Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 239 Black Jiaoseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Under the deep sea, a 100-meter-long cuttlefish was swimming quickly, and on its oval head, there were two figures standing.

"Xiao Liu, how far is it?" Ye Zhiqiu said calmly.As for Xiaoliu, it was the name he gave this big cuttlefish. Because it has six legs, it is called Xiaoliu.

"It's less than ten miles..." Xiao Liu's voice was a little hoarse, not very pleasant.

The goal of their trip was a 400,000-year-old sea snake. The sea snake fought Xiao Liu in the first place. Xiao Liu's poison had no effect on it, and even the tentacles could hardly wrap around its slippery body.

Under this disadvantage, he was naturally invincible. Xiaoliu escaped only after suffering a serious injury. At this moment, when he had the opportunity, he started a small report. Not only could he complete the task arranged by Ye Zhiqiu, but also rely on them. Hand in revenge.

This big cuttlefish is a ghost.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't have any requirements for the type of soul beast, so he decided directly, let Xiao Liu lead the way, and set off immediately.

It doesn't matter what kind of soul beast it is, it is difficult to deal with, but we have big bodyguards with us, and it won't work for any soul beast.

The last ten miles away in the blink of an eye, here is a rare rocky area in the deep sea, where there are tall black rock pillars on the bottom of the sea. Some pillars have been dumped, but more are still intact, covered with some unknown The submarine plants resemble moss.

The scope of this area is very wide, and the stone pillars have spread to a long distance, overlapping and overlapping, and it seems that the end can not be seen.

According to Xiao Liu, inside this bizarre stone formation is the site of the 400,000-year-old sea snake, without any other soul beasts.

Since Xiaoliu passed by here for the first time, after losing a fight, every time I pass by here by accident, I always take a detour.

But this time, it swaggered in with the six big tentacles and went in proudly, without any intention of hiding its figure.

The spirit beast is very sensitive to breath. Almost the moment Xiao Liu entered the stone formation, a huge black rock pillar in the center of the stone formation area suddenly flashed with a cyan gloom.

What lit up was a pair of lantern-sized vertical pupils, which were faintly blue, and contained an icy atmosphere.

Different from Gu Yuena's icy coldness, Gu Yuena is cold and noble and elegant, so strangers should not come near.And the master of this pair of vertical pupils, cold is cruel and evil, and seems to kill all living beings.


The black shadow coiled on the stone pillar suddenly moved at this moment, twisting the more than 100-meter-long body, and quickly rushed toward the sensed breath.

Its shape originally blended perfectly with the black stone pillars, so it couldn't be real.At this time, it broke away from the black rock pillar, and then clearly showed its true face.

It was densely covered with black diamonds the size of a basin, and the diamonds shone with a faint black cold light. At first glance, it showed amazing defense.

The most surprising thing is that its lower abdomen has grown a pair of vigorous claws, and there are also two small bulges on both sides of its head.

If Ye Zhiqiu were here, he would definitely be able to recognize at a glance, what kind of sea snake is this, what a black dragon.

This is a dragon in the process of transformation. Compared with the snake-like soul beast that has failed to evolve and grows a bull's head, its evolution is undoubtedly more successful, and it has faintly formed the embryonic form of a dragon.If one day practice for a million years, it will surely be able to transform the dragon into success, and the dragon will rise into the sky.

"Boss, it's here..." Xiao Liu said hoarsely, and his big black eyes were round at this moment.123 Literature Network www.123wx.net

As Xiao Liu said, the sea was surging ahead, the undercurrent was stirring, and a huge black shadow was approaching quickly.

Ye Zhiqiu's consciousness swept away, and his pupils shrank slightly. This soul beast was the most similar to the country totem in his previous life among all the soul beasts he had seen when he came to Douluo Continent.

This could not help but make Ye Zhiqiu miss a lot of the past deeply buried in his heart, and his expression could not help but feel a little emotional.

"What?" Gu Yuena looked at him indifferently.

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head, "It's okay, this soul beast reminds me of something, Nana, let's do it, it's time for you to perform."

Gu Yuena rolled her eyes, and slightly stretched out a snow-white finger, a faint light lit up between her fingers.

Ye Zhiqiu stood by, this was the first time he had carefully observed Gu Yuena's spirit ability.

No, this shouldn't be called a spirit ability, because she just condenses it casually.

In Ye Zhiqiu's eyes, this little white spot seemed to be full of light, just like...this is the first light born in the universe.

"This is the law, the law of light."

Looking at Ye Zhiqiu's suspicious and curious eyes, Gu Yuena smiled and shook the small light spot between her fingers and explained.

Then, she casually pointed this finger at the black Jiaolong who was approaching in the distance.

In Ye Zhiqiu's shocked eyes, the originally soft and faint white light spots that seemed to dissipate as soon as the wind blows, as Gu Yuena pointed it out, suddenly became bright, bright and dazzling, full of waves of destruction.

The soft side was hidden, and it seemed to explode with infinite power, and the thick and thin, creamy white rays burst out, and went straight to the black dragon.

The seawater in the passage was completely evaporated, revealing a cavity as large as a washbasin, just like the kind of underwater passage in an undersea aquarium.

In the face of this blow, the black dragon's heart was shocked. Although the light was small, it was because it had been condensed to the extreme. If it was hit directly at the critical point, let alone death, it would be close to death.

At the peak of his hair, Hei Jiao only came and twisted his head to avoid the point.In the next moment, its body was completely pierced from the neck to the tail, forming a large void in the washbasin. The meat in it, including the bones, disappeared in an instant, and was completely evaporated.

This condensed light attribute ray gradually dissipated after a while.

Gu Yuena only delivered one blow, and the 400,000-year soul beast was directly seriously injured, but compared to Xiao Liu's injury that was almost split in half, this dragon is obviously much lighter, and it has the ability to move. .

As soon as the light disappeared, Hei Jiao didn't even think about it. He turned his head, turned and ran, and he sprinkled countless bloody water along the way, which filled the surrounding sea water, making the surroundings bright red.

It is very self-aware, and it will definitely not be the opponent of the person who issued this blow. The two sides are not of the same grade at all, and the other party is likely to be a divine residence.

At this moment, Xiao Liu's big black eyes were a little proud, a little dark and cool, and it was a bit of a shame for the enemies of the past, and the taste was comfortable.

Seeing it was about to run at this time, Xiao Liu shook his six tentacles and rushed to catch up.

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