Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 259 People from the Martial Soul Palaceseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"How do I feel that she suddenly became stupid?"

"I also have this feeling..."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at Gu Yuena, who was making the bed earnestly but was always unhelpful, and couldn't help being speechless.

If it weren't for the serious look on her face, maybe both of them would doubt if Gu Yuena was deliberate.

"It seems that you can remove the two words." Ye Zhiqiu leaned on the door frame not far away and smiled lightly: "Nana was badly injured and had to fall asleep. Later, after I was awakened by mishaps, it became like this. She looks like her. It’s her master personality that comes out during the day, and the deputy personality that comes out late at night. The deputy personality is a silly and cute person who doesn’t understand anything. Don’t bully her, you know."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other and looked at Gu Yuena who was busy on the bed, and suddenly smiled at the same time.

So this is ah...

Good silly and cute!

You are so arrogant during the day, isn't this a chance for you to get revenge at night?

It's a reincarnation of the heavens, who is forgiven by the heavens.

As for what Ye Zhiqiu said don't bully her, the two of them thought they hadn't heard.

In Gu Yuena's dumbfounded eyes, the two rushed up like wolves, pushed her on the bed, and took off their clothes.

However, the development of the matter seemed a bit out of the expectations of the two of them. Although Gu Yuena didn't know how to use the divine power in her body after changing her personality, her god-level body alone was not easy to provoke.

How could Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, two little fingers with a spirit power of more than 30 levels, break her thick thigh?

Although Gu Yuena didn't know why these two men stripped off their clothes, Gu Yuena could still feel their unkind looks.

Since you pick mine, then I also pick yours...

The idea in her head is that simple.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing should be thankful that they are just picking up clothes. If they want to beat her up, the scene might be a bit cruel...

At this moment, Gu Yuena's arm simply flipped, and in the blink of an eye she threw Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing down on the bed, pressing her legs under her.

The sound of "tearing~tearing~" in this bamboo house suddenly rang in my ears, and clothes fragments were flying.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, almost between one or two breaths, the clothes on their bodies became a cloth hole. This hole is so big that it is difficult to even shame. The basic scenery is revealed...

Both of them are dumbfounded at this time. Didn't she say that she is silly and cute?How can you resist...

Ye Zhiqiu watched the scene that happened suddenly, and was stunned for a while. The scene of these three women picking up clothes from each other was too seductive, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Facing Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing’s grieving eyes, Ye Zhiqiu smiled hard, and said with a straight face: "I told you not to bully her. Now it's a bad thing for yourself. Although Nana's personality has changed, she is also strong. A lot weaker, but the physique of a god-level powerhouse, I dare not say that it can be compared..."

"That's right, they are very good." Gu Yuena made a grimace at the two of them, smiling smugly.

At this time, the water in the bathtub was almost ready, and Ye Zhiqiu walked over to the third girl with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth.Let's talk about Pico www.vvxs8.com

It seems that they have saved the time to pick up their clothes...


The next day, when the first ray of morning light in the sky spilled into this bamboo house through a small skylight at the top, the beautiful scenery on the big bed definitely envied a lot of people.

The four naked and white people huddled together lazily. Ye Zhiqiu held Gu Yuena and Zhu Zhuqing with his left and right hands. Ning Rongrong, the smallest figure, was lying on his chest with his arms around his waist.

The three women casually suggested that one of them is stunning in the world, but at this time they are all like docile kittens, just nestling on the same man. At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu has probably reached the peak of 13 years in his life. ..

Among the four, Gu Yuena was the first to wake up. When she thought of the absurd scenes last night, her face flushed a bit, she couldn't help but squinted at the sweet and sweet Ning Rongrong who was sleeping on Ye Zhiqiu's chest. .

When this girl took a bath together last night, she used the same techniques Ye Zhiqiu had used on her own body, all over Gu Yuena, and she also said that this is the grace from the palace...

Last night, it was Gu Yuena who was the worst bullied. Undoubtedly, Gu Yuena felt very comfortable facing the siege of a man and two women.

As long as she thinks about that scene, Gu Yuena feels like she can't get up in her chest right now, and she really lost all the face she could lose in her life last night.

Although it was not made by her master, the body belongs to her, just like what she did.Gu Yuena felt that if she had a chance to strangle that personality, she would never keep her hands.

At this moment, there was a slight "bang~bang~" knock on the door.

The remaining three who were still asleep were also awakened in an instant.

The knock on the door was still reverberating "banging", and there was no intention to stop. It seemed that people outside the door would keep knocking without opening the door.

The three women also had no time to think about other things at this time. They all got up in a hurry, took out their clothes from the storage soul guide, and hurriedly put them on.

Ye Zhiqiu's face was dark, so who came over early in the morning to find something, he was sick.

Let me go out without beating you to death...

But now, it’s still important to wear clothes...

Outside the bamboo house, built on a platform on the water, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun look laid back, lying on a chair alone, squinting their eyes to enjoy the winter morning sun. When they look at the bamboo house occasionally, they still Will bring a hint of gloating.

The two of them are not pig's feet, they are just leading the way.The one who is knocking on the door now is the protagonist of this trip.

After a while, the door opened with a creak in the constant knock on the door.

"Who the hell is it... Damn it?"

Ye Zhiqiu just wanted to spit out Sabi's face outside the door. After seeing the appearance of the person outside the door, he was stunned for an instant, and he swallowed the rest of the words back into his stomach. He touched his nose with a little embarrassment Said: "Sister, why are you here?"

It was Hu Liena who appeared outside the door.

This time, she was ordered by her teacher to rush over from the Star Dou Forest halfway after obtaining the spirit ring. She has been in Heaven Dou City for several days, and the purpose is to bring Ye Zhiqiu back to the Spirit Hall.

It's just that Ye Zhiqiu has been absent before.He returned with such a high profile yesterday, so Hu Liena came here today.

"Why, I can't come to see you yet? Looking at your tone, it seems that senior sister me is very unwelcome?" Hu Liena looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a smile, but secretly glanced into the house.

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