Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 245 A Lot of Little BrothersSeeking Subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Listening to Gu Yuena's tone, she didn't seem to want to return to the Star Dou Great Forest.

"How can it be, Nana, don't think too much about it. I will take you back when the discussion is over." Ye Zhiqiu gently shook Gu Yuena's hand and said softly while looking at her eyes.

Gu Yuena's cheeks were reddened by Ye Zhiqiu's gentle and affectionate eyes. She turned her head to look at the sparkling surface of the lake of life pretending to be calm, and said proudly: "This king is not rare."

At the end of the speech, Gu Yuena also pumped her hand symbolically, but Ye Zhiqiu's grasp was very tight, just because she didn't mean to withdraw her hand.

Xue Qinghe, who was next to him, immediately twisted Ye Zhiqiu's waist a few times in dissatisfaction. She was not afraid of the surrounding environment, but she was a little surprised that Ye Zhiqiu suddenly brought herself here.

Most of Da Ming's a little frightened body shrank under the water. Gu Yuena hadn't seen it before, but it had felt Gu Yuena's breath many times. Naturally, he knew what kind of identity she had, at least among the fierce beasts. One of the kings.

At this moment, the soul beast king who he needed to look up was held tightly by Ye Zhiqiu?Shouldn't she be at the bottom of the lake?What happened during this time?Daming had some doubts that the beast had given birth...

"Wow~" The surface of the water broke open, and Er Ming put his head out of his nose with his palms, "Aoao", seemingly dissatisfied with Gu Yuena's sudden kick just now.

In this scene, Daming's huge body shuddered, and when his tail swung, he pushed Er Ming into the water again, looking at Gu Yuena nervously.

Er Ming's head is not good, so Da Ming has always kept Er Ming's secrets about other fierce beasts. Only he himself knows about these things. At this time, such a thing happened, which made Da Ming feel a little panic.

Ye Zhiqiu raised the hand holding Gu Yuena, shook it at Daming, and said with a smile: "Daming, Nana has a good temper. Don't be afraid, let Erming come out."

As they were talking, seven powerful auras suddenly appeared under the lake of life, and they could clearly feel that these powerful auras were approaching quickly.

Daming hurriedly curled up Erming and retreated to the shallow water area next to him, for fear of blocking the way of the beast kings.Er Ming also noticed those powerful auras. Although he didn't know what happened, the suppression of the aura from the level made it choose to cover its nose as a small transparent.

"Bang~bang~bang~" At this moment, the lake surface exploded one after another, and seven figures sprang out, half floating on the surface of the water, looking around.

When I saw Gu Yuena, I could clearly perceive the joy in their eyes, but seeing Ye Zhiqiu who was holding Gu Yuena's hand suddenly made all the seven frown. This seemed to be... a human?

"Master." The seven came to kneel before Gu Yuena at the same time, and then looked at Gu Yuena with suspicious eyes, and occasionally glanced at Ye Zhiqiu next to her, wanting to wait for her to explain.

Gu Yuena calmly nodded, "Get up, he is just an ordinary human friend."

"..." The seven of Ditian and the others were suddenly speechless, ordinary human friends?It seems that you didn't like humans much before, did you?Not to mention making friends with humans, and now being held by humans...

This intimate look doesn't seem to match ordinary words at all, right?

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the black-clad middle-aged man headed by the seven with great interest. He was a little jealous of this man before, but now he doesn't panic at all.

Ye Zhiqiu asked with a big thorn on his face: "You are the Emperor, right? The main body is a 600,000-year-old black dragon?"

"What about it?" Di Tian's face sank, looking at Ye Zhiqiu's face is not good.Xuefu Novel www.xuefu168.com

Ye Zhiqiu nodded and said casually: "Nana said you are her number one younger brother, so naturally it is also my younger brother. I remember to be better when I see you in the future."

Ditian's face turned dark and angrily said: "Human, I don't know what ecstasy you have poured into our Lord, but if you retreat now, we can forget the blame, otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Ye Zhiqiu looked at him calmly and condescendingly, without the slightest sense of tension on his face being threatened by a 600,000-year-old soul beast, he looked calm and composed.

"Otherwise, you may not be as simple as a blue nose and a swollen face." Di Tian's eyes staring at Ye Zhiqiu gradually became cold, and there was dark black soul power overflowing all over his body. If it weren't for Gu Yuena to be here, he might have chosen to do it Up.

Behind Di Tian, ​​the expressions of the other six figures were also a little unsightly, they were all staring at Ye Zhiqiu, and even the Xue Qinghe beside Ye Zhiqiu had been selectively forgotten.

No way, Ye Zhiqiu, this human being, is too arrogant to them, and he dares to hold their master's hand in front of them...

Gu Yuena didn't say much about Di Tian and the others' hostile attitude towards Ye Zhiqiu. Instead, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips. She looked at the excitement with interest. If it weren't for her hand being tightly pulled by Ye Zhiqiu, I guess Will run to find a place to sit down as a crowd of melon eaters.

Ye Zhiqiu's face turned black, and the bruises on his face have disappeared a lot after so long, but you can still see it if you look closely.

Secretly complaining about Gu Yuena, Ye Zhiqiu looked at the Ditian Seven and rolled his eyes, "If you are not afraid of ruining this lake of life, then do it. I don't mind loosening your muscles."

Although the purpose of their coming here today is not to fight, Ditian and the others obviously disagree with what happened between them and Gu Yuena. The spirit beasts speak with their fists, so Ye Zhiqiu and Ditian will have a battle sooner or later.

If they insisted on fighting today, Ye Zhiqiu would naturally not be persuaded.

Seeing that the atmosphere on the court is getting more and more tense, Gu Yuena faintly said: "Okay, the seven of you go back to practice first, I will take care of my affairs."

"This..." Di Tian and the others all looked hesitant and didn't mean to move.

"Nana, you little brothers are too disobedient. You have to educate. I will leave for a while and bring someone over." Ye Zhiqiu tilted a glance at Ditian and the others, said lightly, and then looked at the person next to him. Xueqinghe.

At this time, Xue Qinghe's expression was dumbfounded, and the news he heard today was too shocking, which made his mind a little confused.

First, they were the king of soul beasts such as the Sky Blue Python Titan Giant Ape, but I didn't expect that they were just other people's younger brothers.

The seven people who came behind, the body called Ditian headed by it was a 600,000-year-old soul beast...

The most exaggerated thing is that they are just the younger brother of this silver-haired woman...

How strong should this silver-haired woman be?I actually wanted to do something with her before...

How come these materials have never been recorded in the Wuhun Temple?

"Xue'er, you wait here for a while, I'll bring someone over."

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