Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 244 [Ask for subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!In a corner of a fairly high-end tea room, Gu Yuena was sorting out her harvest from a whole street walk, and the dining table was covered with various items.

There are everything to eat, play, wear.

Opposite her, Ye Zhiqiu looked helpless, still digging out things from the storage soul guide.

"Nana, what are you going to do next? Do you want to return to the Star Dou Forest?"

Gu Yuena glanced at Ye Zhiqiu and pressed her lips slightly, "Why, you can't wait to drive me away if I only stayed for a day?"

"How could it..." Ye Zhiqiu waved his hand and said with a smile: "If you want to keep it, it's natural to be the best. The big deal is that I will support you. Anyway, I can't use up more money..."

"Heh~" A discordant sneer suddenly sounded behind Ye Zhiqiu at this time.

The young man with handsome eyebrows and a golden swan cloak embroidered on his shoulders wrapped his body very tightly. Only his head was exposed. The young man walked slowly, and between walking, he carried a noble and elegant breath on his body, with a little eyesight. A strong person can tell at a glance that this person is probably born among the nobles.

The tea hall seats are soft sofas, and one elegant seat can seat four people. At this time, Ye Zhiqiu and Gu Yuena are sitting opposite each other, and naturally there is room for them.

This young man was familiar with himself, and sat down directly next to Ye Zhiqiu, folded his arms around his chest, and raised Erlang's legs. His eyes were not very friendly, and he looked at Gu Yuena on the opposite side with arrogance.

"Why are you here..." Ye Zhiqiu was a little dazed, isn't this person Qian Renxue exactly.But at this time it is more appropriate to call Xueqinghe.

Xue Qinghe retracted his gaze from Gu Yuena, and looked sideways at Ye Zhiqiu next to him. After seeing his face, he seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then the yin and yang strange air said: "Tsk tsk, Shengzi is really in good spirits, I haven't been beaten. The person is like this, and I am still thinking about hooking up with my little sister. Looking at the appearance of others, but the emperor is a little greedy, or the holy son cut off his love and let the emperor raise it?"

"Ahem..." Ye Zhiqiu touched his nose in embarrassment, and this girl was jealous when he heard what he said just now.

The long and narrow eyes of Gu Yuena, who were opposite the two of them, narrowed slightly at this time. Qian Renxue’s disguise might not be flawed in the eyes of others, but with her strength, she was seen through almost at a glance, and she realized that this woman seemed to follow Ye Zhiqiu’s relationship is a bit special. Gu Yuena felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, her face sank immediately, and her expression was unkind: "Where is the female doll, you are also worthy to be called my little sister, and you are also worthy to say the support. What the king said is a matter of life and death."

"Huh?" Xue Qinghe's brows suddenly wrung up. He really did not dare to talk to him like this for Emperor Dou Dao for so long that day. Faced with Gu Yuena's sharp words, Xue Qinghe's expression suddenly became a little uncomfortable. good looking.

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly had a headache for this scene where the two women were facing each other.

The two soul sages that Xue Qinghe brought over stood not far away to protect them. At this moment, seeing that their master seemed to want to do something, they all silently stepped forward.

Gu Yuena glanced at them, the disdain in her eyes barely concealed.

Ye Zhiqiu was also dissatisfied and glared at the two of them. Do you think this saint child is not enough for a headache?I'm planning to come up and add some fire, so why are you so lacking eyesight?Cool Record Literature www.ku6cn.com

The two soul sages were glared by Ye Zhiqiu, and they retreated tacitly. Compared with Qian Renxue, the saint of the elder hall, they were more afraid of Ye Zhiqiu, the saint son of the papal hall, and Ye Zhiqiu was also the honorary elder of the elder hall. The position, in terms of status, is a bit higher than Qian Renxue.

"This is not a place to talk, I'll take you to other places." Ye Zhiqiu waved his hand, put all the things on the table away, got up and put the two girls on the shoulders, and a Flying Thunder God disappeared.

Mainly, he was still afraid that Gu Yuena would not be able to help it. If she did it, it would be terrible, she would be very difficult to stop it, and it is estimated that Tiandou City would be defeated.

However, Ye Zhiqiu's meeting with the two girls is not all bad. If Qian Renxue hadn't come here suddenly, Ye Zhiqiu would still take Gu Yuena to see Qian Renxue. This was one of his considerations. ring.

However, because of today's early meeting, the plan in my heart had to be advanced.

The core of the Star Dou Forest, the lake of life.

Ming Erming and the two goods were chatting happily by the lake. On a large rock next to it, a faint to almost invisible red light suddenly lit up. As Ye Zhiqiu's strength became stronger and stronger, he teleported over a long distance. Also getting smaller and smaller.

"Why is this kid here again..." Daming muttered a headache when he saw this scene.Er Ming seemed to be in a good mood. He didn't think much about whether Ye Zhiqiu would come and make trouble. Instead, he was extremely enthusiastic about this human friend who had fought side by side. Ye Zhiqiu's figure has not yet emerged. It lowered its head and brought its huge head closer, trying to surprise him.

"Huh~" The red light dissipated, and three figures suddenly appeared.

Facing Er Ming's big monkey face that suddenly appeared in front of them, Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue were both startled. Gu Yuena kicked it out without even thinking about it and printed it on Er Ming's nose.

"Bang~" Er Ming's huge body was thrown away, and his nosebleeds fell into the lake of life. If it hadn't been for Gu Yuena to recognize this as the lake of life at the last moment, she realized that this might be her subordinate, and took it back. Lai Li, it is estimated that Er Ming is not as simple as leaving some nosebleeds.

Although it was only a short moment for Gu Yuena to make a move, the leaked aura suddenly opened the eyes of the seven fierce beasts under the lake of life, and the eyes showed both joy and worry.

"The breath seems to be coming from the surface of the lake of life, is it possible that the Lord has successfully exited the barrier?"

"The time is not up..."

"Go and see..."

"it is good..."

The black-clothed middle-aged man who was leading the suspected Emperor Tian waved his hand and placed an energy barrier, confining the big silkworm inside, and then took the other six people into streamers of various colors and quickly rushed towards the surface of the lake of life.

On the lake, Xue Qinghe looked at the surrounding scenery, her pupils couldn't help shrinking. The giant soul beast with a bull-headed python body seemed to be the emperor of the forest and the blue bull python recorded in the Wuhun Hall. The one that was kicked just now The great ape, isn't it the king of the forest, the giant great ape?This silver-haired woman could actually kick a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast?It's scary to think carefully.

Gu Yuena looked at the surrounding scenery and was silent for a while, and looked at Ye Zhiqiu next to her with a cold expression, "Why are you taking this king back here? You can't wait to send this king back?"

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