes were a little bit shy in the blur, and a little bit annoyed in the panic, her complexion was crimson, very attractive.

She agreed to kiss for five minutes, and now it has been more than ten minutes before she recovered. She was really ashamed and angry.

Originally it was just an ordinary kiss, and her lips touched her lips. She hadn't reacted so much, but after Ye Zhiqiu used her tongue to push her teeth away, she became a little hot-headed and fell into that strange chasing and avoiding battle, forgetting Time.

It hurts her image, but fortunately no one sees it...

Wait, this big cuttlefish seems to have seen it, do you want to kill it...

Ye Zhiqiu licked his lips, as if he was still reminiscing about what he had just felt. Looking at Gu Yuena's expression with a trace of teasing, he naturally knew that the time had already passed, but the other party did not react to this kind of thing. Isn't it a fool to pierce?

So Ye Zhiqiu just pretended that he didn't notice it.


Ye Zhiqiu’s eyes made Gu Yuena feel a little embarrassed. At this time, she was like an angry child. With a sudden wave of her right hand, a milky white energy match rose to hundreds of meters long, silent and silent. When the seawater on the evaporation path passed by Ye Zhiqiu, the sharp breath pierced his skin for a while.

Ye Zhiqiu was shocked, thinking that Gu Yuena was so angry that she was going to kill herself with one move.

It wasn't until this energy exercise passed by him that Ye Zhiqiu was relieved a little bit of relief. If you, tiger lady, still have a conscience...

"Puffy~" A sound similar to that of the flesh being cut came from behind him.

Ye Zhiqiu looked back strangely, and he couldn't help being surprised by the scene he saw.

The big cuttlefish reincarnated from the dirty soil was actually split into two halves from the middle of Gu Yuena's blow...

"Um..." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Gu Yuena speechlessly.

Gu Yuena arbitrarily took care of the clothes on her body, and returned to her previous cold appearance, "It saw what it shouldn't be, if you dare to tell the story, this cuttlefish will be your fate."

"..." Ye Zhiqiu spread out his hands silently, letting his birth position aside with a casual look, "Forgot to say, the filthy reincarnated person condensed by my fifth spirit ability can not only retain all the strength and knowledge of his life. , And it's still immortal. If you don't get angry enough, do you... hit it a few more times?"

The big cuttlefish that was split in half by Gu Yuena's energy test has already begun to regroup. The paper-like objects formed by the sky and sand are flying, just for a short while, the big cuttlefish is just like Ye Zhiqiu said. , Condensed intact.

In this scene, Gu Yuena's face turned black, and she didn't know if she wanted to attack.

The big cuttlefish was hairy under Gu Yuena's eyes. If it hadn't been controlled by Ye Zhiqiu, it might have run away long ago.

This crazy woman, not only will kill me before I am alive, but even after I die, it's too terrible, too cruel...

In the next moment, it discovered that the human who resurrected it was even more cruel, pulling the soul bone in its original corpse...

The big cuttlefish felt that its original body, at this time, both the body and mind were hit hard, and the animal's life was low.

So cruel...

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