Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 243 Suspected traces of the Saint [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"..." Zao Wou-ki.

Ye Zhiqiu's gloomy voice caused Zao Wou-ki to shiver suddenly.

The original laugh, as if he was suddenly pinched in his throat, and could only make a "hehe" sound.

What did this kid say just now?Just broke through the soul emperor?Aren’t you just the Soul Sect before?Also upgrade with a big jump?

After thinking about it, when he was still in the old school in Soto City, the 40-level Ye Zhiqiu could push himself into the ground and rub himself. Now he is the soul emperor. If he fights with him, can he still survive? ?

"Ahem, Deputy Dean Qiu, I've been overworked recently. Let's discuss this matter another day... Another day..." Zao Wou-ki waved his hand, gave a dry laugh, and turned his head away.

The speed at that time when he left, I was afraid that it used the strength of the milk to break the limit of the fastest speed in his life, and there was no figure in the blink of an eye.

Gu Yuena glanced at Ye Zhiqiu next to her, and the corners of her mouth lifted slightly, "I can't see that your weak chicken seems to be quite deterrent in the human world."

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes, "You have practiced for so many years before me. If you are as old as me, I will press you on the ground every minute, believe it or not."

"Hey hey?" Gu Yuena frowned. Although she didn't understand the meaning of this word, she always felt that it was not a good vocabulary.

Unable to help, Gu Yuena looked at Ye Zhiqiu's eyes with a hint of danger, and her long and narrow phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was staring at him, felt cold all over.

"Ahem, Nana, the meaning of hey, hey, is very popular in our human world, which means having fun together, don't think too much..."

Gu Yuena's eyes staring at Ye Zhiqiu were still slightly squinted. Would she believe in the nonsense of a shameless person like Ye Zhiqiu?Then she lived in vain for so many years.

Changing her sub-personality is almost the same...

"Ahem...Nana, let's go. I'll take you shopping. Today, I will treat you. You can buy whatever you want..." Ye Zhiqiu grinned and hurriedly changed the subject.

It's just that his old Gao's face swollen after being hammered, this smile is not as pleasing to the eye as before, but it looks very funny.

Fortunately, Gu Yuena didn't seem to care about his name anymore.

I still remember that before, Gu Yuena was very dissatisfied with the name "Nana".

"Huh~ then let's go, this king also wants to go for a walk, and take a look at what your human world has developed into." Gu Yuena straightened her head, identified the direction, and took the lead, with a hint of her mouth hanging Smile.

Ye Zhiqiu cautiously followed behind her, secretly comforting herself, chasing a goddess, destined to be a long journey, and I will search up and down.

Wait until I chase you down, and see how I will fuck you when the time comes...

Together, the two of them walked through the boulevard without delay, exited the Shrek Academy gate, and came to the street outside the campus.

Although this is not the main street of Tiandou City, as the capital of the Tiandou Empire, it is still much more lively than the streets of other cities.

On both sides of the street, there are rows of shops, and there are many hawkers on the roadside selling various items, and the flow of people is not small.

Ye Zhiqiu and Gu Yuena walking together were undoubtedly the focus of everyone's eyes, and the rate of turning their heads was 100%.

One is too pretty, and the other face is swollen and chic, it's hard not to attract others' eyes.

Even though Gu Yuena looked around like a little country girl who had never seen the world before, it did not affect her image of a goddess in the hearts of others.The first Chinese website www.sgzw.net

If it weren't for the strange breath she brought with her, it is estimated that many young people have come forward to strike up a conversation.

Ye Zhiqiu had a headache following her. When the girl saw that things she liked or were interested in, she just took it and left. There was no concept of payment in her eyes.

If it weren't for Ye Zhiqiu to be like a wealthy boy, digging out the Golden Soul Coins one by one behind her, it is estimated that a large number of people would have followed behind and demanded the account.

The attitude of the two of them, in the eyes of others, may be that an inexperienced noble lady went out and brought a butler on call. It was almost...


In the Tiandou Palace, Qian Renxue was reading the memorial with a bored expression in her bedroom, looking a little absent-minded.

"Bang~bang~" A simple and crisp knock on the door sounded.

"In." Qian Renxue said casually without lifting her head.

"Squeaky~" The front door of the sleeping hall was pushed open.

The female soul sage of the Elder Hall who was responsible for protecting Qian Renxue's safety came in a little hurriedly, and after bowing slightly to Qian Renxue, she opened the mouth and said: "Enlighten the saint, it is suspected that the traces of the son have been found."

Qian Renxue moved her hand for a while, frowned and put down the pen, and said lightly: "You can explain to me what is suspicious."

Although the words seemed plain and unremarkable, Qian Renxue had a power that belonged to the superior after being the Emperor of Heaven Dou for so long. The flatter the words, the more dissatisfaction in her heart.

This soul saint has been protecting Qian Renxue for so long, so naturally he understands a little bit about her character, and hurriedly explained, "The next person reports that the person is wearing the costume that the saint child often wears. It seems to be called a royal robe. but..."

"But what?" Qian Renxue stood up, her tone a little impatient.

The female soul sage gritted her teeth, "but the person who is suspected to be the son of the holy son seems to be working as an attendant for a silver-haired girl, and I heard that the face was swollen..."

Qian Renxue:???

That guy's so strong, will be swollen by others?really?

The silver-haired girl?Isn't it a long black hair and long light blue hair?Why is there another silver hair?

No, you have to go and see for yourself, this big carrot, won't you go where to abduct the little sister.

"Let's go, go and see." Qian Renxue immediately decided, and hurriedly put on a thick cloak, changed into Xueqinghe's appearance, and went out.

The two soul saints naturally followed behind to protect them, and along the way, the three people left the palace secretly on the trail behind them.

After all, the identity of Qian Renxue at this time is different. If a country's emperor wants to travel, if he is known by those nobles, it would be impossible not to make the city full of wind and rain.

In order to please Qian Renxue, they only think that the pomp is not big enough, but they don't know what their master really wants.

In order to avoid those annoying flies, Qian Renxue could only use this sneaky method, which really embarrassed her, the Heaven Dou Great Emperor.

The three of them just walked out of the palace wall, the eyeliner arranged by Wuhun Hall respectfully came forward to meet them, and they left straight away with them.

Looking at the direction they went, it was exactly where the Shrek Senior Soul Master Academy was located.

Ye Zhiqiu naturally didn't know that Qian Renxue came to find herself secretly. At this time, he was still following Gu Yuena behind her, silently tasting her pockets.

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