Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 246 I want to determine the world [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!After hearing what Ye Zhiqiu said, Xue Qinghe clung to his arm, obviously not wanting to stay alone.

In his opinion, these people are all dangerous elements, and as long as one of them is unruly towards him, he may not see the sun tomorrow.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "It's okay, Nana is here, her little brother dare not do it."

"That's not necessarily." Gu Yuena glanced at Xue Qinghe with a playful look, "After all, this is not my friend, I have no obligation to help you look after her."

Ye Zhiqiu looked helpless and said, "Nana, don't scare her. You may have to be good sisters in the future, and I have something to do..."

"Fart good sister..." Gu Yuena rolled her eyes, sat down gracefully on the big rock, and fiddled with the clear lake with her jade feet, "Go and go back quickly."

Ye Zhiqiu gave Xue Qinghe a reassuring look, the martial spirit was released, the spirit ring lit up, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Even though his martial spirit was only released for a short time, the pressure from the sixth ring of the gods still caused the keen sense of Di Tian to sink.That breath seems to be the same as your own master?Is this why they can be friends?Could it be that the human being is the same god-level powerhouse as the Lord?

Other people with weaker strengths didn't notice much of this fast and fast aura.

In the sunset forest, in the Shrek Academy team searching for the soul beast, a red light suddenly lit up next to Ning Rongrong, and then Ye Zhiqiu's figure appeared.

Surprise appeared on the faces of all the people present, and Ning Rongrong was even more happily pounced directly on Ye Zhiqiu's body like a koala.

Although Zhu Zhuqing didn't jump forward with such excitement as Ning Rongrong, but the longing and dependence in his eyes was no less than Ning Rongrong.

Except for Ning Rongrong who threw himself in Ye Zhiqiu's arms, Zhu Zhuqing was the closest to Ye Zhiqiu.Ye Zhiqiu's face, even though the swelling has disappeared a lot after the soul power has been warmed up during this period of time, the mark of the green and purple is still clear and braided.

Zhu Zhuqing was taken aback when he saw this, and he stretched out his hand and stroked his face, a little distressed: "Who did you hit by? How did you get hurt like this..."

As soon as Zhu Zhuqing spoke, the others also noticed Ye Zhiqiu's bluish and purple face. They were all surprised by someone who could put Ye Zhiqiu like this, but at the same time they were holding their mouths with a smile.

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes helplessly, and said casually, "I fought a god-level powerhouse for three hundred rounds. Although I suffered a bit of skin trauma, I also caught a lot of oil and water on her. Injury is not a loss."

"God-level powerhouse?"

"What's that stuff?"

"A titled Douluo is not so good..."

Everyone talked a lot for a while.Among all the people, only Yu Xiaogang showed a thoughtful look. He was a little surprised when he looked at Ye Zhiqiu. If what Ye Zhiqiu said was true, it would be too scary. Although he didn't know much, he still I learned from ancient books that god-level powerhouses are the existence above Title Douluo, and each one is a legendary figure in Douluo Continent.

"Okay, keep looking for the spirit ring. I'm a little in a hurry. I'll be back when I'm done. Mubai, you follow me." Ye Zhiqiu put down Ning Rongrong and hooked his finger at Dai Mubai.

"Me?" Dai Mubai shrank her neck, and instead of going forward, she took a step back.Boss Qiu wouldn't be the happiest who saw that he was smiling just now, so I want to beat myself out...

"You're afraid of a fart, it's a good thing..." Ye Zhiqiu stepped forward and put his hand on his shoulder, then turned around and glanced at Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing who had a bit of dissatisfaction on their faces. , We will come back. If you have not found a suitable soul beast by then, I will help you find it." Century Novel Network www.2000xs.com

Nodding to the others, Ye Zhiqiu teleported away with Dai Mubai.


The lake of life in the Star Dou Forest.

Only about five minutes later, Ye Zhiqiu took Dai Mubai back straight back.

As for why he brought Dai Mubai over, there was only one reason, and that was his identity.

With his own help, Dai Mubai's future becoming the Great Emperor of the Star Luo Empire is almost a certainty.

And Xue Qinghe can fully represent the Tiandou Empire.

Ye Zhiqiu said that he could represent the Wuhun Temple, the strongest organization in the mainland, and no one should object.

Gu Yuena naturally represents the soul beast realm.

Some of them are current giants, and some are giants of one power in the future, and the four of them have almost been able to make decisions on behalf of all the forces in the mainland.

When Ye Zhiqiu gathered these people together, he naturally had his own ideas. He wanted to determine the situation in the mainland in advance and change the situation between humans and spirit beasts.

Otherwise, one of Gu Yuena or Ditian will be hot-headed one day, fearing that a battle between humans and soul beasts will kick off.

"This is the person you are going to pick up?" Gu Yuena glanced at Dai Mubai, and when she noticed his weak aura, she withdrew her eyes with disdain.

Xue Qinghe frowned. He knew this person, only a student from Shrek Academy. What did Ye Zhiqiu want to do?

With a wave of his hand, Ye Zhiqiu created a small round table and four wooden chairs on the open space on the side. He sat down on one of the wooden chairs first and pointed to the other three. The position he wants to express is self-evident.

Dai Mubai and Xue Qinghe both came to the side and sat down with a chair. Gu Yuena sat lazily on the big rock, her toes touched the lake unconsciously, her eyes were cold. The breath of staying away came out again, and she looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a playful look, "It was quite rare when you were so formal, why? Looking at your posture, do you want to bring these two weak chickens to negotiate with this king? "

With Ye Zhiqiu's posture, there is indeed a feeling of seeing Gu Yuena as an outsider, and Gu Yuena will naturally not be in a good mood.

Ye Zhiqiu rubbed her temples with a headache. A Flying Thunder God appeared next to Gu Yuena. He bent over and stretched her armpits and legs, in the form of a princess hug, directly supporting her tender body, and hugging her tightly. in.

"So daring..."


Di Tian and the others suddenly became anxious. Among them, the burlyst person, whose aura fluctuated violently for a moment, had already blasted Ye Zhiqiu's back with a punch, even though he did not transform into a beast body with less than the original 7th floor. But that blow was still in full power, and an illusory claw shadow condensed on his fist, faintly trying to tear the sky apart.

The person's body is the Dark Golden Direclaw Bear, and Ditian and others call him Jun Xiong.

Although Jun Xiong is less than 400,000 years old, he has a claw-tearing stunt with terrifying power, and even Di Tian dare not insist on it.

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