You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!"Don't worry about it...dead girl, hurry up..." Ye Zhiqiu spit out these words from the gap between his teeth, suffocating the thought of pressing Xiao Wu into his heart.

The three cold gazes behind made Ye Zhiqiu a little bit eager to cry without tears. It seems that he is going to be busy again tonight...

At that scene, I'm afraid I can't persuade you to persuade...

As a person who came by, Arou naturally understood Ye Zhiqiu’s situation. She was slapped by Ye Zhiqiu with an embarrassed face. Xiao Wu, who was in a daze, bowed deeply to express her gratitude to Ye Zhiqiu, and turned around with Xiao Wu walked away quickly.

Flander, Dai Mu, Bai and Ma Hongjun, winked at Ye Zhiqiu, smiled, and left with the others in the same way.

Zi Ji originally wanted to stay, she felt that she could not leave the Lord's side, but in the face of Ye Zhiqiu's cold gaze, Zi Ji still persuaded, and strayed behind everyone.

Ye Zhiqiu touched his nose until everyone was far away, and turned around with a look of embarrassment.

Gu Yuena looked at him with a playful look, while Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked like you quickly made choices for me.

"Oh, how to choose? It's so tangled." Gu Yuena looked lazily leaning against a big tree by the lake, folded her arms, smiled and looked at Ye Zhiqiu, and opened her mouth.

"Fox..." Ning Rongrong made a face at her.

Zhu Zhuqing stared at Ye Zhiqiu with a cold expression, his eyes never leaving.

What is going on?

Ye Zhiqiu's mind turned quickly, he could hold one at most in one hand, what should I do if he still has one?It seems that it’s impossible to leave this situation and whoever finally hugs into the house will always leave a lump in her heart...

It's really difficult a multiple choice question.

Ye Zhiqiu's right hand was swimming in the void, and in the shallow water area of ​​the lake, a bamboo house built on the surface of the water was slowly taking shape with the swing of his fingers.

In the past, I thought that I could build a house in one breath. It took a few minutes to build the foundation below. This is not because Ye Zhiqiu's strength has regressed. He didn't dare to build it too fast. After the construction of the bamboo house was completed, he was about to fall into a difficult choice.

The three women seemed to look at his joke intentionally, or to see what choice he would make.

The three of them all had a mind to compare at this time, and they also wanted to see which of the three of them had more weight in Ye Zhiqiu's heart.

For Ye Zhiqiu, this is undoubtedly a terrible question.

However, today, the goddess of luck seems to have favored Ye Zhiqiu once. At this time, it is almost late at night, and Gu Yuena’s old problems have committed again at this time. Her eyes are chaotic and dim, the master character is quietly hidden, and the sub-personality is that silly and cute character. He appeared, staring at the surrounding scenery blankly, as if recognizing where his cash machine had brought him.

When Ye Zhiqiu discovered this scene, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Rain in time!

I was sick at this time, and it was so good!

It seems that your chance is here?

Don't get me wrong, what Ye Zhiqiu didn't think was that Gu Yuena would take her into the house when she was stupid.Gu Yuena, the master of Gu Yuena, could see what happened to the outside world. She really did it. The next day, he was absolutely forced to die.

Although this trick won't work, Ye Zhiqiu has another trick. The advantage of her stupidity is that she will not resist.

On the lake surface, the bamboo house that was being slowly built was completed in no time.Jushuku

A soft branch with a thick arm protruded from Ye Zhiqiu's feet. When caught off guard, the branch instantly divided into three. In the trio's bewildered eyes, they tied them firmly, and volleyed them to Ye Zhiqiu's side. together.

"Are you surprised or surprised?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled, ignoring the struggles of Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, mentioning the branches that entwined the three of them, blowing a whistle, and leisurely stepping across the water made of bamboo. Trail, entered the house comfortably.

I didn't leave a single one, I was really witty.

This method can also be used when Gu Yuena's master is asleep, otherwise, with her arrogant personality, she will definitely resist, and Ye Zhiqiu will have a blue nose and a swollen face.

But there is no if, what Ye Zhiqiu thought of was such a way.

The bamboo house has a faint bamboo fragrance. The decoration inside is very simple. The big bed occupies half of the area, and it’s more than enough for five or six people to lie on it. The other half is a large bathtub, plus There is a closet in the middle. In this bamboo house, there are just three pieces of furniture, nothing else...

Outside the house, there are a few lounge chairs and a few small round tables for people to rest. Although the overall look is simple, such a building built on the water and close to nature has a dusty and elegant atmosphere, as if Fairy dwellings are average.

Why didn't Ye Zhiqiu go to the dormitory? One reason is that the beds are not big enough, and the third floor is not enough. The most important thing is that no one will bother living here.There is no one in this backyard, he can play whatever he wants.

Even if Gu Yuena was beaten one day, no one saw it, at least not to lose face...

Ye Zhiqiu, who entered the room carrying the three daughters who were tied together, moved his mind to untie Mu Dun who was entwined with the three of them.

Between the waves, the bedding and clothing he put away before piled up on the big bed.

"The task of making the bed is left to you. I'll get some water and take a bath later." Ye Zhiqiu smiled triumphantly, and planned to go out. The lake outside, the water is very clear, he only needs to drain it up and heat it with soul power. .

"We don't shop."

"Yes, don't shop."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing both stared at Ye Zhiqiu angrily, and shouted.

Ye Zhiqiu's mouth turned slightly and pointed to the obedient Gu Yuena who started to organize her bed. "Learn from others, you don't need to make a bed. When I'm done, I will hit a hundred butts by one person."

Ning Rongrong: ...

Zhu Zhuqing: ...

The two looked at each other, thought about the scene, their faces flushed.If you were beaten in front of Gu Yuena, that would be too shameful, no, no...

Stomping their feet, the two ran to help with their cheeks.

"Fight with me...huh..." Ye Zhiqiu raised his eyebrows proudly and pushed out the door.

Under the moonlight, the shimmering lake followed Ye Zhiqiu's finger hook, and the water condensed into a bunch of thick forearms. The obedient person circled his fingers and walked into the large bathtub behind him.

Ye Zhiqiu leaned against the door frame and looked up at the distance. Tonight's bright moon seemed particularly bright and clean.

If nothing happens in the future, I will live here for nearly a year, right?It seems not bad to be accompanied by the three of them.

I wonder if the teacher in Wuhun City misses himself?

emmm... She must miss me very much, thinking about killing me...

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